Conservation of energy/inclined plane w/ spring

In summary, the 2 kg mass is just released from the top of a ramp and strikes a spring which has a spring constant of 40 N/m. The mass rebounds and just before it hits the ground it has a speed of 7.75 m/s. The spring is compressed by 60 J.
  • #1
Problem: A 2 kg mass is held at the top of a ramp 6m above a spring which has a spring constant of 40 N/m (the 6 m distance is measured along the ramp surface). The ramp is at 30 degrees relative to the horizon. Find the speed of the mass as it just strikes the spring 6 meters below the point it was released from. Find how much the spring is compressed. Ignore friction.

Formulae: PEspring=1/2kx2, KE=1/2mv2, GPE=mgh (we use 10 m/s2 for acceleration due to gravity), and conservation of energy

The professor said this problem was tricky, but the solution I found seems like it may be too easy. I calculated the gravitational potential energy to be 60J at the top of the incline. At the end of the ramp, where theoretically all of the GPE would be kinetic energy now because μ=0, I calculated the velocity to be 7.75 m/s. Would this be the correct way to go, given that the incline is at an angle?
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  • #2
The dimensions of the incline are 6m on the hypotenuse, 3m on vertical leg, 5.2m on horizontal leg by trigonometry.
  • #3
And also, k=40N/m.
  • #4
The solution will become fairly easy if you apply the work energy theorem.

Initial configuration - ke is 0

Final configuration (when spring is completely compressed) - ke is again 0

So between these to configurations, the work done by all the forces should cancel out to be zero.

W(gravity) {for 6m + compression} + W(spring){For Cmpression ONLY} = 0
  • #5
Thanks for the help! I looked in the textbook (there was an example problem that was exactly the same but done backwards and with different values) and they all lined up with your explanation of using the work-energy theorem, and it basically seemed to be the way I worked it at first. I guess the tricky part that he was talking about was figuring out that you need to find the vertical leg of the inclined plane in order to use that value to plug into find the potential energy.

Thanks again!

FAQ: Conservation of energy/inclined plane w/ spring

1. What is conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another. This means that the total amount of energy in a closed system remains constant.

2. How does conservation of energy apply to an inclined plane with a spring?

In an inclined plane with a spring, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the object moves down the incline and the spring is compressed. This kinetic energy is then converted back into potential energy as the object moves up the incline and the spring expands. The total amount of energy remains constant throughout this process.

3. What factors affect the conservation of energy in an inclined plane with a spring?

The mass of the object, the angle of the incline, and the spring constant all affect the conservation of energy in an inclined plane with a spring. A heavier object will have more potential and kinetic energy, a steeper incline will result in a greater change in potential energy, and a stiffer spring will store more potential energy when compressed.

4. Is there any energy lost in an inclined plane with a spring?

In theory, there should be no energy lost in an inclined plane with a spring as the law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. However, in real-world scenarios, there may be some small losses due to friction and other external factors.

5. How does conservation of energy relate to everyday life?

Conservation of energy is a fundamental law of physics that applies to all systems, including those in our everyday lives. For example, when we turn on a light bulb, electrical energy is converted into light energy. When we ride a bike, our muscle energy is converted into kinetic energy. Understanding the principles of conservation of energy can help us make more efficient use of resources and reduce waste in our daily activities.
