Conservative Forces - Maths of Force & Energy

In summary: The Attempt at a SolutionHello,I've just started a new chapter about mathematical aspects of force and energy. It's a little hard to digest at the beginning so maybe you can check my work.a- To test whether a force is conservative, I must check that ##\vec \nabla \times \vec F = \vec 0 ##, but I'm going to need an expression of the gradient in polar coordinates for the (x,y) plane. I believe that it is ##\vec \nabla = \frac{\partial .}{\partial r} \hat r + \frac{1}{r} \frac{\
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle of mass m moves in a horizontal plane along the parabola ##y = x^2##. At t=0, it is at the point (1,1) with speed v0. Aside from the force of constraint holding it to the path, it is acted upon by the following external forces:
A radial force: ##\vec F_a = -A r^3\hat r##
A force given by : ##\vec F_b = B (y^2\hat \imath - x^2 \hat \jmath)##

where A,B are constants.
a- Are the forces conservative?
b- What is the speed ##v_f## of the particle when it arrives at the origin ?

Homework Equations

curl, integration on a path

The Attempt at a Solution

Hello, I've just started a new chapter about mathematical aspects of force and energy. It's a little hard to digest at the beginning so maybe you can check my work. Thanks !

a - To test whether a force is conservative, I must check that ##\vec \nabla \times \vec F = \vec 0 ##, but I'm going to need an expression of the gradient in polar coordinates for the (x,y) plane. I believe that it is ##\vec \nabla = \frac{\partial .}{\partial r} \hat r + \frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial .}{\partial \theta} \hat\theta + \frac{\partial .}{\partial z} \hat k## because if ##g = g(r,\theta,z)##, then its differential is

## \begin{array}{ccr}
dg := (\nabla_{\hat r} g)\ dr + (\nabla_{\hat \theta} g)\ ds + (\nabla_{\hat k} g)\ dz
& \text{and} &
dg =& \frac{\partial g}{\partial r}\ dr + \frac{\partial g}{\partial \theta} \ d\theta
+ \frac{\partial g}{\partial z}\ dz \\
=& \frac{\partial g}{\partial r}\ dr + \frac{\partial g}{\partial \theta} \ (\frac{ds}{r}) + \frac{\partial g}{\partial z}\ dz
\end{array} ##

So if you confirm this is right,

\vec \nabla \times \vec F_a =
\hat r & \hat \theta & \hat k \\
\frac{\partial .}{\partial r} & \frac{1}{r} \frac{\partial .}{\partial \theta}& \frac{\partial .}{\partial z} \\
-A r^3 & 0 & 0
\end{vmatrix} = \vec 0
\vec \nabla \times \vec F_b =
\hat \imath & \hat \jmath & \hat k \\
\frac{\partial .}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial .}{\partial y}& \frac{\partial .}{\partial z} \\
B y^2 & -Bx^2 & 0
\end{vmatrix} = -2B(x+y) \hat k\neq \vec 0

So that only the radial force is conservative.b- ##\vec F_b## does a non-conservative work on the path ##y = x^2## from x=1 to x=0, so its work is :
## \begin{align}
W^{(nc)} =& B \int_{(1,1)}^{(0,0)}(y^2 dx - x^2 \ dy) \\
=& - B\int_{0}^{1} (x^4\ dx - x^2 (2x\ dx)) \\
=& \frac{3B}{10}

The potential fonction of the radial force is ##U_a(\vec r) = \frac{A}{4} r^4##.

By conservation of total energy,

##E_f - E_i =W^{(nc)} \Rightarrow v_f^2 = v_0^2 + \frac{A}{2m} +\frac{3B}{5m}##
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  • #2
  • #3
Your result is correct, but check the formula for curl in cylindrical coordinates.
  • #4
Thanks ! I've just checked on the internet, it's the same thing with 1/r factored out of the determinant

FAQ: Conservative Forces - Maths of Force & Energy

1. What is a conservative force?

A conservative force is a force that does not depend on the path taken by an object, but only on its initial and final positions. This means that the work done by a conservative force is independent of the path taken and only depends on the initial and final positions of the object.

2. How do you mathematically represent conservative forces?

Conservative forces can be represented by a potential energy function, where the negative gradient of the function represents the force. This means that the work done by the force can be calculated by taking the difference in potential energy between the initial and final positions of the object.

3. What are some examples of conservative forces?

Examples of conservative forces include gravitational force, electrostatic force, and elastic force. These forces are all dependent on the positions of the objects and do not dissipate energy as the objects move.

4. Can conservative forces do work?

Yes, conservative forces can do work. However, the work done by a conservative force is independent of the path taken and only depends on the initial and final positions of the object. This means that the work done by conservative forces does not result in a change in kinetic energy of the object.

5. How are conservative forces different from non-conservative forces?

Unlike conservative forces, non-conservative forces depend on the path taken by an object and can dissipate energy as the object moves. This means that the work done by non-conservative forces can result in a change in kinetic energy of the object.
