Confusion about properties of the del operator

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the del operator in calculations and the confusion it can cause due to its properties as a differential operator. The disagreement about the equation ∇ x (Ua) = U(∇ x a) + (∇U) x a is resolved by understanding that ∇ acts on scalars and not vectors. The del operator is not a vector, but an operator, and should not be treated as one in calculations. Different notations should be used for different operations involving the del operator to avoid confusion
  • #1

Homework Statement

I was reading some notes about the del operator, and they make the statement

∇ x (Ua) = U(∇ x a) + (∇U) x a.

However, I disagree with this because it seems to me that in the right hand side of the equation for the second term, the ∇ is operating on a, since a appears after it.

I also worked on some other examples to see if understood the properties of del. For instance, for an arbitrary vector function A and position vector r,

(A dot ∇)r = A and

(A x ∇) dot r = 0.

Both of these examples seem to confirm that ∇ operates on what appears after it (crossed, multiplied, or dotted, but not added or subtracted).

If I expand the right hand side of the above equation, I don't get the left hand side.

I think that the statement should read
∇ x (Ua) = U(∇ x a) + -a x (∇U)

Could somebody help clear my confusion? Thanks.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
I would probably write it the way you do, but botth forms are correct.
  • #3
bcjochim07 said:

Homework Statement

I was reading some notes about the del operator, and they make the statement

∇ x (Ua) = U(∇ x a) + (∇U) x a.

However, I disagree with this because it seems to me that in the right hand side of the equation for the second term, the ∇ is operating on a, since a appears after it.

No, this goes back to the order of operations that you learned in arithmetic. Compute what's in the parentheses first, which is the vector [itex]\nabla U[/itex]. Then cross that vector with the vector [itex]\vec{a}[/itex]. In any case it would make no sense for [itex]\nabla[/itex] to act on [itex]\vec{a}[/itex]. Gradients act on scalars, not vectors.

I also worked on some other examples to see if understood the properties of del. For instance, for an arbitrary vector function A and position vector r,

(A dot ∇)r = A and

(A x ∇) dot r = 0.

Both of these examples seem to confirm that ∇ operates on what appears after it (crossed, multiplied, or dotted, but not added or subtracted).

It does act on [itex]\vec{r}[/itex]. That's because [itex]\vec{A}\cdot\nabla[/itex] and [itex](\vec{A}\times\nabla )\cdot[/itex] are operators, not vectors.

If I expand the right hand side of the above equation, I don't get the left hand side.

I do get it to work out. So perhaps you should post what you've done so we can examine it.
  • #4
The del operator is a differential operator, compare the first equation you gave with the ordinary product rule with a(x,y,z) and U(x,y,z) as U is scalar it can be taken to either side of the cross product without affecting the product.

So the equations you have written at the top & bottom are actually equivalent as you have changed the order of the cross product

have a look at this
  • #5

Thinking back to (A x ∇) dot r = 0.
(A x ∇) is a vector isn't it?

and ∇ is a vector and an operator.

Could you please clarify what you mean? Thanks.

When I expand (∇U) x a, I am doing it like this
(U daz/dy + az dU/dz - U day/dz - ay dU/dz)i + ...
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  • #6
I wouldn't call [itex]\nabla[/itex] a vector. When I say "vector" (in normal 3d space), I mean an element of [itex]\mathbb{R}^3[/itex], which [itex]\nabla[/itex] certainly is not. Rather, [itex]\nabla[/itex] is an operator on [itex]\mathbb{R}^3[/itex]. And so is [itex](\vec{A}\times\nabla )\cdot[/itex].
  • #7
∇ is a vector operator
it is not a vector
treating it as if it is a vector will lead to much confusion
for example b.(axb)=0
b.(∇xb) need not be 0
  • #8
I think I'm starting to understand what you are saying. ∇U is the operation on a scalar function which yields a vector function (gradient), so that really can't operate on anything. However, when you dot or cross ∇ with another vector, that does operate on the terms after it. Right?
  • #9
It is true that the usual ∇ is a right acting operator. Another symbor should be used otherwise. It is very dangerous (as in wrong) to think of say crossing ∇ with a vector, it is much better to think of
as three different operators
then there are things like

FAQ: Confusion about properties of the del operator

1. What is the del operator and how is it used in science?

The del operator, also known as the nabla symbol (∇), is a mathematical operator used in vector calculus to represent the gradient, divergence, and curl of a function. In science, it is commonly used to describe the rate of change of a physical quantity in a given direction.

2. Can the del operator be used with any type of function?

No, the del operator is only applicable to vector functions, which have both magnitude and direction. It cannot be used with scalar functions, which only have magnitude.

3. What is the difference between the gradient, divergence, and curl represented by the del operator?

The gradient (∇f) represents the direction and magnitude of the steepest increase of a function, while the divergence (∇⋅F) represents the rate at which a vector field is expanding or contracting at a given point. The curl (∇×F) represents the rotation or circulation of a vector field at a given point.

4. How is the del operator used in fluid dynamics?

In fluid dynamics, the del operator is used to calculate the velocity, pressure, and density fields of a fluid. It is used in equations such as the Navier-Stokes equations to describe the motion of a fluid.

5. Are there any real-life applications of the del operator besides in mathematics and science?

Yes, the del operator is also used in engineering, specifically in fields such as thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and fluid mechanics. It is used to solve problems and make predictions in various engineering applications, such as designing efficient heat transfer systems or analyzing electromagnetic fields in electrical circuits.
