Confusion on Poisson and Binomial Distribution

In summary, the binomial distribution involves a finite number of possibilities, such as tossing a coin a fixed number of times and predicting the number of heads. On the other hand, the Poisson distribution is used for situations where the number of counts has no limit, such as radioactive decay counts. It is typically easier to work with Poisson when both distributions apply, as the mean is much smaller compared to the maximum possible. In some cases, the binomial distribution can be approximated by the Poisson distribution when the probability is very small. However, for large values of n and p, both distributions can approach the normal distribution.
  • #1
Hey guys,
Can anyone please explain the differences between binomial and poisson distribution.

THANK U>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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  • #2
Essentially the binomial distribution involves a finite number of possibilities. For example tossing a coin a fixed number of times and predicting the number of heads.

The Poisson distribution is concerned with the situation where the number of counts has no limit. An approximate example is radioactive decay counts. However, physically it is still a binomial, but Poisson is used where the mean is very small compared to the maximum possible.
  • #3
Hi, you may think of the Poisson distribution being used to describe the number of changes (i.e., radioactive particles that enter a particular region) for a fixed interval of time. From what I have learned, it is sometimes more simplistic to describe a process with Poisson distribution than with a Binomial distribution, even though in that particular case both could be used. Please correct me if I'm wrong. =)
  • #4
When both apply, it is usually easier to work with Poisson. In the case of radioactive decay, the basic idea is that the mean (of the number decaying in a given unit of time) is very much smaller than the maximum possible (total number of atoms in the sample). Many other physical processes have this property, so the Poisson is used.
  • #5
This is very well-elaborated. Thank you greatly.

mathman said:
When both apply, it is usually easier to work with Poisson. In the case of radioactive decay, the basic idea is that the mean (of the number decaying in a given unit of time) is very much smaller than the maximum possible (total number of atoms in the sample). Many other physical processes have this property, so the Poisson is used.
  • #6
Maybe I'm coming from a different background but Poisson is a counting process so for example if you talk about the number of things happening in an interval, you can think of Poisson as the first distribution (note that the interarrival times will be exponentially distributed). Binomial on the other hand is a simple yes or no process so to speak where each trial is independent. The way the distribution function for Binomial is developed is very intuitive to what it is (similarly with the geometric distribution).

At one point on our exams we had to look at a few results and decide if the underlying distribution was Binomial, Poisson or Negative Binomial. The way we did that was by look at the first 2 central moments. As such:

If E(X) = V(X) then we had Poisson simply from definition of Poisson parameter being both the mean and the variance
If E(X) > V(X) then we had Binomial since E(X) = np and V(x) = np(1-p) and (1-p) < 1 therefore we got our result
Finally if E(X) < V(X) then we had Negative Binomial since E(X) = rB and V(X) = rB(1+B)

Now obviously in the real world there's more than 3 choices and you don't always want to use a discrete distribution.
  • #7
NoMoreExams said:
Maybe I'm coming from a different background but Poisson is a counting process so for example if you talk about the number of things happening in an interval, you can think of Poisson as the first distribution (note that the interarrival times will be exponentially distributed). Binomial on the other hand is a simple yes or no process so to speak where each trial is independent. The way the distribution function for Binomial is developed is very intuitive to what it is (similarly with the geometric distribution).

At one point on our exams we had to look at a few results and decide if the underlying distribution was Binomial, Poisson or Negative Binomial. The way we did that was by look at the first 2 central moments. As such:

If E(X) = V(X) then we had Poisson simply from definition of Poisson parameter being both the mean and the variance
If E(X) > V(X) then we had Binomial since E(X) = np and V(x) = np(1-p) and (1-p) < 1 therefore we got our result
Finally if E(X) < V(X) then we had Negative Binomial since E(X) = rB and V(X) = rB(1+B)

Now obviously in the real world there's more than 3 choices and you don't always want to use a discrete distribution.

The point I was trying to make is that when p is very small (the probability that a given atom will decay in the time interval - radioactive decay process), then the binomial can be approximated by the Poisson, since V(X) will be very close to E(X).
  • #8
Well under certain conditions (such as n is large enough) they would approach Normal as well :) I guess we are just coming from different backgrounds. I know almost nothing of science especially decay processes.
  • #9
NoMoreExams said:
Well under certain conditions (such as n is large enough) they would approach Normal as well :) I guess we are just coming from different backgrounds. I know almost nothing of science especially decay processes.

The binomial will approach normal for large n when p is not too small. It approaches Poisson when np is much smaller than n.
  • #10
mathman said:
The binomial will approach normal for large n when p is not too small. It approaches Poisson when np is much smaller than n.

Really? I was under the impression that for sufficiently large n, both Binomial and Poisson will approach Normal (CLT?)
  • #11
NoMoreExams said:
Really? I was under the impression that for sufficiently large n, both Binomial and Poisson will approach Normal (CLT?)

You are confusing two different situations. I'll illustrate by using the radioactive counting as an example.

When counting the number of decays in an interval, one can consider cases where the average number of decays per interval is "small" (for example around 10). Here the distribution can be considered Poisson, since the number of atoms in a sample is of the order 1024.

However if you are considering a situation where the average number of decays is "large" (for example around 1000), then the Poisson will start looking like the normal.

FAQ: Confusion on Poisson and Binomial Distribution

1. What is the difference between Poisson and Binomial distributions?

The main difference between Poisson and Binomial distributions lies in their underlying assumptions. Poisson distribution assumes a fixed interval or space, whereas Binomial distribution assumes a fixed number of trials. Additionally, Poisson distribution is used to model the number of occurrences of an event in a given time or space, while Binomial distribution is used to model the number of successes in a fixed number of independent trials.

2. When should I use a Poisson distribution?

Poisson distribution is used when the number of occurrences of an event is rare and the probability of success is low. It is commonly used in situations such as predicting the number of customers arriving at a store in a given time period or the number of cars passing through a toll booth in a day.

3. Can I use a Binomial distribution for continuous data?

No, Binomial distribution is only used for discrete data, meaning that the possible outcomes are limited and countable. Continuous data, on the other hand, can take on any value within a range.

4. What is the mean and standard deviation of a Poisson distribution?

The mean of a Poisson distribution is equal to its parameter, λ, which represents the average number of occurrences of an event in a given time or space. The standard deviation is equal to the square root of λ.

5. Is it possible to have a Poisson and Binomial distribution with the same parameters?

In some cases, it is possible for a Poisson and Binomial distribution to have the same parameters. This occurs when the number of trials in a Binomial distribution is large and the probability of success is small, making it similar to a Poisson distribution. However, the underlying assumptions and interpretations may still differ between the two distributions.

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