Connecting Electric Potential and Thermal Energy

In summary, the question asks how much water can be boiled away in a tree that only absorbs 5% of a lightning bolt's energy, given the potential difference between the cloud and the tree is 150 MV and the tree is at 30 degrees C. Using the equations V = PE/q and Q = MC delta T, along with the specific heat of water and its heat of vaporization, it is possible to calculate the mass of water that can be boiled away. However, this calculation may need to be adjusted if the assumption is made that the potential difference between the cloud and the ground is zero after the lightning strike.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The question states:

You notice a thuderstorm and calculate the Potential Difference between a cloud and a tree to be 150 MV. You know that a lightning bolt delivers 60 C of charge. If the tree only absorbs 5% of the energy of this lightning bolt, with the rest going to the ground, if they tree is at 30 degrees C, how much water can be boiled away within the tree? Water has a specific heat of 4186 K/Kg degrees C, and boiling point is 100 degrees C, heat of vaporization is 2.26 x 10^6 J/Kg

Homework Equations

V = PE/q
Q=MC delta T
Q = ML

There must be something with Density, but I'm not completely sure.

The Attempt at a Solution

I figured out using V = PE/q (Solving for PE) that the Potential Electric Energy is 9 x 10^9, and that 5% of that is 45 x 10^7 (I'm pretty sure that's correct, but if I'm wrong let me know). From there, I'm not all to sure where to go since I'm not given an initial mass or a final temperature. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2

could make the assumption all of the 5% goes towards boiling water (and only that) & use that info to work out a mass...
  • #3
I do know that the answer is 88.1 kg (we're given the answer so we can work out the process), which is something I forgot to add earlier.
  • #4
first work out how much energy it takes to boil 1kg, this is heating the water 70degC the vaporising it

then divide the 5% of electrical energy by this value & it will give you the mass of water you can boil

equivalent to writing
0.05*PE = M*(c.dT + L) and solving for M
  • #5
Thats what I had thought to do, but the number ends up being too high, maybe I have the wrong PE?
  • #6
yeah seems to be twice as big, so maybe we assume the potential difference between the cloud & gorund is zero after the strike, this means V vareis linearly from 150MV to zero as the charge is is treansferred giving,

then the energy is W = [tex]\int[/tex]v.dq

with v(q) = V0.(q-q0)/q0
and integrate from 0 to q0

which gives PE = V0.q0/2

so effectively the cloud ground system is working like a capacitor with Capacitance q0/V0

FAQ: Connecting Electric Potential and Thermal Energy

1. How are electric potential and thermal energy connected?

Electric potential and thermal energy are connected through the flow of electrons. When an electric current passes through a conductor, the electrons collide with the atoms in the material, creating friction and generating heat energy. This heat energy is a form of thermal energy, which is directly related to the amount of electric potential or voltage applied to the conductor.

2. Why is it important to understand the relationship between electric potential and thermal energy?

Understanding the relationship between electric potential and thermal energy is important because it helps us to better manage and control the flow of electricity. By understanding how electric potential can affect thermal energy, we can design more efficient electrical systems and prevent damage from overheating.

3. How does increasing the electric potential affect thermal energy?

Increasing the electric potential, or voltage, increases the amount of thermal energy generated in a circuit. This is because higher voltage means more electrons are flowing, resulting in more collisions and more heat energy being produced. It is important to carefully consider and control the voltage in a circuit to prevent overheating and potential damage.

4. Can thermal energy be converted into electric potential?

Yes, thermal energy can be converted into electric potential through a process called thermoelectric conversion. This involves using a thermoelectric material, such as a semiconductor, that can convert temperature differences into voltage. This technology is used in devices such as thermocouples and thermoelectric generators.

5. How does thermal energy affect the resistance of a material?

Thermal energy can increase the resistance of a material, making it more difficult for electric current to flow through. This is because as the temperature of a material increases, the atoms vibrate more, creating more obstacles for the electrons to pass through. This increase in resistance can also lead to an increase in thermal energy, creating a positive feedback loop that can cause materials to overheat if not properly managed.
