Confusion about gravity and the fundamental forces

In summary, the four fundamental "forces" of nature are gravity, electromagnetism, the two nuclear forces, and the weak and strong nuclear forces. Gravity is not a force in the same way that the others are, but it is the curvature of space/time itself. The graviton is a hypothetical particle which is analogous to the photon and electromagnetism. The term "gravitational field" is just a tool for explaining the interactions between masses. There is no literal gravitational field, but the presence of mass curves spacetime.
  • #1
I understand that there are 4 fundamental "forces" of nature that we've identified; gravity, electromagnetism, and the two nuclear forces. However, I have been under the impression that gravity isn't a "force" in the same way that the others are. From what I figured, a force is something that has a field which permeates space - while gravity is the curvature of space/time itself. I suppose I was thinking that gravity feels like a force, even though it isn't really.

Furthermore, I've found out that there is a hypothetical particle called the graviton which is analogous to the photon and electromagnetism. Why would a graviton even be necessary? I don't see how a gravitational wave needs anything to carry it.

Adding to my confusion, the term "gravitational field". This is just a tool for explaining the interactions between masses, right? There is no literal gravitational field, right?
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  • #2
i don't think that the hypothetical graviton is necessary from the POV of General Relativity. from the GR POV, gravity isn't a force per se, but is the consequence of curved spacetime as we would observe from the POV of the normal Euclidian 3-dimensional space we normally think of ourselves in.

but even so, it's an "interaction". the presence of mass curves spacetime.

it's just as well to think of it as a force (in the sense that Newton did) when comparing to EM, weak, and/or strong.
  • #3
I don't see how a gravitational wave needs anything to carry it.

Welcome to the club.
Nobody has ever seen a 'field' [wave]'s a theoretical structure we imagine. The electromagnetic quantum is the photon, the gravitational quantum is the graviton which is many thousands of time weaker. Quantum are the local energy excitations of waves...stuff we can detect, like in a geiger counter.

We think there are 'fields' [waves] involved but even in the famous double slit experiment reveals particles...but the pattern of particles strongly indicates underlying waves. So the photon 'carries' the EM field, the graviton the gravity field in quantum mechanics. We use fields to describe forces that interact at a distance. With a push or pull type force, classical physics doesn't require that.

Adding to my confusion, the term "gravitational field". This is just a tool for explaining the interactions between masses, right? There is no literal gravitational field, right?

In general relativity there is no explicit agreed upon 'field'...different people mean different curvatures... the curvature of spacetime. As Wheeler said "Mass[energy] tells spacetime how to curve; spacetime tells mass how to move." Gravitational curvature in Einstein's theory is spread among different mathematical terms, different pieces give different information. Curvature is complex.

Gravity is different because it is the only fundamental 'force' that curves spacetime. The other forces have energy and that energy also has gravitational effects, but the characteristic forces themselves only act on certain the EM force acts only on charged particles.

It's a good bet all the forces are more closely related than we currently understand as it's likely they all originated with the big did space,time, etc. Everything is thought to have been one high energy [unified] entity which decayed because it was unstable...out popped our universe and all it's building blocks... All these entities that we observe today appear separate; exactly how they are all related is a work in name for that idea is 'unification'.

FAQ: Confusion about gravity and the fundamental forces

1. What is gravity and how does it differ from other fundamental forces?

Gravity is a fundamental force that is responsible for the attraction between objects with mass. It differs from other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces, in that it acts over long distances and affects all objects with mass, regardless of their size or composition.

2. Why is there confusion about gravity and the other fundamental forces?

There is confusion about gravity and the other fundamental forces because they are all described by different theories and equations, making it difficult to fully understand and compare them. Additionally, while the other fundamental forces have been successfully unified under the Standard Model, gravity has not yet been fully integrated into this framework.

3. Can gravity be explained by the curvature of space-time?

Yes, according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, gravity is a result of the curvature of space-time caused by the presence of mass and energy. This theory has been supported by numerous experiments and observations, but it is still not fully understood and is currently being refined through ongoing research.

4. Is gravity the weakest of the fundamental forces?

Yes, gravity is considered to be the weakest of the fundamental forces. For example, the gravitational force between two objects with masses of 1 kg each is approximately 6 x 10^-11 newtons, while the electromagnetic force between two protons is approximately 10^36 times stronger.

5. How does gravity affect the behavior of objects in the universe?

Gravity plays a crucial role in the behavior of objects in the universe, from the orbits of planets around stars to the structure of galaxies. It is also responsible for the formation of larger structures, such as clusters of galaxies, through the force of gravity attracting matter together. Additionally, gravity is necessary for the formation and stability of stars, which provide the energy that sustains life on Earth.

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