Conservation of Momentum - Collisions

In summary, a truck weighing 4000kg collided with a car weighing 2000kg at an intersection. The truck was initially traveling at 81 km/h to the east, while the car was traveling at 54 km/h to the north-northwest. After the collision, the truck was traveling at 60 km/h to the north-northeast. The resulting velocity vector of the car was approximately 104 km/h to the north and 53 km/h to the west, violating the law of conservation of energy. The notation used for direction in this problem is [NxE], with N representing north and E representing east.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A truck (4 000 kg) runs a red light and enters an intersection traveling at 81 km/h [E]. The truck collides with a car (2
000 kg) that was traveling at 54 km/h [N20oW]. Immediately after the collision the truck was traveling at 60 km/h [N
30o E]. Determine the velocity vector of the car immediately after the collision.

Homework Equations

I used the law of conservation of momentum. I used the concept that momentum is conserved in each component direction.

The Attempt at a Solution

The answer that I got was a velocity of approx 99 km/h [E32S]. Can anyone confirm this?
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  • #2
This would violate energy conservation, unless the truck or the car have some active system to kick away other vehicles.
I don't understand the notation for the direction, but I would expect that momentum is not conserved either.
  • #3
The notation [N30E] means 30 degrees east of north for example.

Momentum is conserved in this question, but energy is not
  • #4
I agree that kinetic energy does not have to be conserved, but kinetic energy cannot increase in the process.

Working in units of 1000kg*km/h:
to east:
truck initial 4*81=364
car initial -2*54*sin(20°)
truck final 4*60*sin(30°)
car final ~207 or 104 km/h
Hmm... looks wrong.

to north:
truck initial 0
car initial 2*54*cos(20°)
truck final 4*60*cos(30°)
car final -106 or -53km/h

Total energy initially: 2*81^2+1*54^2=16000 (in 1000kg*(km/h)^2)
Total energy finally: 2*60^2+1*(104^2+53^2) = 20800
Clearly this cannot happen in a car accident. The same problem appears with your result of 99km/h total speed as well.
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  • #5

Your solution using the law of conservation of momentum is correct. The final velocity of the car can be calculated using the equation:

m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2)vf

where m1 and v1 are the mass and initial velocity of the truck, m2 and v2 are the mass and initial velocity of the car, and vf is the final velocity of the combined system after the collision.

Plugging in the values given in the problem, we get:

(4000 kg)(81 km/h) + (2000 kg)(54 km/h) = (4000 kg + 2000 kg)vf

Solving for vf, we get:

vf = (4000 kg)(81 km/h + (2000 kg)(54 km/h)) / (4000 kg + 2000 kg)

vf = (324000 kg*km/h + 108000 kg*km/h) / 6000 kg

vf = (432000 kg*km/h) / 6000 kg

vf = 72 km/h

Since the final velocity is in the direction of the combined momentum, we can use trigonometry to find the direction. The angle of the final velocity can be found using:

tanθ = (m1v1y + m2v2y) / (m1v1x + m2v2x)

where v1x and v1y are the x and y components of the initial velocity of the truck, and v2x and v2y are the x and y components of the initial velocity of the car.

Plugging in the values, we get:

tanθ = ((4000 kg)(81 km/h)(cos 0°) + (2000 kg)(54 km/h)(cos 20°)) / ((4000 kg)(81 km/h)(sin 0°) + (2000 kg)(54 km/h)(sin 20°))

tanθ = (324000 kg*km/h + 94800 kg*km/h) / (0 kg*km/h + 37800 kg*km/h)

tanθ = (418800 kg*km/h) / (37800 kg*km/h)

tanθ = 11.1

Solving for θ, we get:

θ = tan^-1(11.1) = 83.2°

Therefore, the final velocity of the car

FAQ: Conservation of Momentum - Collisions

1. What is conservation of momentum?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant if there are no external forces acting on it. This means that in a closed system, momentum is always conserved, meaning it cannot be created or destroyed.

2. What is a collision in terms of momentum?

A collision is an event where two or more objects interact and exchange momentum. This exchange of momentum can result in changes in the velocity and direction of the objects involved.

3. How does momentum affect collisions?

Momentum plays a crucial role in collisions as it determines the amount of force and energy transferred between two objects. In a perfectly elastic collision, where there is no loss of kinetic energy, the total momentum before and after the collision remains the same. In an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is lost, but momentum is still conserved.

4. What are the types of collisions?

There are two types of collisions: elastic and inelastic. In an elastic collision, the objects bounce off each other with no loss of kinetic energy. In an inelastic collision, some kinetic energy is lost, usually in the form of heat or sound, and the objects may stick together after the collision.

5. How is the conservation of momentum applied in real-world situations?

The law of conservation of momentum has many applications in the real world. It is used in fields such as engineering, physics, and sports. For example, in car crashes, the conservation of momentum is used to analyze the forces involved and the resulting damage. In sports, such as billiards or pool, the conservation of momentum is used to predict the paths of the balls after they collide.
