Consequence of Making a Higgs particle

In summary, the conversation revolves around the creation of Higgs bosons in the collider and the impact on the existing Higgs field. It is clarified that while the universe is permeated by the Higgs field, it is not by Higgs bosons due to their short lifetime. The questions raised include whether the collider creates a disturbance in the Higgs field and if the particles in the collider are affected by this disturbance. There is also discussion about the conservation laws obeyed during Higgs production and the potential consequences of this process. Ultimately, the goal of creating a Higgs particle is to confirm the existence of the Higgs field and its
  • #1
Now we are presumably creating (?) Higgs Bosons in the collider. But the universe is permeated already by the Higgs field and Higgs bosons. When the colliders make an "artificial" Higgs, what conservation laws (in addition to energy, momentum, charge, isospin, baryon number etc.)are obeyed? In other words, is there a disturbance in the existing Higgs field in that collider space? Are the particles in the collider affected by this disturbance.

Above all, is this a wrong and improper question in some way. If yes, how?

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  • #2
Consequence of Making a Higgs particle: well, there was some champagne, some speeches, and eventually two theorists got the Nobel prize.

say_cheese said:
But the universe is permeated already by the Higgs field and Higgs bosons.

It's not permeated by Higgs bosons.
  • #3
To be fair, "permeated" is probably not being used in a precise way.

If I may have a go... the key questions seem to be:
..., is there a disturbance in the existing Higgs field in that collider space? Are the particles in the collider affected by this disturbance[?]
... since a Higgs particle can be thought of as a disturbance, of a particular kind, in the Higg's field, then the whole point of the experiment is to disturb the pre-existing field inside the collider. Before the higgs was made the field had a particular topology and after the higgs was made it had another topology that includes the particular ripple corresponding to the higgs particle (as well as lots of other changes I'm guessing). I'm sure Vanadium will correct me ;)

With the second question, I think you are asking if the created higgs then goes on to interact with any of the myriad other particles also present. Perhaps you are wondering if any of the other particles gained extra mass as a result? Is that about right?
  • #4
A few comments from a naive member (me). I'm looking to more knowledgeable members to correct any errors and fill in accurately.

say_cheese said:
Now we are presumably creating (?) Higgs Bosons in the collider. But the universe is permeated already by the Higgs field and Higgs bosons.
Actually, the universe is permeated by the Higgs field, but not Higgs bosons, due to their extremely short lifetime. They decay so rapidly, detecting the Higgs boson at the LHC is actually done by the confirmation/detection of particles the Higgs has already decayed into.

When the colliders make an "artificial" Higgs, what conservation laws (in addition to energy, momentum, charge, isospin, baryon number etc.)are obeyed?
It's not artificial - it's the real deal. The enourmous energy levels the LHC provides are required to create the particle. All conservation laws are obeyed as far as I'm aware.

In other words, is there a disturbance in the existing Higgs field in that collider space? Are the particles in the collider affected by this disturbance. Above all, is this a wrong and improper question in some way. If yes, how?
Here's where I was initially confused when I first became interested in the quest for the Higgs: I read the Higgs was all about giving other particles their mass (requiring a proportionate force to accelerate them, for example). BUT, as I searched to learn further, I found that it's more about the Higgs field than the boson. It's the Higgs field that is all around and associated with giving certain particles their mass.

If I understand correctly, all fields are associated with corresponding particles. The particles are excitations of their field. (I think) For example, photons are the carriers of the EM (electromagnetic) field. Now then, the big deal about creating a Higgs boson was because it's the particle the Standard Model predicted to be associated with the Higgs field. Physicists had pretty good ideas of the attributes it would have and the high energy required to create one. Confirming the Higgs particle was a confirmation of the Higgs field.

Hope what I've written is 'mostly' correct :rolleyes: and helps to fill in some of the picture.
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
To be fair, "permeated" is probably not being used in a precise way.

