Conservation of energy word problem

In summary, a 9.1 g ball is hit into a 98 g block of clay at rest on a level surface. After impact, the block slides 8m before coming to rest. If the coefficient of friction is 0.60, determine the speed of the ball before impact.
  • #1
Alameen Damer

Homework Statement

A 9.1 g ball is hit into a 98 g block of clay at rest on a level surface. After impact, the block slides 8m before coming to rest. If the coefficient of friction is 0.60, determine the speed of the ball before impact

Homework Equations

Ek+1/2 mv^2

The Attempt at a Solution

First of all, I calculate friction force.

=5.9 N

I find acceleration of the block:

-5.9 N = 0.098a
-60 m/s^2=a

At this point I am stuck i am unsure of what to find next given that i know no velocities, except the initial velocity for the block. This problem i should solve using conservation of energy and momentum.
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  • #2
As I read it, the ball goes into the clay.
Not sure why you detemined the acceleration, since you had the force and the distance. Anyway, you say you have found the velocity just after impact (though you don't show that). What quantity is conserved during the impact?
  • #3
Initial velocity as in the velocity of the block at rest, before getting hit. And from your understanding does this seem to be an inelastic collision?
  • #4
Alameen Damer said:
Initial velocity as in the velocity of the block at rest, before getting hit. And from your understanding does this seem to be an inelastic collision?
Ok, so can you find the velocity just after impact?
The collision is certainly inelastic. As I wrote, I believe the question statement implies the ball becomes embedded in the clay. Were this not so, you would not have enough information.
  • #5
Do we have enough information for this? I attempted to solve it using the conservation of momentum, however I am missing the initial velocity of the ball.
  • #6
Alameen Damer said:
Do we have enough information for this? I attempted to solve it using the conservation of momentum, however I am missing the initial velocity of the ball.
From what you worked out in the OP you can find the velocity immediately after collision. (Your calculation was not really correct because you did not have the right mass for the clay plus ball combination, but, as it happens, this won't change the calculation of the velocity just after collision as long as you are consistent in that regard.)
For the conservation of momentum, the initial velocity of the ball is the only variable that you do not know the value of, so you can deduce it.
  • #7
Ok so using kinematics can I use the vf^2=vi^2+2ad equation in this case. And if so, would vf be 0 as they both come to rest at the end.
  • #8
Okay so using vf^2=vi^2+2ad:

Note I found acceleration using the same method as in the OP, just changed the mass to include the ball:

  • #9
Alameen Damer said:
Ok so using kinematics can I use the vf^2=vi^2+2ad equation in this case. And if so, would vi be 0 as the block and ball started from rest, essentially.
You need to split the process into two phases. First, there's the collision. Each object has an initial and final velocity for that phase. The final velocities for that phase are the initial velocities for the second phase, the block plus ball combination sliding to rest.
You found the deceleration for the second phase, and you know the distance and final velocity of that phase, so what is the initial velocity of that phase?
  • #10
Yes my apologies, I edited my above quote, the Vf for the second phase would be 0, and thus using kinematics as shown above, the initial velocity of the ball+clay during the second phase is 29.7 m/s.
  • #11
Alameen Damer said:
Yes my apologies, I edited my above quote, the Vf for the second phase would be 0, and thus using kinematics as shown above, the initial velocity of the ball+clay during the second phase is 29.7 m/s.
That's much too big. Looks like you made an error in calculating the frictional force.
I strongly recommend you get into the habit of working purely symbolically. Pretend you are not given any numeric values, so you have to create a variable name for each of those. This has many advantages, particularly when asking others to review your work. Only plug in numbers right at the end.
  • #12

This is how I worked it out:

Force of friction:

Note mass of ball+block=0.1071 kg


Finding acceleration:

Vi=9.7 m/s

That is the initial velocity for the second phase, aka final velocity for the first phase. Are the calculations correct?
Last edited:
  • #13
  • #14
Alameen Damer said:

This is how I worked it out:

Force of friction:

Note mass of ball+block=0.1071 kg


Finding acceleration:

Vi=9.7 m/s

That is the initial velocity for the second phase, aka final velocity for the first phase. Are the calculations correct?
That's better. I guess you had multiplied by g twice. This is an example of the many benefits of working symbolically:
##F_f=\mu F_N=\mu (m_b+m_c)g = a(m_b+m_c)##. So ##a=\mu g##. No risk of doubling up the g's, and the masses cancel, reducing the effort.
  • #15
Yes it is much more organized, and reduces the risk of errors.

At the point of finding this 9.7 m/s velocity, I attempted to sub it into an equation for the final velocity of an inelastic collision-then isolate Vi1:

Inelastic collision:

Vf=[(m1)(vi1)+(m2)(vi2)] / (m1+m2)

Vi2 is 0 so:


The book answer is 33 m/s though
  • #16
Alameen Damer said:
Yes it is much more organized, and reduces the risk of errors.

At the point of finding this 9.7 m/s velocity, I attempted to sub it into an equation for the final velocity of an inelastic collision-then isolate Vi1:

Inelastic collision:

Vf=[(m1)(vi1)+(m2)(vi2)] / (m1+m2)

Vi2 is 0 so:


The book answer is 33 m/s though
Your answer is correct given the numbers you quoted. The 8m seems rather a long way. Are you sure it didn't say 0.8m? But that still gives me 36m/s, not 33.
  • #17
Yep I'm sure, i have attached the question photo as well. So is my answer correct?


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  • #18
Alameen Damer said:
Yep I'm sure, i have attached the question photo as well. So is my answer correct?
Yes. 33m/s is nowhere near enough.
  • #19
Thank you very much for your help
  • #20
Alameen Damer said:
Thank you very much for your help
You are welcome. For what it's worth, 9.1g is too light for a golf ball. 40-45g would be reasonable. 41g gives 33m/s.

FAQ: Conservation of energy word problem

1. How do I solve conservation of energy word problems?

In order to solve a conservation of energy word problem, you need to identify all of the different forms of energy involved and determine how they are related. This can be done by using the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Once you have identified all forms of energy and their relationships, you can use mathematical equations to solve the problem.

2. What are the different forms of energy involved in conservation of energy word problems?

The different forms of energy involved in conservation of energy word problems can include kinetic energy, potential energy, thermal energy, gravitational potential energy, and elastic potential energy. Other forms of energy such as chemical energy and electrical energy may also be involved depending on the specific problem.

3. How can I use the law of conservation of energy to solve a word problem?

The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy in a closed system remains constant over time. This means that the sum of all forms of energy at the beginning of a problem must equal the sum of all forms of energy at the end. You can use this principle to create equations that relate the different forms of energy and solve for unknown variables.

4. What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or state, such as gravitational potential energy or elastic potential energy. Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is the energy an object has due to its motion. Both forms of energy can be converted into one another, and the total energy in a system will remain constant.

5. How can I check if my solution to a conservation of energy word problem is correct?

You can check your solution by ensuring that the total energy at the beginning of the problem is equal to the total energy at the end. Additionally, you can check if your solution is consistent with the physical laws and principles involved in the problem, such as the law of conservation of energy and the relationships between different forms of energy.
