Conservation of Momentum, 2D, Unknown Final Velocities

In summary, the conservation of momentum and energy equations for the x and y components were discussed in relation to a collision involving two objects. However, it was noted that collisions in at least two dimensions have some freedom and cannot be solved with just these equations. Other details such as impact point and the properties of the objects involved may be necessary to determine the outcome of the collision. In the case of frictionless spheres, a fourth equation can be added if the impact parameter is fixed.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Conservation of momentum of x components
[itex] 10(20Cos(-30)) + 5(5Cos60) = 10v_{f}Cos(α) + 5v_{f}Cos(β) [/itex]

[itex] 185.7 = 10v_{f}Cos(α) + 5v_{f}Cos(β) [/itex]

Conservation of momentum of y components

[itex] 10(20Sin(-30)) + 5(5Sin60) = 10v_{f}Sin(α) + 5v_{f}Sin(β) [/itex]

[itex] -78.3 = 10v_{f}Sin(α) + 5v_{f}Sin(β) [/itex]

Homework Equations

Conservation of momentum in x:

(mv)1ix + (mv)2ix = (mv)1fx + (mv)2fx

Conservation of momentum in y

(mv)1iy + (mv)2iy = (mv)1fy + (mv)2fy

The Attempt at a Solution

x components
[itex] 185.7 = 10v_{f}Cos(α) + 5v_{f}Cos(β) [/itex]


y components
[itex] -78.3 = 10v_{f}Sin(α) + 5v_{f}Sin(β) [/itex]With two equations, each with two unknown velocities and two unknown angles. It just seems like there is not enough information to algebraically solve for the final velocities and angles.
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  • #2
That is right, and there is no way to fix it. Collisions in at least two dimensions have some freedom. You can fix one more if you make the collision elastic, or fix the amount of energy lost in the process, but then the result will still depend on details of the collision process. Just have a look at billiard, then you'll see that different collisions give different results (here: depending on where you hit the other ball).
  • #3
mfb said:
That is right, and there is no way to fix it. Collisions in at least two dimensions have some freedom. You can fix one more if you make the collision elastic, or fix the amount of energy lost in the process, but then the result will still depend on details of the collision process. Just have a look at billiard, then you'll see that different collisions give different results (here: depending on where you hit the other ball).
Thank you mfb.

If I establish the collision as 100% elastic, then

Ei = Ef

[itex]1/2(mv^{2})_{1i} + 1/2(mv^{2})_{2i}= 1/2(mv^{2})_{1f} + 1/2(mv^{2})_{2f}[/itex]

And Pi = Pf

Conservation of momentum in x:

(mv)1ix + (mv)2ix = (mv)1fx + (mv)2fx

Conservation of momentum in y

(mv)1iy + (mv)2iy = (mv)1fy + (mv)2fyNow I have three equations. But before I continue, may I clarify one point?Question is, is the conservation of energy component dependent just as conservation of momentum is component dependent? In other words, would I need:[itex]1/2(mv^{2})_{1i} + 1/2(mv^{2})_{2i}= 1/2(mv^{2})_{1f} + 1/2(mv^{2})_{2f}[/itex]

Or, would I need to break kinetic energy into components?:

Conservation of energy of components in the x
[itex].5m(vCos(-30))^{2}_{1} + .5m(vCos(60))^{2}_{2} = .5m(vCosα)^{2}_{1} + .5m(vCosβ)^{2}_{2}[/itex]Conservation of energy of components in the y
[itex].5m(vSin(-30))^{2}_{1} + .5m(vSin(60))^{2}_{2} = .5m(vSinα)^{2}_{1}+ .5m(vSinβ)^{2}_{2}[/itex]
  • #4
Total energy is a single number, it does not have (meaningful) components.

Ocata said:
[itex]1/2(mv^{2})_{1i} + 1/2(mv^{2})_{2i}= 1/2(mv^{2})_{1f} + 1/2(mv^{2})_{2f}[/itex]
  • #5
mfb, thank you.

What I have so far are these 3 equations:

Equation 1)
Conservation of momentum in the x component:

[itex]185.7 = 10vCos(α)_{1f} + 5vCos{β}_{2f} [/itex]Equation 2)
Conservation of momentum in the y component:

[itex]-78.3 = 10vSin(α)_{1f} + 5vCos{β}_{2f} [/itex]Equation 3)
Conservation of Energy

[itex]2062.5 = 5v^{2}_{1f} + 2.5v^{2}_{2f}[/itex]Not sure what to do next at this point. I don't know the final x or y velocity components of either object, I don't know the final velocity magnitudes of either object, and I don't know their angles. Is there any method of substitution where I can find any of these unknowns?
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  • #6
As I said, this is impossible. The collision can have different results even if the initial velocities are known.
For a real collision, it will depend on details of the collision process, especially the impact point.
  • #7
What might be the basic details needed in order to solve this scenario? One important detail, as you mention, is impact point. Are there any other details that would be necessary for solving a very theoretical situation? Can a problem like this be reduced in simplicity for the sake of learning the general idea (sort of like considering a rope to be massless when learning about tension and forces between blocks)?

For instance, how could this problem be solved with two spheres in zero gravity and no kind of external friction?
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  • #8
Ocata said:
Can a problem like this be reduced in simplicity for the sake of learning the general idea (sort of like considering a rope to be massless when learning about tension and forces between blocks)?
You can learn that some problems don't have a unique answer.
Ocata said:
What might be the basic details needed in order to solve this scenario? One important detail, as you mention, is impact point. Are there any other details that would be necessary for solving a very theoretical situation?
Everything about the colliding objects can be important.

For frictionless spheres: momentum transfer happens orthogonal to the contact plane only. This gives a fourth equation if you fix the impact parameter.
  • #9
Thank you. I will take note of this parameter and look forward to building up to this level. Appreciate you introducing this concept.

FAQ: Conservation of Momentum, 2D, Unknown Final Velocities

What is conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant. This means that the total amount of momentum before a collision or interaction is equal to the total amount of momentum after the collision or interaction.

How is conservation of momentum applied in two-dimensional situations?

In two-dimensional situations, the total momentum is conserved in both the x and y directions. This means that the sum of the momentum vectors in the x direction before a collision or interaction is equal to the sum of the momentum vectors in the x direction after the collision or interaction, and the same applies for the y direction.

What is meant by "unknown final velocities" in conservation of momentum problems?

"Unknown final velocities" refers to the velocities of objects after a collision or interaction, which are not given in the problem but are to be solved for using conservation of momentum equations.

What are the steps for solving conservation of momentum problems in two dimensions?

The steps for solving conservation of momentum problems in two dimensions are as follows: 1) Identify the objects involved and their initial velocities, 2) Draw a diagram and label the momentum vectors in the x and y directions, 3) Write out the conservation of momentum equations for each direction, 4) Solve for the unknown final velocities, and 5) Check your solution for physical plausibility.

What types of collisions can be analyzed using conservation of momentum in two dimensions?

Conservation of momentum can be applied to both elastic and inelastic collisions in two dimensions. In elastic collisions, both kinetic energy and momentum are conserved, while in inelastic collisions, only momentum is conserved.
