Conjecture regarding perfect numbers.

In summary, the conversation revolves around the discovery of a pattern involving perfect numbers and their representation as the sum of distinct powers of 2 or 3. The conjecture is that every even perfect number minus one can be represented in this way. However, the speaker does not have enough time to verify this conjecture and hopes that someone with programming skills can help. The conversation also touches on the number of known perfect numbers and the difficulty of checking the conjecture for all of them. The speaker also mentions a book that may interest the listener.
  • #1
Gold Member
From taking breaks from preparing for a talk I have in geometry, I started toying a little bit with perfect numbers.

We all know that 3^3+4^3+5^3=216=6^3

This and the well known pythogrean triplet 3^2+4^2=5^2.

So I thought of toying a little bit with powers of three and two, and I found by coincidence that:
3^3+5^3+7^3=495= 496 -1 , where we all know that 496 is a perfect number.

Then I thought ridicuosly that this can happen also for other perfect numbers, but to no a veil, for 6 we can't have powers of three which are distinct from each other, but we do have powers of 2, 6-1=2^2+1^2.

So I thought to myself, maybe every perfect number minus 1 can be represented as powers of 3 or 2 of distinct natural numbers.

For 28 we have 28-1=3^3=27.

For 8128 we have 8128-1=19^3+8^3+7^3+6^3+5^3+4^3+2^3.

All the above is sheer luck and coincidence, but this raises the conjecture:

Every (even) perfect number minus one can be represented as a sum of distinct powers of 2 or 3

I don't have enough time to check for the next perfect number.

I did the last calculation via google, check me that I don't have mistakes.
Is this already known?
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  • #2
MathematicalPhysicist said:
From taking breaks from preparing for a talk I have in geometry, I started toying a little bit with perfect numbers.

We all know that 3^3+4^3+5^3=216=6^3

This and the well known pythogrean triplet 3^2+4^2=5^2.

So I thought of toying a little bit with powers of three and two, and I found by coincidence that:
3^3+5^3+7^3=495= 496 -1 , where we all know that 496 is a perfect number.

Then I thought ridicuosly that this can happen also for other perfect numbers, but to no a veil, for 6 we can't have powers of three which are distinct from each other, but we do have powers of 2, 6-1=2^2+1^2.

So I thought to myself, maybe every perfect number minus 1 can be represented as powers of 3 or 2 of distinct natural numbers.

For 28 we have 28-1=3^3=27.

For 8128 we have 8128-1=19^3+8^3+7^3+6^3+5^3+4^3+2^3.

All the above is sheer luck and coincidence, but this raises the conjecture:

Every (even) perfect number minus one can be represented as a sum of distinct powers of 2 or 3

I don't have enough time to check for the next perfect number.

I did the last calculation via google, check me that I don't have mistakes.
Is this already known?

If you don't have enough time to check your own conjecture, and verify it is a

sound one, what makes you think others will invest the needed time?

I, for one, don't know about any results in this direction.

  • #3
No need to be angry, Don.

I just seen something at the first four perfect numbers, the next perfect number is of 8 digits.

I don't know how to even start guessing for such a number such a representation.

Anyway, what makes a conjecture a sound one? There aren't a lot of perfect numbers known to us, and those that are huge.

I don't know how to even start programming a code that checks for such a representation.

So I posed this conjecture in hope that someone who is better than me in coding will test this for the next perfect number and so on.
Oh, wait I think I have an idea of how to check this in a code, not sure, if anyone can help me on this that would be superb.

I start with a perfect number, subtract from it the number 1, and then I try to use here some loop to subtract from this number distinct powers of 2 or distinct powers of 3 until I come to the number zero in which case I am done, and then the programme should print the powers. Any programmer in the audience, I am a bit rusty with this.
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  • #4
These are the numbers that are the sums of distinct squares:
These are the numbers that are not:

And these that are the sums of distinct cubes:
These are the numbers that are not:

From manually checking (so there might be a mistake or two), the only numbers that are in neither the sum of distinct squares or the sum of distinct cubes are:


Making your conjecture true, but not very impressive =]
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  • #5
Thanks, abacus.

