Conservation of Four-Momentum in Neutrino-Electron Collision

In summary, the question is asking for the energy of the Anti-Electron-Neutrino needed to produce a W-minus boson in a collision. The relevant equations and data include the masses of the electron and W-minus boson, and the four-momentum equation is used to solve the problem. Through the conservation of momentum, it is determined that there is no frame where both the electron and the W-minus boson can be at rest. Using the energy equation, the energy of the neutrino is calculated to be (M_W^2 -m_e^2)/2M_W, assuming all particles are on-shell.
  • #1
Hi physics people,

This is a past (3rd year university level) exam question, so I hope it's ok that I didn't post this in the homework section even if it's set out like a homework question.

The Question:
Suppose we are observing the collision

Anti-electron-neutrino + electron ---> W-minus boson

What energy has the Anti-Electron-Neutrino, to produce the W particle?

Relavant equations and data:
mass of electron = 0.511 MeV/c^2
mass of W-minus boson = 80.403 GeV/c^2

Four-momentum equation
[tex]S = -(\overrightarrow{{p_{e}}}+\overrightarrow{{p_{\nu }}})^{2} = -(cp_{e}+cp_{\nu })^{2}+(E_{e}+E_{\nu})^{2}[/tex]

Thoughts so far:
My understanding is that the four-momentum is always conserved so I have to equate the initial four-momentum to the final four-momentum using the assumption that the electron and the W boson have no kinetic energy.

[tex]S_{initial} = -c^{2}p_{\nu }^{2} + E_{\nu }^{2}[/tex]
[tex]S_{final} = ((m_{W^{-}}) c^{2})^{2}[/tex]

to the initial four-momentum becomes zero since
cp = E

So I'm not sure how to carry on, the energy of the neutrino can't be zero!?

Thanks to anyone who helps
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  • #2
You'll find that it isn't possible for both the electron and the W to be at rest.
  • #3
Parlyne said:
You'll find that it isn't possible for both the electron and the W to be at rest.

Is there not a frame where they would both be at rest?. That seems to be at odds with the "no preferred rest frame" postulate.
  • #4
TrickyDicky said:
Is there not a frame where they would both be at rest?. That seems to be at odds with the "no preferred rest frame" postulate.

I shoot a green pea at billiard ball and it sticks, moving the billiard ball slightly. Is there *one* frame where both the initial billiard ball and the composite (billiard+pea) are at rest? No. The existence of such a frame would mean you have a frame where momentum isn't conserved. The described situation is equivalent.
  • #5
I hope its ok to just show how to do this as it isn't a homework question. I just use conservation of momentum in the rest frame of the W.
p_{\nu} +p_{e} = p_W[/tex]
(E_{\nu},E_{\nu} \hat{z}) + (E_{e}, p_e \hat{z}) = (E_W, \vec{p}_W)
Now in this frame we have:

(E_{\nu}, E_{\nu} \hat{z}) + (E_{e}, -E_{\nu} \hat{z}) = (M_W, 0)

[tex]m_e^2 = E^2_{e} - E^2_{\nu}
from the momentum squared of the electron in this frame, we have [itex]E_{e} = \sqrt{m_e^2 + E^2_{\nu}}[/itex]

(E_{\nu}, E_{\nu} \hat{z}) + (\sqrt{m_e^2 + E^2_{\nu}}, -E_{\nu} \hat{z}) = (M_W, 0)

Looking at just the energies:

[tex]E_{\nu} + \sqrt{m_e^2 + E^2_{\nu}} = M_W[/tex]

Giving us

[tex]E_{\nu} = \frac{M_W^2 -m_e^2}{2 M_W}[/tex]

This is all assuming all particles are on-shell.
  • #6
PAllen said:
I shoot a green pea at billiard ball and it sticks, moving the billiard ball slightly. Is there *one* frame where both the initial billiard ball and the composite (billiard+pea) are at rest? No. The existence of such a frame would mean you have a frame where momentum isn't conserved. The described situation is equivalent.

Nice analogy, thanks.
  • #7
Thanks very much, this helps with a lot of other things as well, that aren't so greatly explained in my notes. Cheers!

Related to Conservation of Four-Momentum in Neutrino-Electron Collision

1. What is the conservation of four momentum?

The conservation of four momentum is a fundamental principle in physics that states that the total four momentum of a closed system remains constant in time, regardless of any internal changes or interactions within the system. In other words, the total momentum and energy of a system cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred between different forms.

2. What is four momentum?

Four momentum is a physical quantity that combines the concepts of momentum and energy into a single four-component vector. It is commonly used in the theory of relativity to describe the motion of particles and systems at high speeds or in strong gravitational fields. The four components of four momentum are spatial momentum (p), energy (E), and two additional components related to the particle's mass and the speed of light.

3. Why is the conservation of four momentum important?

The conservation of four momentum is important because it is a fundamental law of nature that underlies many physical processes, such as particle interactions and energy transfer. It also plays a crucial role in understanding and calculating the behavior of objects at high speeds, where the effects of relativity become significant. Additionally, the conservation of four momentum is closely related to the concept of symmetry in physics, which has far-reaching implications in many areas of research.

4. How is the conservation of four momentum applied in real-life situations?

The conservation of four momentum has many practical applications in fields such as particle physics, astrophysics, and engineering. For example, it is used to understand and predict the behavior of particles in particle accelerators, the motion of objects in space, and the transfer of energy in nuclear reactions. It is also a crucial principle in developing technologies such as nuclear power and space travel.

5. Can the conservation of four momentum be violated?

No, the conservation of four momentum is a fundamental law of nature that has been rigorously tested and confirmed in countless experiments. Any apparent violations of this law can usually be explained by the presence of external forces or incomplete measurements. However, in some cases, the conservation of four momentum may appear to be violated due to the limitations of our current understanding of physics and the complexities of certain systems. These discrepancies are often resolved by further research and refinement of theories.

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