Conservation Of Momentum question

In summary, the principle of Conservation of Momentum states that in a two-body system, the total momentum before and after a collision will be equal. In the scenario described, the lorry will lose momentum and the pieces of wall will gain momentum, resulting in the total momentum remaining the same. However, there will be a loss of kinetic energy due to the inelastic collision and the energy spent in breaking the wall.
  • #1
We've been discussing the principle of Conservation of Momentum lately in class and I've been wondering, the principle states that for two bodies:
m1u1+m2u2= m1v1+m2v2

I understand that there are some rules which surround this principle but we haven't been shown them in full and I was thinking in class and came up with the following scenario, so I was wondering what rules would come into play in the following events...

Say a lorry travels at a speed of u=20ms-1
and has m=2000kg, so p= 40000 kgms-1

Now if there is a wall made from solid concrete which has u=0ms-1 but a mass of perhaps 500kg, then it has zero momentum of course (p=0kgms-1)

My question is, if the scenario arises where the lorry crashes through the wall, the lorry loses some energy from the collision and it has its velocity ( and hence its momentum) reduced.

The wall also breaks into pieces but it gains energy from the collision, now the wall as a whole remains at zero velocity as it is cemented to the ground, however the pieces which fly off all gain momentum. All of the pieces will have variable masses and velocities and so their momentums will be different, would the sum of the momentum of the pieces add up to allow for the change in momentum for the lorry? Or are there some rules which govern the principle of conservation of momentum that this scenario doesn't obey?

Thanks very much for all your answers, this is my first post on here and I look forward to many more :) I apologize if the answer is a blatant break of the rules of the principle also!
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  • #2
Yes, the pieces flying off carry away the momentum that the lorry lost. Momentum will be conserved in this example since there are no external forces in the direction that the lorry travels in.

However, this is an inelastic collision and therefore you will find that the kinetic energy of the lorry and the flying bits of wall are less than the kinetic energy of the lorry before it crashed. Some energy is spent in breaking the wall.

FAQ: Conservation Of Momentum question

1) What is the principle of conservation of momentum?

The principle of conservation of momentum states that in a closed system, the total momentum of all objects before a collision or interaction will be equal to the total momentum after the collision or interaction. This means that momentum is conserved and cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred between objects.

2) How does the conservation of momentum apply to real-life situations?

The conservation of momentum applies to various real-life situations, such as sports and transportation. For example, when a player kicks a soccer ball, the player's leg and foot exert a force on the ball, causing the ball to gain momentum. However, the player's leg and foot also experience an equal and opposite force, resulting in a conservation of momentum. In transportation, the principle is used in designing vehicles to ensure safe and efficient movements.

3) Can the conservation of momentum be violated?

No, the conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics and cannot be violated. In a closed system, the total momentum will always remain constant. However, in an open system where external forces are present, momentum can change as external forces can act on the system.

4) How is the conservation of momentum related to Newton's Third Law?

Newton's Third Law states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This means that when two objects interact, they will exert forces on each other that are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. This principle is closely related to the conservation of momentum, as the equal and opposite forces result in a conservation of momentum in the system.

5) How is the law of conservation of momentum calculated and measured?

The law of conservation of momentum is calculated by adding the momenta of all objects before a collision or interaction and setting it equal to the total momentum after the collision or interaction. Momentum is measured in units of kg*m/s, and can be measured using various tools such as force sensors, motion detectors, and video analysis software.
