(connected and locally path-connected) => (path-connected)

  • Thread starter quasar987
  • Start date
In summary, The conversation discusses proving a result for a metric space that is connected and locally path connected, implying path connectedness. The person posting has some doubts about their proof and is seeking confirmation that it holds in a general topological space. They also express interest in hearing about other methods of proof for this result. After further examination, they are now confident in their proof and believe it holds in a general topological space.
  • #1
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Homework Statement

I'm asked to show that for a metric space M, (connected and locally path connected) ==> (path connected).

The reason for my post is 3-fold.

1) Not 100% sure my solution is correct.
2) Want confirmation that my proof holds in a general topological space.
3) I'm interested in hearing about other methods of proof for this result.

The Attempt at a Solution

Let a be in M and let U be the biggest path-connected open nbhd of a. If U is all of M, then there is nothing to show. If U is not all of M, then first observe that bd(U), the boundary of U, is not empty. If it were, then U would be open and closed, which contradicts the fact that M is connected.

So let x be in bd(U). x must not be in U, otherwise, U would not be open. But since M is locally path-connected, there is an open nbhd V of x that is path-connected and that intersects U. This leads to a contradiction, either because it means x is in U or because U u V is a bigger path-connected open nbhd of a than U is.
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  • #2
Well now I'm 100% sure that it's correct and I am even more convinced that it holds in a general topological space. My only doubt was related to this part:

If U is not all of M, then first observe that bd(U), the boundary of U, is not empty. If it were, then U would be open and closed, which contradicts the fact that M is connected.

that I had proven using 'cl(A)=A u bd(A)'. But I now see clearly that it also holds in a general topological space: If bd(U) is empty, then M\U is closed because U is open and is open also because let y be in M\U. there must be a nbhd W of y that is entirely contained in M\U because the contrary would mean that y is in bd(M\U)=bd(U) ==><==.

FAQ: (connected and locally path-connected) => (path-connected)

What is the definition of connected and locally path-connected?

Connected and locally path-connected are two separate properties of a topological space. A space is connected if it cannot be divided into two nonempty subsets that are both open and disconnected. A space is locally path-connected if for every point in the space, there exists a neighborhood around that point that is path-connected.

What does the implication (connected and locally path-connected) => (path-connected) mean?

This implication means that if a space is both connected and locally path-connected, then it must also be path-connected. In other words, these two properties together imply the third property of path-connectedness.

How is this implication useful in topology?

This implication is useful because it allows us to prove that a space is path-connected by only showing that it is connected and locally path-connected. This can often be easier than directly proving path-connectedness.

Are there any counterexamples to this implication?

Yes, there are counterexamples to this implication. A classic example is the topologist's sine curve, which is connected and locally path-connected, but not path-connected.

How is this implication related to the concept of path-components?

This implication is closely related to the concept of path-components. If a space is path-connected, then it has only one path-component. But if a space is connected and locally path-connected, it may have multiple path-components. This implication essentially says that if a space has only one path-component, then it must also be path-connected.
