Conservation of dot product with parallel transport

In summary: No, you don't need to start with that. What you need to do is to take the directional derivative of the equation (1) above.
  • #1
Hello, I have 2 questions regarding similar issues :


Why does one say that parallel transport preserves the value of dot product (scalar product) between the transported vector and the tangent vector ?

Is it due to the fact that angle between the tangent vector and transported vector is always the same during the operation of transport (which is the definition of parallel transport) ?

2*) From the following link and more especially the following extract ;


I don't understand the first relation, i.e : $$(\mathbf{t} \cdot \mathbf{\nabla})\,\mathbf{v}=0\quad\quad(1)$$

which actually is equal to : $$t^{i}\partial_{i}v^{j}=0\quad\quad(2)$$

How can we demonstrate the equation (1) above ?

Is there a link with my first question, i.e it relates to the conservation of dot product value between $$\mathbf{t}$$ tangent vector and $$\mathbf{v}$$ vector ?

Thanks for your help
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  • #2
fab13 said:
How can we demonstrate the equation (1) above ?
That is part of the definition of parallel transport, so it doesn't need to be demonstrated. If it doesn't hold then the vector field ##\mathbf v## is not a parallel transport.

What does need to be demonstrated is that a consequence of that definition is that the values of the dot product between the tangent and the transported vector are the same at any two points along the curve - what you describe as 'conservation of the dot product'. Integration is required to demonstrate that.
  • #3
andrewkirk said:
That is part of the definition of parallel transport, so it doesn't need to be demonstrated. If it doesn't hold then the vector field ##\mathbf v## is not a parallel transport.

What does need to be demonstrated is that a consequence of that definition is that the values of the dot product between the tangent and the transported vector are the same at any two points along the curve - what you describe as 'conservation of the dot product'. Integration is required to demonstrate that.

ok, I have found why equation (1) has this expression. Taking ##\tau## an affine parameter, we can write

$$ t^{i}\partial_{i}v^{j} = \dfrac{\text{d}x^{i}}{\text{d}\tau}\,\dfrac{\partial v^{j}}{\partial x^{i}} = \dfrac{\text{d} v^{j}}{\text{d}\tau}\quad\quad (2) $$

So in flat space (i.e Euclidean), the straight line parameterized by ##\tau## and on which the vector ##\vec{v}=v^{i}\,\vec{e_{i}}## is transported, makes vanish the expression ##\dfrac{\text{d} v^{j}}{\text{d}\tau}## because the components doesn't vary during the transport.

Now, I have to generalize this Euclidean example to Curved space and undertsand in this case the using of Covariant Derivative which replaces the expression above ##(2)## with :

$$\dfrac{D\,v^{j}}{\text{d}\tau}=\dfrac{\text{d}x^{i}}{\text{d}\tau}\,\nabla_{i} v^{j}=t^{i} \,\nabla_{i} v^{j}=0$$ with ##t^{i}=\dfrac{\text{d}x^{i}}{\text{d}\tau}##

  • #4
I suggest starting by transforming the Euclidean two-dimensional case to polar coordinates.
  • #5
What do you mean ? The using of polar coordinates in 2D classic space is still a flat space, geodesics are still straight lines, I should rather start by the surface of a 2D sphere, shoudn't I ?
  • #6
fab13 said:
What do you mean ? The using of polar coordinates in 2D classic space is still a flat space, geodesics are still straight lines, I should rather start by the surface of a 2D sphere, shoudn't I ?
You are aware that even a flat space have non-zero Christoffel symbols in curvilinear coordinates, no? You should start with polar coordinates and check the form of the resulting equations for the parallel transported vector components. The property you are talking about is not particular for a curved space.

Edit: In fact, this is exactly what the text you quoted does. Starts from a Cartesian coordinate system and then uses that the partial and covariant derivatives are the same in that system to rewrite it on a covariant form in an arbitrary system.
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  • #7

as you said, I have computed the equations for parallel transport vector, I get :

$$D A^{\rho}=dA^{\rho}-\rho\,A^{\theta}\,\text{d}\theta$$
$$D A^{\theta}=dA^{\theta}+\dfrac{1}{\rho}(A^{\rho}\,\text{d}\theta+A^{\theta}\,\text{d}\rho)$$

By definition of parallel transport, I can write : ##D A^{\rho}=D A^{\theta}=0##

What can I conclude about the property that I am looking for, i.e the conservation of dot product ?

  • #8
fab13 said:
What can I conclude about the property that I am looking for, i.e the conservation of dot product ?
For that you need to take the directional derivative of the dot product of the parallel transported fields along the curve taking into account that the vector components satisfy the parallel transport equations.
  • #9
Orodruin said:
For that you need to take the directional derivative of the dot product of the parallel transported fields along the curve taking into account that the vector components satisfy the parallel transport equations.

I didn't understand what you mean, do I have to start with :

$$\text{d}(\vec{A}\cdot\vec{n}) = \text{d}(A_{i}\dfrac{\text{d}y^{i}}{\text{d}\tau})=0$$

  • #10
Orodruin said:
For that you need to take the directional derivative of the dot product of the parallel transported fields along the curve taking into account that the vector components satisfy the parallel transport equations.

Dear Orodruin,

could you help me about what you told me to do, i.e take the directional derivative of the dot product of the parallel and demonstrate the conservation.


FAQ: Conservation of dot product with parallel transport

1. What is the concept of "Conservation of dot product with parallel transport"?

"Conservation of dot product with parallel transport" is a principle in physics that states that the dot product of two vectors remains unchanged when the vectors undergo parallel transport. This means that the angle between the two vectors remains the same, even if they are moved along a curved path.

2. How is this principle relevant to conservation and preservation efforts?

This principle has implications for conservation and preservation efforts because it allows us to accurately measure and track changes in biodiversity and ecosystems. By understanding how vectors change when they are transported, we can better monitor and protect natural systems.

3. Can you give an example of how this principle is applied in conservation science?

One example is in the study of animal movements. By using satellite or GPS tracking devices, scientists can measure the displacement of animals over time and use the principle of "Conservation of dot product with parallel transport" to calculate their actual movements and behaviors. This information can then be used to inform conservation efforts and protect endangered species.

4. Are there any limitations to this principle?

While this principle is generally applicable in most physical systems, there are some limitations. It may not hold true in highly dynamic or turbulent environments, where the vectors may not undergo smooth parallel transport. Additionally, this principle assumes that the vectors are rigid and do not change shape or orientation during transport.

5. How does this principle tie into other concepts in conservation science?

"Conservation of dot product with parallel transport" is closely related to other principles and concepts in conservation science, such as biodiversity indices and species richness. It can also be applied to understand and predict the effects of habitat fragmentation and climate change on animal movements and population dynamics.

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