Conic Pendulum Exercise: Tension and Velocity as Functions of Angle

  • Thread starter Kernul
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In summary, a tether ball of mass ##m## suspended from a rope of length ##L## is given a whack to move in a circle of radius ##r = L sin(\theta) < L## around a pole. The tension ##T## in the rope can be expressed as ##T = \frac{m g}{cos \theta}## and the speed ##v## of the ball can be expressed as ##v = \sqrt{L g tan \theta sin \theta}##. These equations are valid for all values of ##\theta##, including when ##\theta = 0## and ##\theta = 90^o##.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A tether ball of mass ##m## is suspended by a rope of length ##L## from the top of a pole. A youngster
gives it a whack so that it moves with some speed ##v## in a circle of radius ##r = L sin(\theta) < L## around
the pole.
a) Find an expression for the tension ##T## in the rope as a function of ##m##, ##g##, and ##\theta##.
b) Find an expression for the speed ##v## of the ball as a function of ##\theta##.

Homework Equations

Centripetal acceleration
Newton's Second Law

The Attempt at a Solution

This is the picture of how it would be with all the forces and with the y-axis upward and the x-axis going right. (I took this picture from another exercise about the conic pendulum in here)

Now, we know that there is no actual "Centripetal Force". The centripetal acceleration that the mass has is given by the net force of the other forces in play, in this case the tension ##T## and the gravity ##m g##. We know that there is no motion on the y-axis and only a motion on the x-axis, so we have:
m a_x = T sin \theta \\
m a_y = T cos \theta - m g = 0
We can write ##a_x = a_c = \frac{v^2}{r}##.
We can then write:
$$T cos \theta = m g$$
$$T = \frac{m g}{cos \theta}$$
And so we have the tension expressed as requested.
The velocity, though, will be written like this:
$$v = \sqrt{a_c r}$$
$$v = \sqrt{a_c L sin \theta}$$
but we know that ##a_c = \frac{T}{m} sin \theta##, ##a_c = g tan \theta##, and so:
$$v = \sqrt{L g tan \theta sin \theta}$$
Am I right? Or I did something wrong?
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  • #2
Your work looks good to me. It's always a good idea to check limiting cases of your answer. For the cases θ = 0 and θ = 90o, does your result for ##v## make sense? Also, does your formula for ##v## give the correct dimensions (or units) for a speed?
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Likes Kernul
  • #3
TSny said:
Your work looks good to me. It's always a good idea to check limiting cases of your answer. For the cases θ = 0 and θ = 90o, does your result for ##v## make sense? Also, does your formula for ##v## give the correct dimensions (or units) for a speed?
For the dimensions yes.
If I have ##\theta = 0##, I have ##v = 0##. This is the case where the ball is at the same height as the beginning of the rope. It nullifies because there's no force acting on it?
If I have ##\theta = 90^o##, I have the tangent that doesn't exist. This is the case where the tether ball is basically at the center and so it doesn't actually move. Or, to better say, that the two forces acting on it nullify themselves.
  • #4
Kernul said:
For the dimensions yes.
If I have ##\theta = 0##, I have ##v = 0##. This is the case where the ball is at the same height as the beginning of the rope. It nullifies because there's no force acting on it?
θ = 0 corresponds to the rope being vertical.
θ = 90o corresponds to the rope being parallel to the ground.
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  • #5
TSny said:
θ = 0 corresponds to the rope being vertical.
θ = 90o corresponds to the rope being parallel to the ground.
Oh true! I was looking at the other picture.
Thank you!

FAQ: Conic Pendulum Exercise: Tension and Velocity as Functions of Angle

1. What is a conic pendulum?

A conic pendulum is a type of pendulum where the bob (weight) moves along a conical surface rather than a straight line. This results in a more complex motion characterized by a combination of circular and linear components.

2. How does a conic pendulum differ from a simple pendulum?

The main difference between a conic pendulum and a simple pendulum is the path of the bob. A simple pendulum moves along a straight line, while a conic pendulum moves along a curved path. This results in a more complicated motion and requires more complex mathematical equations to describe.

3. What are the benefits of exercising with a conic pendulum?

Exercising with a conic pendulum can provide a more dynamic and challenging workout compared to traditional exercises. The varied motion of the pendulum can target different muscle groups and improve balance and coordination. It can also add a fun and unique element to your workout routine.

4. Are there any safety precautions to take when using a conic pendulum for exercise?

Yes, it is important to properly secure the pendulum and ensure that there is enough space for the pendulum to swing without hitting any objects or people. It is also important to start with a slow and controlled motion before increasing the speed or intensity of the exercise. As with any exercise, it is always best to consult a professional before starting a new workout routine.

5. Can a conic pendulum be used for physical therapy or rehabilitation?

Yes, a conic pendulum can be a useful tool in physical therapy or rehabilitation. The controlled and varied motion can help improve range of motion, strengthen muscles, and improve coordination. However, it is important to consult a therapist or medical professional before using a conic pendulum for rehabilitation purposes.

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