OmCheeto Retires: Friends Celebrate Success

  • Thread starter lisab
  • Start date
In summary: OmCongratulations on your retirement! I feel lucky to know you.Retired eh? Welcome to the old.Mmmm... yes.Retired? I thought Om was only working on ohmy things, which is basically not working.. [fill the gap]Congrats if that's what you like to do.. [fill the gap]So, what are you planning to do next?... [fill the gap]Nvm, I'm just being pushy. :tongue:Woohoo Om.does that mean you now have time to come visit us all in Australia ?? :wink:cheers
  • #1
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Congratulations on your retirement!


I feel lucky to know you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Retired eh?

Welcome to the old.
  • #3
Mmmm... yes.
  • #4
Retired? I thought Om was only working on ohmy things, which is basically not working.. [fill the gap]

Congrats if that's what you like to do.. [fill the gap]^2

So, what are you planning to do next?... [fill the gap]^3

Nvm, I'm just being pushy. :-p
  • #5
Woohoo Om.

does that mean you now have time to come visit us all in Australia ?? :wink:

  • #6
Where is his retirement cake?
  • #7
Lisa! said:
Where is his retirement cake?



Just read "Om" instead of "Cathy" :biggrin:!
  • #8
I always knew he was a "Cathy".
  • #9
lisab said:

Just read "Om" instead of "Cathy" :biggrin:!
  • #10
Ahh, the new retiree and the new retirement where you take a month off and then go back to work someplace else or if you're lucky the same place with half the hours and half the stress and still enough money to play...

Congratulations Om!
  • #11
  • #12
Time to go to Australia now, the place that is very close to the surface of the sun.
  • #13
I can't understand what's happening in this thread. Why is everyone celebrating when Om retired? :confused:
  • #14
No longer a full-time slave to society. Perhaps a part-time slave, it's an improvement.
  • #15

That is his retirement cake. The resistor :p
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Likes phinds and jedishrfu
  • #16
Good grief! Late to my own retirement party. Thank you lisab, and everyone.

My first task at hand is to clean up my house, and my yard. Both are coming along nicely.

After that, I will turn my living room into a mini-me shop, and build my invention. (I don't have a garage. :cry: )The prototype will involve a bicycle, so it shouldn't turn into too much of a mess.

After it's completed, I will of course test it out, and make sure it works as predicted. If it does, I will start on the patent. Once the patent is filed, I will license it to my first customer. I expect to get between $25,000,000 to $50,000,000. After that, I may visit Australia on my new yacht. When I return home, I will start building my multinational, trillion dollar business. That should take about 10 years. At that point, I will sell my company, dole out the OmCheeto prizes, buy a really big yacht, retire for real, and meet everyone in Bora Bora. I plan on buying it, so everyone can stay for free.


  • #17
Why not skip all that? start a Kickstarter campaign and run off with all the funds!
  • #18
jedishrfu said:
Why not skip all that? start a Kickstarter campaign and run off with all the funds!

That's $3,185 for every man woman and child in America. Do you really think everyone would just give me that much money?

Hmmm... I suppose that since the crowd funding for solar roads has already accumulated over $1,900,000, maybe people are that stupid.

Disco, disco roads... I want to drive on ($56,000,000,000,000) disco roads. (sung to the tune of Macho-man)

And that lady who made $500,000,000 by inventing a new jewelry box. This just proves that money is out there to be harvested.
  • #19
Good bloody grief.

If anyone needs ice samples from the Pleistocene, just check out my freezer.

I think I may have pushed the "repurposing" thing, a bit over the edge.
  • #20
I ll have some for my juice, it's bloody hot here.
  • #21
lisab said:
Congratulations on your retirement!


I feel lucky to know you.
It looks like Whoopie Goldberg congratulated you. :-p

Anyway, Happy Retirement!
  • #22
Borg said:
It looks like Whoopie Goldberg congratulated you. :-p


It's a nod to the Oregon Country Fair, where I had the pleasure of meeting Om in person!
  • #23
lisab said:

It's a nod to the Oregon Country Fair, where I had the pleasure of meeting Om in person!

Which of course, tied you with Integral, for the $200,000,000 OmCheeto prize.

It was originally a $100,000,000 yacht, and $100,000,000 cash. But I decided that land-lubbers might not be into the ocean as much as I, so I decided to let them decide how to spend their money.

  • #24
OmCheeto said:
If anyone needs ice samples from the Pleistocene, just check out my freezer.

Hmm... do you have any from the Pliocene instead?
  • #25
have fun man :)
  • #26
Drakkith said:
Hmm... do you have any from the Pliocene instead?

Given that I have a side-by-side, and haven't been able to bend over comfortably in the last 2.6 billion years, there may be some of that, on the bottom shelf.

I did absolutely nothing yesterday.
ps. Happy birthday bro!
  • #27
OmCheeto said:
Given that I have a side-by-side, and haven't been able to bend over comfortably in the last 2.6 billion years, there may be some of that, on the bottom shelf.

