Congratulate Nereid on Her Promotion to Super Mentor - [Company Name]

  • Thread starter Greg Bernhardt
  • Start date
In summary, Nereid has been promoted to super mentor and has received congratulations and praise from fellow members for her well-deserved achievement. There was also some discussion about the roles and responsibilities of different user classes on the forum. Nereid expresses her gratitude and thanks to her family and colleagues, as well as Gerald Kuiper for bringing her to the forum.
  • #1
She's been promoted to super mentor! :smile:
Physics news on
  • #2
Woo-Hoo! Congratulations, you deserve it!
  • #3
All hail Nereid! Hurrah! :approve:
  • #4
Don't mind if I chime in here...

Congrats Nereid...on your meteoric rise !
  • #5
Super! Congrats, Nereid!
  • #6
Congrats, Nereid! You've been deserving this for some time!

- Warren
  • #7
Great news! Congrats to you Nereid!
  • #8
Grats! May I suggest the 1999 Le Moulin Rouge Pinot Noir?
  • #9
Congratulations Nereid!

No one is more deserving! :approve:
  • #10
Great Choice! Congrats Nereid!
  • #11
Congrats Nereid!

  • #12
Nereid is a she? I mean... CONGRATULATIONS NEREID!

uh... I knew that all along... :rolleyes:
  • #13
jimmy p said:
Nereid is a she?

Nereid: (Greek mythology) any of the 50 sea nymphs who were daughters of the sea god Nereus

That gives you a hint :smile:
  • #14
jimmy p,

The name 'Nereid,' in fact, refers to the sea-nymphs of Greek mythology, in the retinue of Poseidon, god of the sea. The sea-nymphs were basically gorgeous women who hung out in the water, riding dolphins and looking gorgeous all day.

- Warren
  • #15
Congratulations to you Nereid !

chroot said:
The sea-nymphs were basically gorgeous women who hung out in the water, riding dolphins and looking gorgeous all day.
I thought there was a rule, about new super mentors posting pictures of the party they had with their friends, when they have the super mentor nomination :smile:
  • #16
humanino said:
I thought there was a rule, about new super mentors posting pictures of the party they had with their friends, when they have the super mentor nomination :smile:
There was such a rule... but them Tom posted pics of his party, and we had to reconsider.

- Warren
  • #17
chroot said:
There was such a rule... but them Tom posted pics of his party, and we had to reconsider.

- Warren


*Tries to burn memory out of brain with a hot poker* :wink:
  • #18
enigma said:

*Tries to burn memory out of brain with a hot poker* :wink:

Yeah Tom's karaoke to "pour some sugar on me" after a few gin & tonics was just really unnecessary :biggrin: :-p
  • #19
Greg Bernhardt said:
Yeah Tom's karaoke to "pour some sugar on me" after a few gin & tonics was just really unnecessary :biggrin: :-p

That was SelfAdjoint, not me. You need to lay off the gin and tonic yourself, methinks!
  • #20
haha :smile:

Congrats to Nereid :approve:
  • #21
Nereid and I joined on the same day and I knew that she was going to be a good addition to the PF team. Congratulations. :smile:
  • #22
chroot said:
jimmy p,

The name 'Nereid,' in fact, refers to the sea-nymphs of Greek mythology, in the retinue of Poseidon, god of the sea. The sea-nymphs were basically gorgeous women who hung out in the water, riding dolphins and looking gorgeous all day.

- Warren

So where do I meet these sea nymphs then? All praise Zeus.
  • #23
Congrats Super Nereid!
  • #24
Just saw this thread.
Congratulations to Nereid! Also I guess one should
occasionally congratulate Greg on acquiring the
willing participation of a knowledgeable bunch of
science jocks and jockesses. It is getting to look like
British Peerage, with various titles.
  • #25
  • #26
Congratulations, Nereid! Wow...a she super mentor? Go girl! :smile:

p/s I'm a girl too.
  • #27
Congratulations to Nereid!

I'm wondering; on a scale from one to ten (where a one would be a visitor and a ten is an administrator) where do the Advisors, Mentors, and Supermentors rank?
  • #28
The truth is, BoulderHead, we have far too many members who deserve staff appointments than we have staff appointments to give. It really wouldn't be fair to anyone to rank a person's contributions solely by their user class.

- Warren
  • #29
It was my mistake for not speaking clearly. I was thinking primarily in terms of any administrator type permissions which might be involved, such as the following guess; Mentors may edit out threads in their respective forums, Super Mentors may edit out threads in any forum, and Advisors I have no idea about.
This got me to thinking of circles within circles, such as a private forum area where the anointed may meet, and perhaps another where the 'super anointed’ may gather in secret. :biggrin: Suddenly a crazy idea struck me; what if every once in a great while a normal member were invited, or should win the privilege, to peruse the inner sanctum for a day, hahaha. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be in a position to walk out of this room and get a life again, but please tell me it isn’t nearly as uneventful as might be imagined.
  • #30
Boulderhead, us advisors don't get any special priviledges or permissions, just a nifty medal to accessorize our lab coats :biggrin: I think you have it right about mentors and super mentors.
  • #31
BoulderHead said:
This got me to thinking of circles within circles, such as a private forum area where the anointed may meet, and perhaps another where the 'super anointed’ may gather in secret. :biggrin:

Well, we do have a moderator's forum for discussing whatever strikes our fancy. I don't think there is another higher one, but I'm not in the know, so I don't know. I am still waiting for the keys to the mentor's private washroom which I was promised...
  • #32
So, where is Nereid anyway? Here we all are, the champagne is starting to get warm, our arms are getting tired holding up our glasses in the toast, and she has yet to appear and give her acceptance speech!
  • #33
Here, ere, I agree, Where is Nereid? An honor long deserved...
  • #34
BoulderHead said:
(snip)administrator type permissions which might be involved, such as the following guess; Mentors may edit out threads in their respective forums, Super Mentors may edit out threads in any forum, (snip)

--- plus, an "obligation" (not really that strict) to wade through all the dreck being posted. Ordinary members don't have to subject themselves to that sort of abuse.
  • #35
No special priviledges or permissions for advisors, undelivered keys to the washroom, obligations to wade...

I'm feeling better already !

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