Conservation of momentum close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of conservation of momentum and angular velocity in relation to launching objects into space. It explains that while a ball thrown in a moving train will maintain its momentum, a spacecraft launched from Earth does not carry the momentum of Earth's rotation with it. This is due to the difference between linear velocity and angular velocity, where the latter decreases as the distance from the center of rotation increases. The Coriolis effect is also mentioned, which causes objects to deviate from their initial trajectory due to the rotation of the Earth.
  • #1
There is something I don't fully comprehend. When I throw a ball into the air while I'm sitting in a train, I won't accelerate past the ball because the ball carries the momentum of the train just as well as I do. Furthermore, the ball, the train and I carry the momentum of the Earth, which is orbiting the sun.

When we launch a spacecraft , assuming that we launch one normal to the ground, that craft does not carry the momentum of the Earth by the time it's reached orbit even if it is still subjected to the pull of gravity. By the time the spacecraft is pulled back down from orbit by the acceleration of Earth's gravity, it obviously lands in a completely different place on the surface of the Earth because it hasn't carried the momentum of Earth's rotation into space with it.

Why not? If the ball conserves the train's momentum, shouldn't the space shuttle conserve the Earth's momentum?
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  • #2
Lelephant said:
that craft does not carry the momentum of the Earth by the time it's reached orbit
Why do you think it doesn't?
  • #3
Because if it did, it seems as though the spacecraft would be following the rotation of the Earth. As in, as the spacecraft got further from the Earth, it would be rotating around the Earth at the same velocity as the Earth was rotating along its axis previously.
  • #4
But that would mean it gained momentum.

Consider the concept of angular velocity ω


V is the linear velocity,
r is the distance from the centre of the rotation

For the craft to remain directly above the same point on the Earth's surface, it's angular velocity must remain constant at all times, and equal


Where T is the period of rotation equal to 24 hours in our case.

So, if

[tex]\frac{2\pi}{T} = \frac{V}{r}[/tex]

and everything on the left hand side is constant, then for any increase in r, V must increase by the same factor.

Since the momentum(velocity) stays the same, the angular velocity goes down the farther away from the centre of the Earth you go.

This is, of course, assuming the vertical takeoff, which is not how the rockets are launched, since you need to increase their tangential velocity to keep them in orbit.
  • #5
Lelephant said:
Because if it did, it seems as though the spacecraft would be following the rotation of the Earth.
They are launched in the direction of Earth's rotation for exactly that reason in order to keep the linear momentum they had when sitting on the earth.
As in, as the spacecraft got further from the Earth, it would be rotating around the Earth at the same velocity as the Earth was rotating along its axis previously.
Oh, I see what you mean. You're talking about maintaining the angular speed. The rotation rate. Objects do not keep the angular rotation rate, it is just that for objects near Earth and at low speed, you don't notice. So:
When I throw a ball into the air while I'm sitting in a train, I won't accelerate past the ball because the ball carries the momentum of the train just as well as I do.
If you throw a ball straight up from earth, it will not land at the exact spot it was thrown from.

This effect is called the Coriolis effect.
  • #6
Bandersnatch said:
For the craft to remain directly above the same point on the Earth's surface, it's angular velocity must remain constant at all times, and equal


Where T is the period of rotation equal to 24 hours in our case.

Why isn't the angular velocity 2*pi*r/T? It seems like the speed at which you travel around the perimeter of the Earth ought to be the circumference (distance traveled in one Earth rotation) divided by 24 hours (the period of one of Earth's rotations) given that velocity = distance/time.

Bandersnatch said:
Since the momentum(velocity) stays the same, the angular velocity goes down the farther away from the centre of the Earth you go.

This is, of course, assuming the vertical takeoff, which is not how the rockets are launched, since you need to increase their tangential velocity to keep them in orbit.

So basically, the spacecraft does maintain angular velocity, but as it leaves the atmosphere and moves away from Earth, its angular velocity becomes negligible?
  • #7
You should read up on the difference between angular velocity and velocity.

In short, while velocity is in the form of distance_change/time_change, and so has units of m/s, angular velocity(as the name suggests) is angle_change/time_change, and has units of radians(or degrees) per second.
  • #8
Bandersnatch said:
You should read up on the difference between angular velocity and velocity.

In short, while velocity is in the form of distance_change/time_change, and so has units of m/s, angular velocity(as the name suggests) is angle_change/time_change, and has units of radians(or degrees) per second.

And it's 2pi because it's in terms of radians. Alright, I think I understand. Thanks!

Related to Conservation of momentum close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth

1. What is conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant. In other words, the total amount of momentum before and after a collision or interaction within the system stays the same.

2. How does conservation of momentum apply close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth?

Conservation of momentum applies in the same way whether an object is close to or far from the Earth. As long as the system is closed and there are no external forces acting on it, the total momentum will remain constant.

3. What are some examples of conservation of momentum close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth?

Examples of conservation of momentum close to the Earth include a ball bouncing off the ground and a car colliding with another car. Examples of conservation of momentum far from the Earth include the motion of planets in the solar system and the collision of objects in space.

4. How does gravity affect conservation of momentum close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth?

Gravity does not affect the principle of conservation of momentum. However, it may change the direction or speed of objects close to the Earth due to the gravitational force between them. This can result in changes in momentum, but the total momentum of the system will still remain constant.

5. Why is conservation of momentum important in understanding movement close to the Earth vs. far from the Earth?

Conservation of momentum is important in understanding movement because it helps us predict and explain the behavior of objects in motion. By applying this law, we can understand how objects will move and interact with each other in different environments, whether they are close to the Earth or far from it.

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