Conservation of Energy of a block and spring

In summary: DIn summary, the block travels the maximum distance up the incline if it has an initial speed of 11.18 m/s and halfway up the incline it has a final speed of 8.82 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A .500 kg block rests on a horizontal, frictionless surface as in the figure below. The block is pressed back against a spring having a constant of k=625 N/m, compressing the spring by 10cm to point A. Then the block is released.

a) Find the maximum distance d the block travels up the frictionless incline if θ= 30°

b) How fast is the block going when halfway to its maximum height?

Homework Equations

Kinitial+PEinitial= Kfinal+PEfinal

not exactly sure what other equations to use

The Attempt at a Solution

First I found the velocity of the block using KE=PEs (1/2mv^2=1/2kx^2) and ended up with equation of v=√kx/m and got 11.18 m/s for velocity but not sure what to do next or if I'm even doing this right I have the answers as shown in my attachment but I'm struggling to figure out how to get there please help I just started this topic in my AP Physics B course :(


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  • #2
kimlu said:

Homework Statement

A .500 kg block rests on a horizontal, frictionless surface as in the figure below. The block is pressed back against a spring having a constant of k=625 N/m, compressing the spring by 10cm to point A. Then the block is released.

a) Find the maximum distance d the block travels up the frictionless incline if θ= 30°

b) How fast is the block going when halfway to its maximum height?

Homework Equations

Kinitial+PEinitial= Kfinal+PEfinal

not exactly sure what other equations to use

The Attempt at a Solution

First I found the velocity of the block using KE=PEs (1/2mv^2=1/2kx^2) and ended up with equation of v=√kx/m and got 11.18 m/s for velocity but not sure what to do next or if I'm even doing this right I have the answers as shown in my attachment but I'm struggling to figure out how to get there please help I just started this topic in my AP Physics B course :(
Hi kimlu, Welcome to Physics Forums.

This problem is largely about conservation of energy. You won't need to deal directly with velocities until the very end of part b.

Have you identified all the forms that energy can take in this problem? What are they?
  • #3
The a) part suggests the maximum distance UP the incline plane, so what form of energy gets larger when height gets bigger with respect to the ground?
  • #4
Hey guys I figured it out and identified the forms of energy as PEs initial=PEgfinal/ mgdsin30=1/2kx^2 and rearranged the formula for d and plugged in numbers, I believe I got the right answer now thanks for the help <:
  • #5

I would like to first commend you for attempting to solve this problem and seeking help when you are struggling. It shows a great dedication to learning and improving your understanding of physics.

To solve this problem, we need to use the principle of conservation of energy, which states that the total energy of a system remains constant. This means that the initial kinetic energy (KE) of the block when released from the compressed spring will be equal to the final potential energy (PE) when it reaches its maximum height on the incline.

a) To find the maximum distance d the block travels up the frictionless incline, we can use the conservation of energy equation:

KEinitial + PEinitial = KEfinal + PEfinal

Since the surface is frictionless, there is no initial kinetic energy, so we can ignore the first term. The initial potential energy (PEinitial) is equal to the potential energy stored in the compressed spring, which can be calculated using the formula PE = 1/2kx^2, where k is the spring constant and x is the compression distance. Plugging in the values given in the problem, we get:

PEinitial = 1/2(625 N/m)(0.1 m)^2 = 3.125 J

Now, at the maximum height, the block will have zero kinetic energy and its potential energy will be equal to its gravitational potential energy (PEfinal). We can calculate this using the formula PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the block, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height. Rearranging the equation, we get:

h = PEfinal / (mg)

Plugging in the values, we get:

h = 3.125 J / (0.5 kg)(9.8 m/s^2) = 0.638 m

This is the maximum height the block will reach on the incline. To find the distance d, we need to subtract the initial compression distance of the spring (0.1 m) from the maximum height:

d = 0.638 m - 0.1 m = 0.538 m

Therefore, the maximum distance the block travels up the incline is 0.538 m.

b) To find the speed of the block when it is halfway to its maximum height, we can use the same conservation of energy equation. At this point, the block will have some kinetic energy and

FAQ: Conservation of Energy of a block and spring

1. What is the conservation of energy principle?

The conservation of energy principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can only be transferred from one form to another. In the case of a block and spring system, the potential energy stored in the spring is converted into kinetic energy as the block moves back and forth.

2. How does energy conservation apply to a block and spring system?

In a block and spring system, the total energy remains constant as the block oscillates between potential and kinetic energy. As the spring is compressed, potential energy is stored, and as the block moves, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The sum of these two energies is always equal, demonstrating the principle of energy conservation.

3. Can energy be lost in a block and spring system?

No, energy cannot be lost in a block and spring system. The system is considered to be closed, meaning that no external forces are acting on it. Therefore, the total energy of the system remains constant, and energy cannot be lost or gained.

4. How does the mass of the block affect the conservation of energy?

The mass of the block does not affect the conservation of energy in a block and spring system. The energy stored in the spring depends on the spring's stiffness and the distance it is compressed, while the kinetic energy of the block depends on its velocity. As long as the spring and block remain the same, the total energy of the system will remain constant regardless of the block's mass.

5. Is the conservation of energy principle applicable to all systems?

Yes, the conservation of energy principle applies to all systems. It is a fundamental law of physics and is applicable in all natural phenomena. The principle states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant, and this applies to all systems, including a block and spring system.
