Conservation of Four Momentum Problem

In summary, the problem is in natural units and using the Minkoswki metric with the (+,-,-,-) sign convention.
  • #1
This is not coursework, it is from a past paper (which we don’t have solutions for) and am doing preparation for this years exam.

1. Homework Statement

Particle ##A## with energy ##E_A## hits particle ##B## (at rest), producing particles ##C## and ##D## in the reaction
A+B \longrightarrow C + D

Show that the minimum values of ##E_A## for this reaction , in terms of the particles masses ##m_A##,##m_B##,##m_C## and ##m_D## is given as
E_A = \frac{(m_C+m_D)^2-m_A^2-m_B^2}{2m_B}

Homework Equations

##\textbf{p} \cdot \textbf{p} = m^2 ##
##\textbf{p}=(E,|\vec{p}|) = (\gamma m , \gamma m \vec{v})##

The Attempt at a Solution

As the relevant equation I posted suggests, the problem is in natural units and using the Minkoswki metric with the (+,-,-,-) sign convention.

I have done most of it, but there is one last bit which I can't see how it comes about. So far I have done..
\textbf{p}_A + \textbf{p}_B = \textbf{p}_C + \textbf{p}_D \\
\left( \textbf{p}_A + \textbf{p}_B \right) \cdot \left( \textbf{p}_A + \textbf{p}_B \right) = \left( \textbf{p}_C + \textbf{p}_D \right) \cdot \left( \textbf{p}_C + \textbf{p}_D \right) \\
m_A^2 + m_B^2 +2(\textbf{p}_A \cdot \textbf{p}_B) = m_C^2 + m_D^2 +2(\textbf{p}_C \cdot \textbf{p}_D)

And since particle ##B## is at rest ##\textbf{p}_A \cdot \textbf{p}_B = E_A m_B ##, therefore..

m_A^2 + m_B^2 +2 E_a m_B = m_C^2 + m_D^2 +2(\textbf{p}_C \cdot \textbf{p}_D) \\
\therefore E_A = \frac{m_C^2 + m_D^2 + 2(\textbf{p}_C \cdot \textbf{p}_D) - m_A^2 - m_B^2}{2 m_B}

And from looking at result in the question and expanding the squared term on top this suggests that ##(\textbf{p}_C \cdot \textbf{p}_D) = m_C m_D ## and I cannot see how!

I tried doing the dot product, but the only way I can see how that works is if both ##C## and ##D## have zero three-velocity, and I can't see how that could be from the question if so, and if not, I can't see how it comes about.

Any help/advice is much appreciated!

Thanks :)
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  • #2
What is the relative velocity of C and D at the minimal energy for this reaction?

Something went wrong with the formatting (missing line breaks?), but what you got at the end is correct, it just needs a last simplification step.
  • #3
ChrisJ said:
And from looking at result in the question and expanding the squared term on top this suggests that ##(\textbf{p}_C \cdot \textbf{p}_D) = m_C m_D ## and I cannot see how!

Also remember that the product of the two four-vectors is invariant, so you can calculate it in the center-of-mass frame instead of the lab frame.
  • #4
vela said:
Also remember that the product of the two four-vectors is invariant, so you can calculate it in the center-of-mass frame instead of the lab frame.

Ok, thank you. Yeah I knew it was invariant but maybe did not fully understand the principle or implications of it. I assumed that the question set's it up so that it is from particle ##B## 's rest frame, and that is how I got ##E_a m_B## from the inner product of ##\textbf{p}_A## and ##\textbf{p}_B## since ##B## has no 3-velocity . And I assumed if I computed that bit in B's rest frame then the other bits of the equation had too to? Or is it that because 4-momentum is invariant I can calculate that one bits from B's rest frame, and then compute the other bits from the CoM frame of ##C## and ##D##?
mfb said:
What is the relative velocity of C and D at the minimal energy for this reaction?

Something went wrong with the formatting (missing line breaks?), but what you got at the end is correct, it just needs a last simplification step.

Thanks for replying, the formatting looks fine for me? All the line breaks are coded and are working properly, well, according to my browser at least :) . The relative velocity would be zero wouldn’t it? I.e. moving at same velocity.
  • #5
After reloading, the line breaks are now shown to me as well. Probably a weird one-time error.

The relative velocity is zero, right, this should give you the product of the two momentum vectors, especially if you use vela's hint. If something is invariant under Lorentz transformations, it does not matter in which reference frame you evaluate it - that is exactly what the invariance tells you.
  • #6
mfb said:
it does not matter in which reference frame you evaluate it - that is exactly what the invariance tells you.

Ok yeah I get the final answer now, thanks both. :)

Related to Conservation of Four Momentum Problem

1. What is the Conservation of Four Momentum Problem?

The Conservation of Four Momentum Problem is a concept in physics that states that the total four-momentum of a system remains constant in any interaction, as long as there are no external forces acting on the system. Four-momentum includes both the momentum and energy of the system.

2. Why is the Conservation of Four Momentum important?

The Conservation of Four Momentum is important because it is a fundamental law of physics that applies to all interactions in the universe. It helps us understand and predict the behavior of particles and systems, and it allows us to conserve important physical quantities such as mass, energy, and momentum.

3. What are the implications of violating the Conservation of Four Momentum?

If the Conservation of Four Momentum is violated, it means that the total four-momentum of a system changes during an interaction. This would contradict the fundamental laws of physics and could lead to unpredictable and inconsistent results. Violations of this law have not been observed in any experiments to date.

4. How is the Conservation of Four Momentum applied in real-world situations?

The Conservation of Four Momentum is applied in many real-world situations, such as particle collisions in accelerators, nuclear reactions, and even in everyday interactions like bouncing a ball. It allows scientists to calculate the momentum and energy of particles and systems before and after an interaction, and to make predictions about their behavior.

5. Are there any exceptions to the Conservation of Four Momentum?

There are some situations where the Conservation of Four Momentum may appear to be violated, but these are usually due to incomplete measurements or external forces acting on the system. In general, the law holds true for all interactions in the universe, making it a fundamental principle of physics.

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