Conservation of angular momentum on a rope

In summary, according to the principle of conservation of angular momentum, it is not possible for a person hanging from a rope to start somersaulting in the air before hitting the water if the rope is cut. However, in the real world, air resistance can create an unbalanced torque that enables the person to somersault. The human body is not rigid and can change its orientation without an external torque, such as by windmilling the arms. This can also be seen in examples such as cats landing on their feet and astronauts changing their orientation in free fall. Changing the moment of inertia does not generate angular momentum, but it is possible to change the way one faces without having a net angular momentum, such as through windmilling
  • #1
If a person hangs still from a rope some distance above water and then the rope is cut off, is it possible for the person to start somersaulting in the air before hitting the water? When I try to imagine myself in this situation, I would think that "of course it is, one can just start moving in the air to start rotating". But according to the principle of conservation of angular momentum, it is not possible, since it says that when the sum of average external torques is 0 then pf = p0 <=> I*wf = I*w0 and in this case w0=0 so that means wf must also be 0.

When a physical law goes against intuition like this, I find it hard to understand. Although I don't have the ability to try the experiment myself at the moment, I would definitely imagine that it would be possible to start rotating in the middle of the air.

Any ideas how this can be explained in a way that doesn't go against intuition?
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  • #2
In the real world, there is air resistance that is acting on the body. Once the man starts to fall, he may experience different amount of force due to air resistance on different parts of his body which may create an unbalanced torque. This unbalanced torque enables the man to somersault.
  • #3
The human body is not rigid. It is possible to change its orientation without an external torque and without performing a rigid "rotation". So even though it is not possible to start rotating in mid-air without exploiting air resistance, it is possible (given sufficient time) to assume a head-down posture before hitting the water.

One of the simple ways to accomplish this is by windmilling the arms in the opposite direction.

You can Google for "cat landing on feet" and find hundreds of pages on the phenomenon. The cat's approach is more subtle than windmilling the arms.
  • #4
Maxo said:
I would definitely imagine that it would be possible to start rotating in the middle of the air.
In this video at 25:00min an astronaut does it in free fall.

Here the falling cat:

Adithyan said:
In the real world, there is air resistance that is acting on the body
That might be an useful mechanism for sky divers, not for small fall heights.
  • #5
  • #6
Just watch a springboard diving competition on how to change body orientation during a short fall into the swimming pool.
  • #7
Adithyan said:
changing moment of inertia can generate an angular momentum
No, it cannot.
  • #8
Adithyan said:
In that case, I guess, as Jbriggs pointed out, changing moment of inertia can generate an angular momentum

A.T. is correct that you cannot change angular momentum that way. You cannot change your angular momentum without an external torque.

Nor does my post talk about changing your moment of inertia. Zero angular momentum would involve zero angular velocity no matter how small you make the moment of inertia.

What is important is that you can change the way you face without having any net angular momentum. Windmilling your arms is a simple way. Your body rotates one way and your arms rotate the other way. Angular momentum is conserved, but your face is now pointed in a new direction.

FAQ: Conservation of angular momentum on a rope

1. What is conservation of angular momentum on a rope?

Conservation of angular momentum on a rope refers to the principle that states that the total angular momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external torque. In other words, the rotational motion of a rope will remain constant unless there is an external force acting on it.

2. How does conservation of angular momentum apply to a rope?

In the case of a rope, conservation of angular momentum means that if the rope is rotating, its rotational speed will remain constant unless there is an external torque acting on it. This is because the rope has a specific amount of angular momentum that cannot be created or destroyed.

3. What factors affect conservation of angular momentum on a rope?

The main factors that affect conservation of angular momentum on a rope are the mass, length, and rotational speed of the rope. The greater the mass and length of the rope, the greater its angular momentum. The faster the rope is rotating, the greater its angular momentum as well.

4. How does friction affect conservation of angular momentum on a rope?

Friction can affect conservation of angular momentum on a rope by creating an external torque that can slow down or stop the rotation of the rope. This is because friction creates a force that is opposite to the direction of motion, which can decrease the rope's rotational speed and hence its angular momentum.

5. What is the importance of conservation of angular momentum on a rope?

Conservation of angular momentum on a rope is important in many practical applications, such as in the operation of machinery and vehicles. It also helps to explain various phenomena, such as the stability of spinning objects and the motion of planets around the sun. Understanding this principle is crucial for engineers and scientists in designing and analyzing rotational systems.
