Conservation laws - Ball hitting a rod about its end

In summary, a ball slides without rolling on a frictionless surface. Conservation of angular momentum is satisfied.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

v = wr
K_total = 1/2Mv^2 + 1/2Iw^2
L = Iw
p = mv

The Attempt at a Solution

a. No friction or other outside forces are acting on the system, so linear momentum is conserved.

The collision is elastic, so kinetic energy is conserved.

There are no external torques so angular momentum is also conserved.

b. We can now write our conservation laws:

Linear momentum: Mv_0 = Mv_f + Mv_f
Energy: 1/2Mv_0^2 = 1/2Mv_f^2 + 1/2Iw_f^2
Angular momentum: MRv_0 = Iw + MRv_f

Is my thinking correct so far?
Physics news on
  • #2
So far so good.
Take conservation of angular momentum at the instant of impact to make the maths easy.
  • #3
I or a rod rotating about its center = ML^2/12

From linear momentum, the velocity of the ball and center of rod is given by Mv_0 = 2Mv_f, or v_f = v_0/2

To find the angular velocity, we can use our energy equation and plug in v_f:
1/2Mv_0^2 = 1/2M*(v_0^2 /4) +1/2*(ML^2/12)*w_f^2
1/2Mv_0^2 = 1/8Mv_0^2 + ML^2w_f^2/24
3/8v_0^2 = L^2w_f^2/24
9v_0^2/L^2 = w_f^2
w_f = 3v_0/L

How does that look?
  • #4
The reasoning works OK.
So long as you are clear about the "before" and "after" situations.

Did you account for energy stored in the rotation (my eyes cross when there are so many symbols and numbers)?
I'm guessing you are assuming the ball is sliding and not rolling?

What you really need is some way to check your own results instead of relying on someone else to tell you you've got it right or not.

One way to do that is the sketch the situation before and after, putting little arrows on to indicate what you've calculated, and looking to see if it makes sense. If you have a smooth surface handy - vinyl table top say - you can even do a mini experiment.
  • #5

Yes, your thinking is correct so far. By stating that there are no external forces or torques acting on the system, you are applying the principle of conservation of momentum and energy. This means that the total momentum and energy of the system before and after the collision will remain the same. By using the equations for linear momentum, kinetic energy, and angular momentum, you are correctly applying the conservation laws to this specific scenario.

FAQ: Conservation laws - Ball hitting a rod about its end

1. What are conservation laws?

Conservation laws are fundamental principles in physics that state that certain quantities, such as energy and momentum, are conserved or cannot be created or destroyed. These laws apply to various physical processes, including collisions between objects.

2. How does conservation of energy apply to a ball hitting a rod about its end?

When a ball hits a rod about its end, the total energy of the system remains constant. This means that the initial energy of the ball, which is its kinetic energy, is equal to the final energy, which is a combination of kinetic and potential energy after the collision. This is known as the law of conservation of energy.

3. What is the conservation of momentum?

The conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant, regardless of any internal forces acting within the system. In the case of a ball hitting a rod, the momentum of the ball before the collision is equal to the combined momentum of the ball and rod after the collision.

4. How does the conservation of momentum apply to a ball hitting a rod about its end?

When a ball hits a rod about its end, the total momentum of the system remains constant. This means that the initial momentum of the ball, which is its mass multiplied by its velocity, is equal to the final momentum, which is a combination of the ball and rod's mass and velocity after the collision.

5. What are some real-world applications of conservation laws?

Conservation laws have various real-world applications, such as in traffic flow and collisions, rocket propulsion, and electricity and magnetism. They are also used in designing efficient and sustainable energy systems, understanding the behavior of fluids, and studying the motion of objects in space.
