Conservation of momentum problem. Very confused Speed of Bullet?

In summary: This is why vbf2 is not necessary to calculate - the bullet does not have a final velocity after leaving block 1.
  • #1
In Fig. 9-58a, a 3.50 g bullet is fired horizontally at two blocks at rest on a
frictionless table. The bullet passes through block 1 (mass 1.20 kg) and embeds itself in
block 2 (mass 1.80 kg). The blocks end up with speeds v1 = 0.630 m/s and v2 = 1.40 m/s
(Fig. 9-58b). Neglecting the material removed from block 1 by the bullet, find the speed
of the bullet as it (a) leaves and (b) enters block attempt:

mb = mass of bullet
vbi1 = initial v of bullet entering block 1
vbf1 = final v of bullet entering block 1
vbi2 = initial v of bullet leaving block 1
vbf2 = final v of bullet leaving block 1

m1 = mass of block 1
m2 = mass of block 2

a) leaves

net p initial = net p final

mb x vbi2 = mb x vbf2 + m2v2

b) enters

mb x vbi1 = mb x vbf1 + m1v1the solution part a is

a) mb x vbi2 = (mb + m2)v2

part b i did correctly.

but how can you not calculate vbf2 (final v of bullet leaving block 1) of the bullet, when you have to calculate vbf1 (final v of bullet leaving block 2) for part b ? I know the equations I got has two unknowns and cannot be solved but I do not understand the solution at all.

I made a figure attached to this question, please take a look. I am very confused if I drew the diagram correctly.


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  • #2
If the bullet ends up stuck in the second block then what is vbf2?

Incidentally, I think you are slightly over-complicating this. There are only three velocities you can calculate - the initial velocity, the velocity after passing through block 1, and the final velocity. If I am understanding your notation correctly (I suspect you have been careless with cut-and-paste in your definitions of the vb values) then vbf1=vbi2, and having both is unnecessary. Your diagram, however, seems to suggest that vbf1 is the velocity at some point inside block 1. Perhaps worth a re-draw?
  • #3
Ibix said:
If the bullet ends up stuck in the second block then what is vbf2?

Incidentally, I think you are slightly over-complicating this. There are only three velocities you can calculate - the initial velocity, the velocity after passing through block 1, and the final velocity. If I am understanding your notation correctly (I suspect you have been careless with cut-and-paste in your definitions of the vb values) then vbf1=vbi2, and having both is unnecessary. Your diagram, however, seems to suggest that vbf1 is the velocity at some point inside block 1. Perhaps worth a re-draw?

Please go with my drawing as I think it makes a lot more sense than my notations. But isn't the bullet stuck in block one too?? Since caluclating vbf1 is necessary what isn't vbf2 necessary?? The bullet do get stuck in blocks one and two right?
  • #4
nchin said:
The bullet passes through block 1

According to your original post, no. The bullet exits block 1 and comes to rest in block 2.
  • #5

I can understand your confusion with this conservation of momentum problem. Let me try to explain it in a simpler way.

In this problem, we have a bullet with a mass of 3.50 g, which is fired horizontally at two blocks on a frictionless table. The first block has a mass of 1.20 kg and the second block has a mass of 1.80 kg. The bullet passes through the first block and embeds itself in the second block. After the collision, the first block has a speed of 0.630 m/s and the second block has a speed of 1.40 m/s.

Now, let's look at the two equations you have written:

a) mb x vbi2 = (mb + m2)v2
b) mb x vbi1 = mb x vbf1 + m1v1

In equation a, we are using the conservation of momentum principle, which states that the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. In this case, the initial momentum is the momentum of the bullet before it enters the first block, which is mb x vbi2. The final momentum is the combined momentum of the bullet and the second block after the collision, which is (mb + m2)v2. We can use this equation to find the speed of the bullet as it leaves the second block.

In equation b, we are using the conservation of momentum principle again, but this time for the collision between the bullet and the first block. The initial momentum is the momentum of the bullet before it enters the first block, which is mb x vbi1. The final momentum is the combined momentum of the bullet and the first block after the collision, which is mb x vbf1 + m1v1. We can use this equation to find the speed of the bullet as it enters the first block.

Now, to answer your question about why we cannot calculate vbf2 (final v of bullet leaving block 1) in part a, it is because we do not have enough information to do so. We only know the speed of the first block after the collision, which is 0.630 m/s. To find the speed of the bullet as it leaves the first block, we would need to know the mass of the bullet and the second block, as well as the speed of the first block before the collision. Since we do not have

FAQ: Conservation of momentum problem. Very confused Speed of Bullet?

1. How is conservation of momentum related to speed of a bullet?

The law of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a system remains constant unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of a bullet, the momentum before and after it is fired will be equal, assuming there is no external force acting on it. This means that the speed of the bullet will remain constant unless acted upon by external forces like air resistance or gravity.

2. Can the speed of a bullet be affected by conservation of momentum?

Yes, the speed of a bullet can be affected by conservation of momentum. As mentioned earlier, the speed of a bullet will remain constant unless acted upon by external forces. If the bullet collides with an object of equal mass, the momentum will be transferred and the speed of the bullet will decrease. On the other hand, if the bullet collides with an object of smaller mass, the momentum and speed of the bullet will increase.

3. How does the mass of a bullet affect conservation of momentum?

The mass of a bullet does not affect conservation of momentum. According to the law, the total momentum of a system remains constant regardless of the mass of the objects involved. However, the mass of the bullet does affect the speed at which it travels, as objects with larger masses require more force to accelerate.

4. What happens to the momentum and speed of a bullet when it collides with an object?

When a bullet collides with an object, the momentum will be transferred between the two objects. This means that the momentum of the bullet will decrease, causing its speed to decrease as well. The object that the bullet collides with will experience an increase in momentum and speed, depending on its mass.

5. Why is the conservation of momentum important in understanding the speed of a bullet?

The conservation of momentum is important in understanding the speed of a bullet because it helps us predict and understand the behavior of objects in motion. By applying this law, we can determine the speed of a bullet before and after a collision, as well as how external forces may affect its speed. This allows us to make accurate predictions and calculations in various scenarios involving the speed of a bullet.
