Conservation of Energy: Comparison between momentum & magnetic fields

In summary, momentum and magnetic fields are both vector quantities. When two bodies with the precise mass and speed collide head on (θ = 0), momentum is conserved (they come to a complete stop) and energy is conserved (the kinetic energy is changed to other forms). However, in the case of two identical strength magnetic fields that meet head on, a gauss meter placed precisely in between them would read zero if measured in the same direction of the field.
  • #1
Gold Member
Momentum and magnetic fields are both vector quantities.

If two bodies with the precise mass and speed collide head on (θ = 0), then momentum is conserved (they come to a complete stop) and energy is conserved (the kinetic energy is changed to other forms).

What then happens in the case of two identical strength magnetic fields that meet head on? A gauss meter placed precisely in between them would read zero if measured in the same direction of the field. Is the energy conserved simply by changing direction?

This is an oxymoron as energy is not a vector quantity.

Thank you.
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  • #2
When magnetic fields overlap and interact there is a change in the energy density of the field. This is what gives rise to forces when magnets are brought together, from F=dU/dl. Although the gauss meter reads zero there is actually an increase in the total magnetic energy in the system. This magnetic energy comes from the forces needed to push the magnets together.
  • #3
Thank you pumila,
I can see how forcing the magnets together might increase the total magnetic energy in the system. But I'm not sure about the gauss reading.
There may be a zero gauss reading in the direction of the local field vector, but wouldn't the field have been deflected in a perpendicular direction so that the magnitude of the vector does not change, but only the direction?
  • #4
You have to look at the whole field interaction volume to get the total effect of the field interaction in electromagnetics, but individual points may be quite different to the sum effect. For example, if you look at two electrons near each other, then at the midpoint of the line joining them the energy density drops to zero as the fields exactly cancel each other out. For two electrons, there is a small region of electrostatic energy density reduction - the sphere whose diameter is the line joining the centres of the electrons - in the middle of a much larger and more significant region of increased energy density. Hence in the interaction between two electrons there is a small region of attractive forces (associated with the central reduced energy-density zone) that is entirely swamped by the repulsive forces.

Do not think of the field lines as being distorted as the magnets come together. Rather, look at the composite field vector. If we imagine one of your magnets on top of the other, then in the horizontal plane that defines the midpoint between your magnets, all vertical field vector components exactly cancel out (vector addition). All that is left in that plane is the horizontal components, and at the centre of the plane there will be none.

Essentially, in most static electromagnetic field interactions there are regions of both types - that is, where there is some cancellation of the electrostatic field (leading to a reduction in energy density and hence attractive forces) as well as regions where there is re-inforcement.

It is relatively easy to perform the maths for electrons (which have simple polar fields), but I have not personally done it for magnets, since the geometry is highly variable. Nevertheless simple observation indicates a region of reduced energy density in the region between the magnets, swamped by a much larger region of repulsion elsewhere.

If you want to look at the interaction between two electrons in more detail, start with the potential energy density function
dU/ds = εE[itex]_{1}[/itex].E[itex]_{2}[/itex]
where epsilon times the dot product of the electric field vector from one electron at a point and that from the other at the same point, is the potential energy density at that point.
Integrating this function over all space gives the potential energy
and differentiating this with respect to separation gives the force
You can perform a similar integration for the magnetic potential energy between two magnets, but you have multiple geometries to choose from.
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  • #5

I would like to clarify that while momentum and magnetic fields are both vector quantities, they are not directly comparable in terms of conservation. Momentum is a measure of an object's motion, while magnetic fields are a measure of the force exerted by moving charges. Therefore, the conservation of momentum and the conservation of energy are different concepts.

In the case of two bodies colliding head on, the conservation of momentum is observed as the bodies come to a complete stop, but energy is not conserved as it is converted into other forms. However, in the case of two identical strength magnetic fields meeting head on, there is no change in energy as the fields simply change direction. This is because energy is not a vector quantity and does not have a specific direction.

In both cases, conservation laws still hold true. Conservation of momentum is observed in the first scenario, while conservation of energy is observed in the second scenario. It is important to understand that these concepts are not interchangeable and must be applied appropriately in different situations.

In conclusion, while there may be similarities between momentum and magnetic fields, they are fundamentally different quantities and cannot be directly compared in terms of conservation. Both momentum and energy must be considered separately in order to fully understand the behavior of physical systems.

Related to Conservation of Energy: Comparison between momentum & magnetic fields

What is the conservation of energy?

The conservation of energy is a fundamental law in physics that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transferred or converted from one form to another.

How does the conservation of energy apply to momentum?

In terms of momentum, the law of conservation of energy states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the relationship between momentum and magnetic fields?

Momentum is a property of an object in motion, while magnetic fields are created by moving electric charges. The two are related through the Lorentz force law, which describes the force exerted on a charged particle by a magnetic field.

Why is the conservation of energy important in understanding magnetic fields?

The conservation of energy is important in understanding magnetic fields because it helps us to understand how energy is transferred and conserved in systems involving magnetic fields. This is crucial in fields such as electromagnetism and particle physics.

How does the comparison between momentum and magnetic fields contribute to our understanding of energy conservation?

By comparing momentum and magnetic fields, we can better understand how energy is conserved in different systems. This comparison allows us to make predictions and calculations about the behavior of energy and momentum in various situations, helping us to further our understanding of energy conservation.

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