If I may have a go... the key questions seem to be:
... since a Higgs particle can be thought of as a disturbance, of a particular kind, in the Higg's field, then the whole point of the experiment is to disturb the pre-existing field inside the collider. Before the higgs was made the field had a particular topology and after the higgs was made it had another topology that includes the particular ripple corresponding to the higgs particle (as well as lots of other changes I'm guessing). I'm sure Vanadium will correct me ;)

With the second question, I think you are asking if the created higgs then goes on to interact with any of the myriad other particles also present. Perhaps you are wondering if any of the other particles gained extra mass as a result? Is that about right?

I apologize, I did mean Higgs Field but also a boson associated with it. Yes, I am wondering if the appearance of the Higgs boson changes the Higgs field locally and what is the consequence.
  • #6
say_cheese said:
I apologize, I did mean Higgs Field but also a boson associated with it. Yes, I am wondering if the appearance of the Higgs boson changes the Higgs field locally and what is the consequence.

I am still puzzled by this question. I admit that the Higgs decays, but only in a finite time such that, for example, energy has to be conserved. In the case of creating quarks etc., there are clear conservation laws. In the case of Higgs production there must be a consequence,a ripple and something else must happen. Higgs is unique in this regard, isn't it?
  • #7
I have problem in understanding what you mean by consequence... Consequence means that something does A and as a result A will give B back...

For the Higgs production you just need to give enough energy to the particles [which interact with Higgs] so that the Higgs will be created...after that Higgs is going to decay..
  • #8
say_cheese said:
I am still puzzled by this question. I admit that the Higgs decays, but only in a finite time such that, for example, energy has to be conserved. In the case of creating quarks etc., there are clear conservation laws. In the case of Higgs production there must be a consequence,a ripple and something else must happen. Higgs is unique in this regard, isn't it?

Higgs particle production is not unique in this regard. Its creation is not terribly different from, say, a case where a photon is created by smashing electrically charged particles, or a W-boson is created by smashing weakly-interacting particles. In all three cases, you need to supply enough energy for that to be possible, and all other conservation laws also must be fulfilled. For example, angular momentum must be conserved, so creation of a photon or W changes spin of parent particles by 1 unit. Creation of W appropriately changes electrical charge of parent particles.

Both W and H are unstable, so they would both decay (and decay process will obey conservation laws). Again, nothing terribly different about Higgs here.
  • #9
say_cheese said:
I apologize, I did mean Higgs Field but also a boson associated with it. Yes, I am wondering if the appearance of the Higgs boson changes the Higgs field locally and what is the consequence.
The appearance of the boson is the change of the field. It does not have any consequences - it decays extremely fast, and then it is gone.

All conservation laws are satisfied everywhere - that's why we call them conservation laws.

Related to Consequence of Making a Higgs particle

1. What is a Higgs particle and why is it important?

A Higgs particle, also known as the Higgs boson, is a subatomic particle that was first theorized in the 1960s by physicist Peter Higgs. It is a crucial component of the Standard Model of particle physics, which explains the fundamental building blocks of the universe. Its importance lies in the fact that it gives mass to other particles, allowing for the existence of the universe as we know it.

2. How was the Higgs particle discovered?

The Higgs particle was discovered in 2012 by scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland. The LHC is the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, and it was used to accelerate protons to almost the speed of light and collide them together. The resulting data showed the existence of a particle with properties consistent with the Higgs boson.

3. What are the potential consequences of making a Higgs particle?

The discovery of the Higgs particle has already had significant consequences in the field of particle physics. It confirmed the existence of the Higgs field, which is responsible for giving mass to other particles. It has also opened up new areas of research and could potentially lead to a deeper understanding of the fundamental forces and structure of the universe.

4. How does the Higgs particle affect our daily lives?

While the discovery of the Higgs particle has had a significant impact on our understanding of the universe, it does not have any direct effects on our daily lives. However, the technologies and advancements in science that were developed in order to discover the Higgs particle may have practical applications in fields such as medicine and engineering.

5. Are there any potential risks or negative consequences of studying the Higgs particle?

There are no known risks or negative consequences of studying the Higgs particle. The research and experiments conducted at the LHC and other particle accelerators go through rigorous safety reviews to ensure that they do not pose any harm to humans or the environment. Additionally, the knowledge gained from studying the Higgs particle could potentially lead to advancements and improvements in various fields, making it a valuable pursuit for scientific exploration.

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