Conservation of energy in projectiles

In summary, for an object launched vertically upward with an initial speed v and neglecting air resistance, the maximum height (hmax) is given by v^2/(2*g), and the height at a speed of 0.5v is (v^2/(2*g))/4. However, there may be a multiplicative factor missing in this calculation. For a ball launched as a projectile with an initial speed v at an angle (theta) above the horizontal, the maximum height (hmax) can be found using conservation of energy as v^2/(2*g) and considering the y-component of the velocity to be 0 at the maximum height.
  • #1
an object launched vertically upward with an initial speed v. Neglect air resistance

a)At what height h above the ground does the projectile have a speed of 0.5v? Express your answer in terms of v and the magnitude of the acceleration of gravity g.

Using conservation of energy i found the max height (hmax) to be v^2/(2*g)

i then came to find h at a speed at 0.5v to be (v^2/(2*g))/4. However it says i am off by a multiplicative factor. I tried to take in account the KE and PE but am confused...

b) A ball is launched as a projectile with initial speed v at an angle (theta) above the horizontal. Using conservation of energy, find the maximum height (hmax) of the ball's flight. Express your answer in terms of v, g, and theta

i thought it would be v^2/(2*g) and its not which makes me wonder why?

Physics news on
  • #2
disruptors said:
an object launched vertically upward with an initial speed v. Neglect air resistance

a)At what height h above the ground does the projectile have a speed of 0.5v? Express your answer in terms of v and the magnitude of the acceleration of gravity g.

Using conservation of energy i found the max height (hmax) to be v^2/(2*g)

i then came to find h at a speed at 0.5v to be (v^2/(2*g))/4. However it says i am off by a multiplicative factor. I tried to take in account the KE and PE but am confused...

I got :
[tex]\frac{mv^2}{2} = \frac{1}{2}*m* \frac{v^2}{2^2} + mgh[/tex]

solve this for h...

b) A ball is launched as a projectile with initial speed v at an angle (theta) above the horizontal. Using conservation of energy, find the maximum height (hmax) of the ball's flight. Express your answer in terms of v, g, and theta

i thought it would be v^2/(2*g) and its not which makes me wonder why?

at the max heigth, the y-component of the velocity (=v*sin(theta)) is 0.

[tex]\frac{1}{2}*m*v^2 = \frac{1}{2}*m*(v*cos(\theta))^2 + mgh_{max}[/tex]


  • #3
for the question and explanation!

a) To find the height at which the projectile has a speed of 0.5v, we can use the conservation of energy equation:

Initial kinetic energy + initial potential energy = final kinetic energy + final potential energy

At the highest point of the projectile's motion, its kinetic energy will be 0 since its speed is 0. Therefore, the equation becomes:

Initial potential energy = final potential energy

We can express the initial potential energy as mgh, where m is the mass of the projectile, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the initial height. The final potential energy can be expressed as mg(hmax), where hmax is the maximum height reached by the projectile.

Setting these two equal, we get:

mgh = mghmax

Dividing both sides by mg, we get:

h = hmax

Therefore, the height at which the projectile has a speed of 0.5v is equal to the maximum height reached by the projectile, which we found to be v^2/(2*g).

b) To find the maximum height of the ball's flight, we can use the same conservation of energy equation as before. However, this time we need to take into account the initial angle, theta, at which the ball is launched.

The initial kinetic energy can be expressed as 1/2mv^2, but since the ball is launched at an angle, only a component of this initial kinetic energy will contribute to the projectile's vertical motion. This component can be expressed as 1/2mv^2(sin(theta))^2.

The final kinetic energy will still be 0 at the highest point of the ball's motion.

Therefore, our equation becomes:

1/2mv^2(sin(theta))^2 + mgh = 0

Rearranging, we get:

h = v^2(sin(theta))^2/(2g)

This is the maximum height reached by the ball, expressed in terms of v, g, and theta.

FAQ: Conservation of energy in projectiles

What is conservation of energy in projectiles?

Conservation of energy in projectiles refers to the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only transferred from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a projectile system remains constant, even as the projectile moves through the air.

Why is conservation of energy important in projectiles?

Conservation of energy is important in projectiles because it helps us understand and predict the motion of objects in flight. By applying this principle, we can accurately calculate the trajectory, speed, and other characteristics of a projectile.

What are the different forms of energy involved in projectiles?

In a projectile system, there are two main forms of energy involved: kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (stored energy). Kinetic energy is responsible for the projectile's motion, while potential energy is associated with the position or height of the projectile.

How does air resistance affect conservation of energy in projectiles?

Air resistance, also known as drag, is a type of force that opposes the motion of a projectile. As the projectile moves through the air, it loses some of its kinetic energy to overcome this resistance. This means that conservation of energy is not perfectly observed in real-world projectiles, but it is still a useful principle for understanding their motion.

What happens to the energy of a projectile at its highest point?

At the highest point of a projectile's trajectory, all of its kinetic energy has been converted into potential energy. As the projectile falls back to the ground, the potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. This conversion of energy continues as the projectile moves through the air, but the total amount of energy remains constant.
