Connection between precession and resonance frequencies?

In summary: I think it would be more helpful to look at a video that actually demonstrates the phenomenon in question.
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I'm brushing up on my knowledge behind the physics of NMR. Turns out there was a lot I had misconceptions about; I thought it was very similar to absorbance/transmittance spectroscopy. I read some material about it which threw that idea out the window. I'm now looking at a video that shows a mechanical analogue of the phenomenon:

At about 5:20 in the video, the lector notes that in order to induce detectable precession in a "ground state" wheel, a torque must be applied that is perpendicular to the external torque (gravity) and of the same frequency as the precession frequency. He states that this is the resonance frequency and this confuses me greatly. Whenever I read about resonance, it was always in the context of a photon of a certain frequency which can induce a state transition. How then does this apply in the situation in the video?

I feel like I have all of the components of the explanation in my head but I just can't order them in such a way that they will make sense to me now, and again tomorrow when I wake up. I'm kind of grasping at the picture. I get that the perpendicular torque must change its direction at the same frequency (larmor frequency?) as the precession of the wheel. I get that this torque will then change the orientation of the wheel to a high energy state. However, there are many high energy states that can be achieved by the application of this torque. Can it still be the "resonance" frequency if it causes the wheel to go to between various states?

A-ha! The larmor frequency is the same no matter which orientation the wheel is brought to. Is this the trick I've been missing? The frequency of the torque that brings the wheel to any horizontal state is the same as that which will then bring it to the highest energy vertical state if it continues to be applied. Is that the key? Sorry, I'm sure this post is extremely rambly; I'm trying to fit all the pieces together in my head. If someone has the time, could you please lay it out for me simply?

P.S. Angular momentum is magic. You can come to me with all the formulae and cross products in the world that show L = I X w. You can tell me that momentum must be conserved. The fact that an L vector exists, and the "force" that drives its conservation is strong enough to keep the wheel vertical in face of gravity, is magic to me. It goes against all of my intuition.
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Physics news on
  • #2
Roo2 said:
P.S. Angular momentum is magic. You can come to me with all the formulae and cross products in the world that show L = I X w. You can tell me that momentum must be conserved. The fact that an L vector exists, and the "force" that drives its conservation is strong enough to keep the wheel vertical in face of gravity, is magic to me. It goes against all of my intuition.

Responding to the PS rather than to the actual question:

Since you use the word "wheel" I assume you are talking about macroscopic mechanics.
It is in fact possible to acquire an intuitive understanding of gyroscope motion. The key is to take advantage of the symmetries of the setup.

Earlier discussion (by me) on physicsforums:
A post from november 2010 about". Illustrated with images. Just a qualitative discussion.

More detailed discussion (including math) is in the" article on my website.
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  • #3
Roo2 said:

At about 5:20 in the video, the lector notes that in order to induce detectable precession in a "ground state" wheel, a torque must be applied that is perpendicular to the external torque (gravity) and of the same frequency as the precession frequency. He states that this is the resonance frequency and this confuses me greatly. Whenever I read about resonance, it was always in the context of a photon of a certain frequency which can induce a state transition. How then does this apply in the situation in the video?

If memory serves me hydrogen nuclei have just two orientation states in the presence of a magnetic field: aligned and counter-aligned.

Of course that in itself cannot be understood/described classically. In terms of classical mechanics inbetween angles are possible too. Also, in terms of classical mechanics the counter-aligned state is inherently unstable.

Generally we don't know what the transition between quantum states is. For instance, when an electron shifts to another orbital level it's not a gradual process. If anything it's an instantaneous jump.

It seems to me that in that video the analogy is overstretched. I don't think it's helpful.
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FAQ: Connection between precession and resonance frequencies?

1. What is the connection between precession and resonance frequencies?

The connection between precession and resonance frequencies lies in the physical phenomenon known as resonance. When a system experiences a periodic force or disturbance at its natural frequency, it will undergo resonance and exhibit increased oscillations. This can also occur when the system is subjected to a precessional motion, as it may experience a periodic force at its natural precession frequency, leading to resonance.

2. How does precession affect resonance frequencies?

Precession can affect resonance frequencies by changing the natural frequency of a system. This is because the precession introduces an additional periodic force or motion that can interact with the system's natural frequency. As a result, the resonance frequency may shift or change in response to the precession.

3. Can precession and resonance frequencies be observed in everyday objects?

Yes, precession and resonance frequencies can be observed in everyday objects. For example, a spinning top exhibits precession and resonance frequencies as it spins on its axis. Similarly, musical instruments have natural frequencies that can be affected by precession, leading to resonance.

4. How are precession and resonance frequencies important in scientific research?

Precession and resonance frequencies are important in scientific research because they are fundamental concepts in fields such as physics and engineering. Understanding how precession affects resonance frequencies can help engineers design more efficient and stable structures, while studying resonance can provide insights into the behavior of complex systems.

5. Are there any real-life applications of the connection between precession and resonance frequencies?

Yes, there are many real-life applications of the connection between precession and resonance frequencies. Some examples include the use of resonance in musical instruments, the design of earthquake-resistant buildings, and the development of high-speed trains that use magnetic levitation technology. Precession and resonance frequencies also have applications in satellite navigation and communication systems.
