Conservation of Momentum - BOMB EXPLOSION question

In summary, a stationary bomb explodes in space, creating multiple fragments with zero net force due to gravity at the location of the explosion. The conservation of momentum holds true, but kinetic energy is not conserved as the velocity of the fragments is zero both before and after the explosion. The sum of the kinetic energies of the fragments cannot be zero and the fragments do not have equal kinetic energies. However, the vector sum of the linear momenta of the fragments must be zero.
  • #1

Homework Statement

QUESTION 1 :A stationary bomb explodes in space breaking into a number of small fragments. At the location of the explosion, the net force do to gravity is 0 Newtons. Which one of the following statements concerning the event is true?
a) Kinetic energy is conserved in the process
b) The fragments must have equal kinetic energies
c) The sum of the KE's of the fragments must be 0
d) The vector sum of the linear momenta of the fragments must be zero
e) The velocity of anyone fragment must be equal to the velocity of any other fragment

Homework Equations

mv (before) = mv (after)

The Attempt at a Solution

a) mv (before) = mv (after), velocity before is 0 and velocity after is 0 therefore, the KE is NOT conserved
b) there is NO KE as the bomb was stationary so it was zero velocity
c) KE must always be positive so it can NOT be 0
d) YES
e) The velocities of these fragments are zero, therefore the velocity of one fragment can be equal to other fragment so I don't understand this question
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  • #2
gcombina said:
a) mv (before) = mv (after), velocity before is 0 and velocity after is 0
The velocity of what is zero after? There are many independently moving fragments.
If you mean the average velocity (weighted according to mass), you can't use that for finding the KE of an ensemble.
  • #3
haruspex said:
The velocity of what is zero after? There are many independently moving fragments.
If you mean the average velocity (weighted according to mass), you can't use that for finding the KE of an ensemble.

I thought that because it said "stationary bomb" then the velocity was zero before it exploted
  • #4
gcombina said:
I thought that because it said "stationary bomb" then the velocity was zero before it exploted
Sure, but you wrote that it is also zero afterwards.
  • #5
haruspex said:
Sure, but you wrote that it is also zero afterwards.

right cause the conservation of momentum, am I right? velocity is zero before and its zero after
  • #6
gcombina said:
right cause the conservation of momentum, am I right? velocity is zero before and its zero after
The momentum is zero before and after, but in the after condition the mass is made of many small parts. You can only use ##\frac 12 mv^2## for KE when the m is a rigid body (and you would have to add in rotational energy too. If it is an ensemble then you must sum the energies over the rigid components.
  • #7
haruspex said:
The momentum is zero before and after, but in the after condition the mass is made of many small parts. You can only use ##\frac 12 mv^2## for KE when the m is a rigid body (and you would have to add in rotational energy too. If it is an ensemble then you must sum the energies over the rigid components.
wow, i don't understand you. Which option are you trying to explain to me? option a) or option e)?
  • #8
gcombina said:
wow, i don't understand you. Which option are you trying to explain to me? option a) or option e)?
It relates to your reasoning on all except d), but does not necessarily change your answer. For instance, in a) you got the right answer, that KE is not conserved, despite apparently reasoning that it would be.
  • #9
gcombina said:
I assume that the bomb explodes and the parts fly and then remain on the ground
What ground? The question only concerns the instants before and after the explosion.

FAQ: Conservation of Momentum - BOMB EXPLOSION question

What is conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant over time. This means that the combined momentum of all objects in the system cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred between objects.

How does conservation of momentum apply to a bomb explosion?

In a bomb explosion, the bomb and its surrounding environment form a closed system. When the bomb explodes, the chemical energy is converted into kinetic energy, causing the bomb fragments to fly out in all directions. The total momentum of the bomb and its fragments before and after the explosion must be equal, according to the law of conservation of momentum.

What factors affect the conservation of momentum in a bomb explosion?

The mass and velocity of the bomb and its fragments are the main factors that affect the conservation of momentum in a bomb explosion. The more massive and faster the fragments are, the greater the total momentum of the system will be.

Can conservation of momentum be violated in a bomb explosion?

No, conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics and cannot be violated. In a bomb explosion, some fragments may appear to have a different momentum than others, but this is due to external forces such as air resistance and is not a violation of the conservation of momentum.

How is conservation of momentum used in bomb forensics?

By analyzing the trajectory and momentum of bomb fragments, forensic experts can determine the location and direction of the explosion, as well as the type of explosive used. This information can be crucial in identifying and apprehending suspects in bomb-related crimes.

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