Conical Pendulum: A Level Maths Required?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of a conical pendulum in relation to simple harmonic motion in physics. The speaker is seeking clarification on the mathematical complexity of the conical pendulum and whether it can be understood with A level math. The use of a Lagrangian approach is suggested as a way to solve for the equations of motion. Further resources are recommended for learning the Lagrangian method, including a textbook and an introductory article. It is also mentioned that the conical pendulum can be solved using Newtonian mechanics.
  • #1
i know this isn't exactly homework, but i couldn't find anywhere else to put it!
we've been doing s.h.m. in physics, and when we considered a simple pendulum my teacher mentioned that you can also have a conical pendulum, but the maths for it is more complicated. i want to know more about this - is it something i could understand with A level maths? (differential equations, vectors, integration by parts, by substitution, inverse trig, functions, basic mechanics) I'm not adverse to learning new maths - i have a whole six weeks of holiday to come.
what does anyone think?
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  • #3
hah, this is quite and ugly problem if you are trying to determine the equations of motion. My best advice to you is to use the Largrangian approach as all the forces acting on the pendulum (assuming no drag or dampers) are conservative forces. This is to say that...

L = T - V

T = 1/2*m*(Vinertal dot Vinertial)
V = potential energy

V = -m*g*h
where h is the displacement from the pivot to the mass dotted with the vertical. If we measure the angle the pendulum makes with the vertical to be phi and the rotation angle in the horizontal plane to to be theta of a pendulum with length L then we simply find h = L*sin(phi)

I will leave T up to you, it is a measure of the kinetic energy. Since we have a particle there is no rotational energy as particles essentiall have no moment of inertia about their CM. The kinetic energy term is somewhat ugly in this equation.

Finally to find the EOMs apply

d/dt(dL/dthetadot) - dL/theta = 0 for the equation of motion in theta
d/dt(dL/dphidot) - dL/dphi = 0 for the EOM in phi

notice that theta and phi are implicit functions of time so the time derivatives will NOT vanish in the Euler-Lagrange equations (these are the two equations stated above)

On a side note, if non-conservative forces exist or if there are constraints, these terms appear on the right hand side of the equation replacing the zero

On a side note if you wish to learn of this method in a introductory way, either email me, I have several problems worked if you like learning by example or purcahse the following text. Its somewhat difficult but you will learn a lot - I used it in one of my graduate level courses.

Principles of Dynamics by Donald Greenwood (currently in its 2nd edition)
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  • #4
DLinkage's suggestion about using a Lagrangian is well taken but you'll have to learn at least how to apply the Lagrangian method first (see for some links).

If you are unfamiliar with the calculus of variations/functionals, you can either use the textbook DLinkage has suggested (I have not seen it so I can't say how it is organized) or you can take a leap and read this introductory article: to get a hang of what this 'new' thing is about. I strongly advise reading this need nothing more to read it than what you already know.

Finally, the conical pendulum does permit a Newtonian solution and if the wikipedia site given by neutrino isn't sufficiently detailed or explanatory, then please do read the section on conical pendulum in Classical Mechanics by Kleppener and Kolenkow (a friendly and easy-to-find book in the library/bookstores). Once you know how to solve the problem without using a Lagrangian, you can dive right into the Lagrangian method and appreciate its power. I always feel that knowing how Newtonian mechanics works first enables you to understand and appreciate the power of more advanced methods.
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FAQ: Conical Pendulum: A Level Maths Required?

1. What is a conical pendulum?

A conical pendulum is a type of pendulum in which the weight or bob moves in a circular motion rather than a straight line. It is typically suspended from a fixed point and swings in a cone shape rather than a back-and-forth motion.

2. How is a conical pendulum different from a regular pendulum?

A regular pendulum moves in a straight line, while a conical pendulum moves in a circular motion. Additionally, a conical pendulum is affected by both gravity and the tension of the string, whereas a regular pendulum is only affected by gravity.

3. What are the factors that affect the motion of a conical pendulum?

The motion of a conical pendulum is affected by the length of the string, the mass of the bob, the angle at which the string is suspended, and the initial speed of the bob.

4. What is the equation for the period of a conical pendulum?

The equation for the period of a conical pendulum is T = 2π√(L/g), where T is the period, L is the length of the string, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

5. How is "A Level Maths" required for understanding a conical pendulum?

A Level Maths is required for understanding a conical pendulum because it involves using trigonometry and circular motion equations to calculate the motion of the pendulum. Without a solid understanding of these mathematical concepts, it can be difficult to fully comprehend the behavior of a conical pendulum.

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