Conservation of energy of a rollercoaster car

In summary: Oh you need a hint for the second part? I already told you that the total energy is unchanged. You know how much energy it had at the top, so how much does it have at the bottom?3) Tell me how you'd find potential energy from the top of the circle (not the bottom like you did before). That's what you'll need to compare to the potential energy at the start. Remember you don't need the mass. Then just like problem 2, set K=0 at the top of the circle, and find the change in energy. That will be the change in potential energy from the top to the bottom of the circle.In summary, the problems involve finding the
  • #1

Homework Statement

1. A roller coaster car of mass 1500kg starts a distance H =23m above the bottom of a lopp 15m in diameter. If friction is negligible, the downward force of the rails on the car when it is upside down at the top of the loop is ?

2. Lou is trying to kill mice by swinging a clock of mass m attached to one end of a massless stick 1.4m in length on a nail in the wall. The clock end of the stick is free to rotate around its other end in a vertical circle. Lou raises the clock until the stick is horizontal, and when mice peek their heads out from the hole to their den, he gives it an initial downward velocity v. The clock misses a mouse and continues on its circular path with just enough energy to complete the circle and bonk Lou on the back of his head. (a) What was the value of v ? (b) What was the clock's speed at the bottom of it's swing ?

3. A pendulum consists of a string of length L and a bob of mass m. The string is brought to a horizontal position and the bob is given the minium initial speed enabling the pendulum to make a full turn in the verticle plane. (a) What is the maximum kinetic energy K of the bob ? (b) What is the tension in the string when the kinetic energy maximum ??

Homework Equations

E=K + U

The Attempt at a Solution

1. I guess at the beginning there will only be U=1500*g*23. At the top of the loop E= U ( I am not sure). Thus, we have the E=U=-W= integral of (Fdx). How can I move on from there ??

2. I am clueless in the way solving this problem.

3. I am kinda confused by :"...the bob is given the minimum initial speed enabling the pendulum to make a full turn in the vertical plane."
Physics news on
  • #2
nns91 said:

Homework Statement

1. A roller coaster car of mass 1500kg starts a distance H =23m above the bottom of a lopp 15m in diameter. If friction is negligible, the downward force of the rails on the car when it is upside down at the top of the loop is ?

2. Lou is trying to kill mice by swinging a clock of mass m attached to one end of a massless stick 1.4m in length on a nail in the wall. The clock end of the stick is free to rotate around its other end in a vertical circle. Lou raises the clock until the stick is horizontal, and when mice peek their heads out from the hole to their den, he gives it an initial downward velocity v. The clock misses a mouse and continues on its circular path with just enough energy to complete the circle and bonk Lou on the back of his head. (a) What was the value of v ? (b) What was the clock's speed at the bottom of it's swing ?

3. A pendulum consists of a string of length L and a bob of mass m. The string is brought to a horizontal position and the bob is given the minium initial speed enabling the pendulum to make a full turn in the verticle plane. (a) What is the maximum kinetic energy K of the bob ? (b) What is the tension in the string when the kinetic energy maximum ??

Homework Equations

E=K + U

The Attempt at a Solution

1. I guess at the beginning there will only be U=1500*g*23. At the top of the loop E= U ( I am not sure). Thus, we have the E=U=-W= integral of (Fdx). How can I move on from there ??
Unless you say what "E", "U", and "W" mean, I don't see how anyone can help you with this.

2. I am clueless in the way solving this problem.
"Just enough energy to complete the circle" is the crucial statement. At the top of the circle, the speed of the weight is just barely above 0. What is the potential energy there? What was the potential energy at the start? What must have been the kinetic energy at the start?

