Conservation of momentum, spinning disk

In summary, when the string breaks, the ball will accelerate outward and the disk will rotate in the opposite direction due to conservation of angular momentum.
  • #1
Assumptions: 2D problem only, no gravity, no friction, no external torque.

Flat circular disk spinning at a constant angular velocity w.

Disk is initially at (0,0), but is NOT restrained in translation. Disk has some finite mass.

A small ball (finite mass) is tethered to a string which is fixed to the center of the disk. The ball sits in a radial groove at some intermediate radius on the disk. The groove extends straight to the outer edge. The disk and ball system is initially balanced so that the disk spins about its physical center. The disk spins at a constant angular velocity (w). There is tension in the string. For some non-external reason, the string breaks, and the ball is “free”, but restrained tangentially by the groove.

So, the action of the ball (in my mind):
Since it’s restrained by the groove to circular motion, there will be a centripetal (radial) acceleration. The acceleration will be r*w^2, where r is increasing over time. Knowing the initial radial velocity (0) and initial radial position, I can calculate the outward motion of the ball. Once the ball leaves the groove at the outer perimeter, there will no longer be an acceleration component, but there will be both radial and tangential velocity components to the ball motion.

But, what happens to the unrestrained spinning disk? When the string broke, and the ball began moving radially outward, was momentum being conserved with the disk moving in the opposite direction? Was there a linear component added to the disk’s rotational motion? (Since the centripetal acceleration is directed towards the disk center). Are the disk and ball considered a “system” in which linear and angular momentum are conserved while the ball is in the groove? Did the disk move the instant the string broke? Does the fact that the mass center is slightly changing have an appreciable effect on the ball or disk? I'm trying to think through these items and am only confusing myself...
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  • #2
Answer:Yes, the disk and ball are considered a system in which linear and angular momentum are conserved while the ball is in the groove. When the string breaks, the ball will accelerate outward due to the centripetal force. This force causes a torque on the disk, which causes it to rotate in the opposite direction of the ball's motion. The linear component of the disk's motion is negligible, since its mass is much greater than that of the ball. As the ball moves outward, the mass center of the system will change slightly due to the changing location of the ball. However, this should have a minimal effect on the ball or disk.

FAQ: Conservation of momentum, spinning disk

What is conservation of momentum?

Conservation of momentum is a fundamental law of physics that states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant over time. This means that the total amount of momentum before an event or interaction must be equal to the total amount of momentum after the event or interaction.

What is a spinning disk?

A spinning disk is a type of rotating object that has a circular shape and spins around an axis. It can be made of various materials, such as metal or plastic, and can have different sizes and speeds of rotation.

How does conservation of momentum apply to a spinning disk?

Conservation of momentum applies to a spinning disk in the same way as it applies to any other closed system. The total amount of momentum of the spinning disk remains constant unless acted upon by an external force.

What factors affect the conservation of momentum in a spinning disk?

The conservation of momentum in a spinning disk can be affected by various factors, such as the mass and velocity of the disk, the direction and magnitude of external forces, and the distribution of mass within the disk.

Why is conservation of momentum important in understanding the behavior of spinning disks?

Conservation of momentum is important in understanding the behavior of spinning disks because it helps us predict and explain the motion of the disk. It also allows us to analyze and design systems involving spinning disks, such as gyroscopes and spinning tops.

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