Ah, right next to the ginger ale. Got it.

I did absolutely nothing yesterday.
ps. Happy birthday bro!

Thanks! Just turned 30!
  • #28
Drakkith said:
Ah, right next to the ginger ale. Got it.

Thanks! Just turned 30!

30! I kind of remember my 30th birthday.

Someone took a picture that day.

Ok. The only other thing I remember from that day was being driven home, and beer. Lots of beer.

ps. lisab met the girl on the left at Country Fair a few years back. I don't remember much of that weekend either. (hic!) :redface:
  • #29
Oh, you... :rolleyes:
  • #30
Tomorrow makes 9 weeks.

During that time, people have talked me into doing things:

I went to a birthday party at the coast, and fixed a lawnmower.
A few weeks later, I went to the coast, and caught my very first salmon. (A 10 kg Chinook!)
A week later, I smoked my first Chinook. It was quite tasty. (7.5 kg are still waiting to be smoked, and consumed.)
Then I went to Country Fair. I don't remember anything. :-p

Somewhere in there, I planted a gutter garden.
I decided that gutter gardens are not only cool, they also have advantages:
1. Slugs are too fat to climb the poles
2. Cats don't seem interested in using them as litter boxes.
3. Weeding is really easy when you don't have to bend over. (The garden is about 1 meter off the ground)
4. They are a perfect metaphor for the planet.​

Tending the garden, on a daily basis, and watching the world come undone for the last 9 weeks, I started to appreciate Jerzy Kosinski's movie even more that I did before. (It's one of my favorites)

ps. I think Arild and Megan, the Finn-Swede from my "Day after X-mas story" have ganged up on me. Two of my three cats now seem possessed, and I accidentally planted my moon and star watermelon in the gutter garden, which has forced me to build a watermelon habitrail. :mad:
  • #31
Nine weeks and no sign of missing work :biggrin:.

Sounds like you're having a fantastic retirement - I'm so jealous, and so happy for you!
  • #32
lisab said:
Nine weeks and no sign of missing work :biggrin:.
Zero. As an indicator of why not, half of the people who I worked with, including my boss, had threatened to quit the day I retired. Though only one of the eight put in their two week notice that day.
Sounds like you're having a fantastic retirement - I'm so jealous, and so happy for you!
Well, it's not all ice cream and beer...

My back is recovering slowly. But it always did. I've suffered from on and off bouts of work related sciatica for the last 15 years. But being that I seldom mentioned it, and my boss seemed to be a bit jealous, he worked me like a dog up until my second to last day.

This year, my sciatica manifested itself in a new and hideous way. Every morning, around 1 am, I would be jarred awake with the most horrific charley horse in my left leg. So for the last 8 months, I've had about 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

It's much better lately. But the chronic dull signal from my back reminds me; "Don't go back there. They really don't give a ****."

So I don't. :smile:

Take care of your backs people. You only get one.

ps. Yes... I went to the doctor last year for it. X-rays, MRI, etc. etc. They told me there was nothing wrong. :rolleyes: They said I was suffering from a common ailment, called "old". :-p

pps. I'm estimating another 30 days, and my sciatica will be gone, for good. :!)
  • #33
0nly 30 days till it's gone, huh? You must be close to finding the fountain of youth there, Lazarus.
  • #34
OmCheeto said:
Zero. As an indicator of why not, half of the people who I worked with, including my boss, had threatened to quit the day I retired. Though only one of the eight put in their two week notice that day.

Well, it's not all ice cream and beer...

My back is recovering slowly. But it always did. I've suffered from on and off bouts of work related sciatica for the last 15 years. But being that I seldom mentioned it, and my boss seemed to be a bit jealous, he worked me like a dog up until my second to last day.

This year, my sciatica manifested itself in a new and hideous way. Every morning, around 1 am, I would be jarred awake with the most horrific charley horse in my left leg. So for the last 8 months, I've had about 2-3 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

It's much better lately. But the chronic dull signal from my back reminds me; "Don't go back there. They really don't give a ****."

So I don't. :smile:

Take care of your backs people. You only get one.

ps. Yes... I went to the doctor last year for it. X-rays, MRI, etc. etc. They told me there was nothing wrong. :rolleyes: They said I was suffering from a common ailment, called "old". :-p

pps. I'm estimating another 30 days, and my sciatica will be gone, for good. :!)

It is a bit odd how the sciatica comes and goes. Try pressing on the the pelvic bone just at the point where it starts to curve up and around to the front. Do it so hard it makes you want to scream. Then take a few deep breaths and do it again.

If that cramp in your leg is in the calf the next time it happens put one finger on your upper lip just below your nose and press until it hurts for about 15 seconds. Hey it works for me.

I have a lower back problem called spondylolisthesis. The wonderful world of medicine offered me a brace that went from my nipples down to my gonads. I declined their brace and made one out of the shoulder strap from an old piece of luggage.

Take care and enjoy retirement my friend.
  • #35
Hold on why not first take a bath in a HOT SPRING
in japan and meditate for a few days there.

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