I guess there's a long long way until I'll have something new and meaningful to say in mathematics.
  • #6
Hello Mathematical Physicist.May I recommend the following book which I guess you will find interesting:

  • #7
MathematicalPhysicist said:
No need to be angry, Don.


Uh? Why would I be angry? I don't get it...

I just seen something at the first four perfect numbers, the next perfect number is of 8 digits.

I don't know how to even start guessing for such a number such a representation.

Anyway, what makes a conjecture a sound one? There aren't a lot of perfect numbers known to us, and those that are huge.

Well, there are about 47 known perfect numbers, which you can check here

A sound conjecture about them would imply to check the conjecture for them all, say. I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not

saying it's cheap or fast, but that's the way things are. If you've access to some computing resources in some university or

stuff then you might get some help there.
I don't know how to even start programming a code that checks for such a representation.

So I posed this conjecture in hope that someone who is better than me in coding will test this for the next perfect number and so on.
Oh, wait I think I have an idea of how to check this in a code, not sure, if anyone can help me on this that would be superb.

I start with a perfect number, subtract from it the number 1, and then I try to use here some loop to subtract from this number distinct powers of 2 or distinct powers of 3 until I come to the number zero in which case I am done, and then the programme should print the powers. Any programmer in the audience, I am a bit rusty with this.

That's an idea. Good luck and try it, as it seems doable even with not a a huge computer.

  • #8
MathematicalPhysicist said:
All the above is sheer luck and coincidence, but this raises the conjecture:

Every (even) perfect number minus one can be represented as a sum of distinct powers of 2 or 3

In the spirit of trivial, but true...

Any odd 1-Perfect Number or any even 2-Perfect Number is expressible as the difference between 2 distinct powers of 2.

e.g. 1 = 2- 1, 6 = 8 - 2, 28 = 32 - 4, 496 = 512 - 16, 8128 = 8192 - 64
  • #9
You have piqued my curiosity. I must go to meet a friend, but I will be distracted by trying to figure some of this stuff out. What I can tell you with certainty is that all perfect numbers greater than 6 can be written as the difference of two squares and the same holds for all perfect numbers minus 1. I will see if I can formulate anything from there. (If you would like proof of those claims, I can supply them).
  • #10
The only progress I have had is not much. I can say that in order for the perfect number to be a sum of squares, if there are any odd squares involved, there must be multiples of 4.(because all perfect numbers >6 are divisible by 4 and all odd squares are of the form 4n+1). I have a few other identities formed, but none of them have led me to a proof.
  • #11
FWIW, all Mersenne Prime Exponents > 3 are congruent to 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 or 23 (mod 24), which happens to be the automorphism group for 24 (8 total self-mappings). This follows from the fact that all Mersenne Prime exponents are prime and therefore follow the form n = 6x +/- 1 for n >3.

- AC
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FAQ: Conjecture regarding perfect numbers.

1. What is a perfect number?

A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its proper divisors (positive divisors excluding itself). In other words, the sum of all the divisors of a perfect number, excluding itself, is equal to the number itself.

2. How many perfect numbers are there?

As of 2021, there are 51 known perfect numbers. The first four are 6, 28, 496, and 8128. It is unknown if there are any other perfect numbers beyond these 51.

3. What is the conjecture regarding perfect numbers?

The conjecture regarding perfect numbers is that all even perfect numbers are of the form 2p-1(2p - 1), where 2p - 1 is a prime number (known as a Mersenne prime) and p is a prime number. This is known as the "Euclid-Euler theorem" and has been verified for all known perfect numbers.

4. What progress has been made towards proving the conjecture?

While the conjecture has been verified for all known perfect numbers, it has not been proven to be true for all even perfect numbers. The search for new perfect numbers and Mersenne primes is ongoing, and advances in computing power have allowed for the discovery of larger perfect numbers. However, it is still an open question whether or not the conjecture is true for all even perfect numbers.

5. Why are perfect numbers important?

Perfect numbers have intrigued mathematicians for centuries due to their unique properties and patterns. They have connections to other areas of mathematics, such as number theory and algebra. Additionally, the search for new perfect numbers and Mersenne primes has led to advancements in computing and algorithms. Perfect numbers also have applications in cryptography and coding theory.

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