3. I am kinda confused by :"...the bob is given the minimum initial speed enabling the pendulum to make a full turn in the vertical plane."
Exactly the same as problem 2. As the pendulum "goes over the top", its speed must be just more than 0. What is the Potential energy there? What is its potential energy at the start? What must have been the kinetic energy at the start?
  • #3
E is Energy, U is potential energy, W is work.
  • #4
1) The equation you used E= K+U is right. Let's not bring W into this.
Remember E doesn't change in this frictionless problem.
You showed you know how to find initial U at with respect to the bottom of the loop; how about with respect to the top of the loop.
Obviously K is 0 initially since it starts at rest (although the problem doesn't actually say that). So what is K at the top of the loop?
Now you have K, what's v and finally what's F.
  • #5
Respecting to the loop, U=1500*g*15

At the top of the loop, is not K=0 also ??
  • #6
No at the top of the loop it's moving. You just figured out how much potential energy you gave up getting there. So how much kinetic energy did you pick up if the total energy is unchanged?
  • #7
Right. From there I will probably get the speed. From speed, how can I get work ??

How about the next 2 problems. I am kinda confused in the way to solve it.
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  • #8
2) Hallsofivy gave you the clue. K=0 (or nearly) at the top of the circle. You know how to find the difference in potential energy between the top and the bottom and the top and the starting point. Therefore you can find the kinetic energies and speeds at those points.
  • #9
1. Right. From there I will probably get the speed. From speed, how can I get work ??
  • #10
You don't want work. You are looking for force, specifically the difference between the centrifugal force and the gravitational force.
  • #11
F=mv^2/2 right ?
  • #12
no that's kinetic energy. centrifugal force is mv^2/r.
  • #13
For number 2, I set it up like this:

Start: E=(1/2) mv^2

Bottom: E=(1/2)mv^2-mgh

Top: E= mgh.

Do I set Start=top to solve for v ??
  • #14
I guess the easiest way to say it is
mgh + (1/2)mv^2 = E
at every point. Where E is the same for every point. Since m and g are also the same for every point, you can calculate the change in v between any two points by the change in h. (Or if you needed to, the change in h by the change in v, but in this problem you know the difference in h of all the points of interest.)
  • #15
so will I get v= sqroot(2gh) ? for part b, at the bottom E=(1/2)mv^2-mgh ?
  • #16
Do you guys think I got that right ?

I am still kinda clueless about question 3. I don't get the approach.
  • #17
Problem 2:

I think you have this right. But I am not exactly clear as to what you have done.

Define E as any convenient value. Let's call it zero; this is completely arbitrary. Since the velocity is 0 at the top, the energy is mgh at the top, so we also have to define h=0 at the top.

At the bottom, then, the height is -2R where R is the length of the stick. Since the total energy is zero,
mg(-2R)+(1/2)mv^2 = 0 , therefore:

At the start, 0 = mg(-R) + 1/2(mv^2),
v= sqrt(2gR)

This is what you got, right?
Problem 3 is almost the same problem.

FAQ: Conservation of energy of a rollercoaster car

1. How does the conservation of energy apply to a rollercoaster car?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In the case of a rollercoaster car, the potential energy gained from being lifted to the top of a hill is converted into kinetic energy as it travels downwards.

2. What factors affect the conservation of energy in a rollercoaster car?

The conservation of energy in a rollercoaster car is affected by the height of the initial drop, the mass of the car, and the amount of friction and air resistance present. These factors determine the amount of potential and kinetic energy the car will have at any point during the ride.

3. Can the conservation of energy be violated in a rollercoaster car?

No, the conservation of energy is a fundamental law of physics and cannot be violated. While it may appear that the rollercoaster car is gaining or losing energy, this is due to energy being transformed from one form to another.

4. How does the conservation of energy impact the design of a rollercoaster?

The conservation of energy plays a crucial role in the design of a rollercoaster. Designers must carefully calculate the potential and kinetic energy at various points in the ride to ensure a safe and thrilling experience for riders. The track layout, drop heights, and turns are all carefully planned to maintain the conservation of energy.

5. What happens to the energy of a rollercoaster car at the end of the ride?

At the end of the ride, the rollercoaster car comes to a stop due to friction and other forces. The energy is no longer being transformed from potential to kinetic, so it is dissipated as heat and sound. This means that the energy is still conserved, but it is no longer in a usable form.

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