Conservation of Energy fusion reaction

In summary, the conversation discusses a fusion reaction involving deuterium and tritium, and the conservation of energy in physics. The masses of the nuclei and neutron are given, and the conversion of these masses into rest energies in electron-volts is calculated. The total kinetic energy after the reaction is calculated using conservation of energy. Finally, the number of fusion reactions per second needed to generate 1 MW of power is calculated.
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Homework Statement

Consider the following fusion reaction
2H+3H →4He + n
in which deuterium and tritium fuse together to form a stable isotope of helium plus a neutron.
In all of physics, we see experimental confirmation of Conservation of Energy, in which the total
amount of energy in a closed system is constant. The total rest plus kinetic energy before the
reaction must be equal to the total rest plus kinetic energy after the reaction.

(a) Look up the masses of the three nuclei and of the neutron in kilograms, keeping at least six
significant figures. Cite your reference. Because we have the same number of electrons before
and after the reaction (and because atomic binding energies are tiny compared to the energies
in this problem), it is not important whether you use nuclear masses or atomic masses.

(b) Convert each of those masses into rest energies in electron-volts (eV). Recall that the speed of
light is 299,792,458 m/s, and that 1 eV = 1.60217653× 10−19 J.

(c) Assuming that the deuterium and tritium have a total of 0.05 MeV of kinetic energy before
the reaction, use conservation of energy to calculate the total kinetic energy after the reaction.
Recall that we handle addition and subtraction differently than multiplication and division
when dealing with significant figures.

(d) Assuming that all of this kinetic energy can be converted with 100% efficiency into usable
energy, how many fusion reactions per second do we need to generate 1 MW of power?

Homework Equations

(a) Nuclei Masses:
Deuterium: 3.32108e-27 kg
Tritium: 4.98162e-27 kg
Isotope of Helium: 6.64215e-27 kg
Neutron: 1.67493e-27 kg

The Attempt at a Solution

(b)First I will convert the masses to eV (online conversion):
Deuterium: 1,862,990,000 eV
Tritium: 2,794,480,000 eV
Isotope of Helium: 3,725,970,000 eV
Neutron: 939,567,000 eV

(c) I will add together the eV of 4He + neutron = 4,665,537,000 eV
Now I will convert eV to MeV:
4,665.537 MeV
Can I subtract this by .05 MeV? I feel like I am on the wrong track
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Your calculations for (b) are correct. For (c), you are on the right track but you need to use the masses of the nuclei to calculate the total rest energy before and after the reaction. The total rest energy before the reaction is:
(2 x 1,862,990,000 eV) + (3 x 2,794,480,000 eV) = 14,724,940,000 eV
The total rest energy after the reaction is:
(1 x 3,725,970,000 eV) + (1 x 939,567,000 eV) = 4,665,537,000 eV
Therefore, the total kinetic energy after the reaction is:
14,724,940,000 eV - 4,665,537,000 eV = 10,059,403,000 eV
Converting this to MeV, we get:
10,059,403,000 eV = 10,059 MeV
Therefore, the total kinetic energy after the reaction is 10,059 MeV.

For (d), we need to calculate the number of fusion reactions per second needed to generate 1 MW of power. We can use the formula:
Power = (number of reactions per second) x (energy per reaction)
1 MW = (number of reactions per second) x 10,059 MeV
Rearranging this equation, we get:
(number of reactions per second) = 1 MW / 10,059 MeV
Now we need to convert 1 MW to eV:
1 MW = 1,000,000,000 eV
(number of reactions per second) = 1,000,000,000 eV / 10,059 MeV = 99,409 reactions per second
Therefore, we would need 99,409 fusion reactions per second to generate 1 MW of power.

FAQ: Conservation of Energy fusion reaction

1. What is the Conservation of Energy fusion reaction?

The Conservation of Energy fusion reaction is a process that creates energy by combining two or more atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. This process is also known as nuclear fusion and is the same process that powers the sun and other stars.

2. How does the Conservation of Energy fusion reaction work?

In a fusion reaction, two atomic nuclei are brought close enough together that they overcome their repulsive forces and fuse together. This creates a larger nucleus and releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of heat and light.

3. What are the benefits of the Conservation of Energy fusion reaction?

The Conservation of Energy fusion reaction has the potential to provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy. It produces no greenhouse gases or other pollutants and does not rely on scarce resources like fossil fuels. It also produces significantly more energy than nuclear fission, the process currently used in nuclear power plants.

4. What are the challenges of achieving a successful Conservation of Energy fusion reaction?

The main challenge in achieving a successful Conservation of Energy fusion reaction is creating the extreme conditions necessary for fusion to occur. This includes heating the fuel to millions of degrees and containing it in a magnetic field to prevent it from coming into contact with the reactor walls. Additionally, developing the technology to harness and control the energy produced is a major challenge.

5. What is the current state of research on the Conservation of Energy fusion reaction?

Scientists and engineers around the world are actively researching and developing technologies to achieve a successful Conservation of Energy fusion reaction. There have been significant advancements in the field, but it is still a long way from being a commercially viable energy source. However, many experts believe that with continued research and investment, fusion energy could become a major player in the global energy market in the future.

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