Consecutive logic gates voltage loss

In summary: V drop across a series resistor.Ah, good point. And be sure to use a series current-limiting resistor. Check what the Iout capability of the 74HC family is (it's not much), and add a resistor in series to limit the output current to that max Iout. You will get about a 2V drop across the LED, so assume a 3V drop across the resistor to help you choose the value of the resistor using V=IR.2V is about right for a logic gate connected directly to an LED (bad form )...assuming a 3V drop across a series resistor.
  • #1

I am introducing myself to logic circuits and I want to build a network of logic gates (CMOS) that have push buttons as inputs and LEDs as ouputs. At most there are 4 gates between a button and a LED. However, at the inputs of the 4th gate, which is a AND gate, I measure 4 V and 4 V, but the output I get is only 2 volts. I don't understand why. I use Vcc = 5 V.

Maybe 4 V isn't considered a 1 and I need to boost the inputs to 5 V? If this is so, how can I do that?

Thank you.
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  • #2
damosuz said:

I am introducing myself to logic circuits and I want to build a network of logic gates (CMOS) that have push buttons as inputs and LEDs as ouputs. At most there are 4 gates between a button and a LED. However, at the inputs of the 4th gate, which is a AND gate, I measure 4 V and 4 V, but the output I get is only 2 volts. I don't understand why. I use Vcc = 5 V.

Maybe 4 V isn't considered a 1 and I need to boost the inputs to 5 V? If this is so, how can I do that?

Thank you.

What logic family are you using? 74HCxx? 74AHCxx? 74VHCxx? 74xx?

For whatever logic gates you are using, look on the datasheet at the specs for Vih, Vil, Voh, Vol. That will tell you what the valid input and output voltages are...
  • #3
I am using 74HCxx. According to datasheet, 4 V should be considered HIGH.

I did not connect the unused inputs to 0 V. Can that be the problem?
  • #4
damosuz said:
I am using 74HCxx. According to datasheet, 4 V should be considered HIGH.

I did not connect the unused inputs to 0 V. Can that be the problem?

Unused CMOS logic gate inputs always need to be tied either high or low. Floating CMOS inputs are a bad thing in general.
  • #5
damosuz said:
, at the inputs of the 4th gate, which is a AND gate, I measure 4 V and 4 V, but the output I get is only 2 volts. I don't understand why.
Remove the LED that you have connected to the output of that gate, so that nothing at all is connected to that gate's output. What voltage do you measure now?
  • #6
NascentOxygen said:
Remove the LED that you have connected to the output of that gate, so that nothing at all is connected to that gate's output. What voltage do you measure now?

Ah, good point. And be sure to use a series current-limiting resistor. Check what the Iout capability of the 74HC family is (it's not much), and add a resistor in series to limit the output current to that max Iout. You will get about a 2V drop across the LED, so assume a 3V drop across the resistor to help you choose the value of the resistor using V=IR.
  • #7
Pay attention to the max current drive of the gates. At what current is Voh or Vol measured. Or, at what voltage is Ioh or Iol measured. Some datasheets also list the short circuit current, for example.

2V is about right for a logic gate connected directly to an LED (bad form )

FAQ: Consecutive logic gates voltage loss

1. What is a consecutive logic gate?

A consecutive logic gate is a combination of multiple logic gates, where the output of one gate serves as the input to the next gate. This allows for more complex logic operations to be performed.

2. How does voltage loss occur in consecutive logic gates?

Voltage loss occurs in consecutive logic gates due to the resistance of the materials used in the gates. As the current travels through each gate, some voltage is lost due to this resistance, resulting in a decrease in the overall voltage.

3. Why is voltage loss a concern in consecutive logic gates?

Voltage loss is a concern in consecutive logic gates because it can affect the accuracy and reliability of the logic operations being performed. If the voltage is too low, the output may not be as expected, leading to errors in the system.

4. How can voltage loss be minimized in consecutive logic gates?

Voltage loss can be minimized in consecutive logic gates by using materials with lower resistance, reducing the number of gates used, or by using voltage boosters to compensate for the loss. Proper design and optimization techniques can also help minimize voltage loss.

5. What are the potential consequences of high voltage loss in consecutive logic gates?

High voltage loss in consecutive logic gates can lead to incorrect outputs, system failures, and increased power consumption. It can also affect the lifespan of the gates and other components in the system. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider and manage voltage loss in consecutive logic gates.
