Conservative Forces: Position, Velocity & Calculus

In summary, the force between masses in a gravitational field is time-dependent if their separation depends on time.
  • #1
When we say that conservative forces don't vary with time, we are talking about a specific position, right? Because if the position is allowed to vary with time, then the force varies with time.
In general, the (net) force on a body may be written (in one dimension) as ##F = m\ddot{x} = mv \frac{dv}{dx}##
In other words, we can express it as a function of position or velocity: ##F = f(t) = g(x)##
For ##F## to be conservative, should ##f'(t) = 0##? Or should ##f'(t) = 0## only if ##x = a## where ##a## is a constant?
By the way, I have deliberately chosen the one dimensional case since I have very little knowledge of vector calculus.
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  • #2
No, that isn't quite right. You're mixing a position at some point in the force field with your movement within the force field.

If you're in a gravitational field then field is constant at any given point. That is if you move around and then return to the point the force is still has the same magnitude and direction at that point.

Think of it in terms of Newton's gravitation law: f(r) = G * m1 * m2 / r^2's_law_of_universal_gravitation
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
No, that isn't quite right. You're mixing a position at some point in the force field with your movement within the force field.

If you're in a gravitational field then field is constant at any given point. That is if you move around and then return to the point the force is still has the same magnitude and direction at that point.

What's the difference? If a body moves in the field, then its position always corresponds to some point in the field, right?
  • #4
The point is though if you monitor a collection of points in the conservative force field the force at those points doesn't change over time. The fact that you're using some object which moves from point to point to measure the force is irrelevant. The force is still dependent only on the position.
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  • #5
jedishrfu said:
The point is though if you monitor a collection of points in the conservative force field the force at those points doesn't change over time. The fact that you're using some object which moves from point to point to measure the force is irrelevant. The force is still dependent only on the position.

I understand that the force field itself doesn't depend on time. It only depends on position. But the force between two masses for example would depend on time if their separation depends on time, right?
  • #6
Also, what is wrong with this statement: "##\frac{d}{dt} \vec{F}(\vec{r}) = \vec{F}'(\vec{r}) \frac{d\vec{r}}{dt}## implies that if ##\vec{v} = 0## then the force is constant"? In other words: "the force on a particular mass in a gravitational field becomes time-dependent if the mass begins to change position relative to the other mass".
Doesn't this show that if the position does not change with time, the force would be constant (since it only depends on position)?
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  • #7
This discussion raised a somewhat unrelated question. How can any force written as a function of position give two different results for the same position (nonconservative forces)? Will this become clearer when I study vector calculus?

FAQ: Conservative Forces: Position, Velocity & Calculus

What is a conservative force?

A conservative force is a type of force that does not dissipate energy as it acts on an object. This means that the work done by the force is independent of the path taken by the object. Examples of conservative forces include gravity and elastic forces.

How is position related to conservative forces?

The position of an object is an important factor in determining the work done by a conservative force. The work done by a conservative force only depends on the initial and final positions of the object, not the path taken. This is known as the principle of conservative forces.

What is the relationship between velocity and conservative forces?

The velocity of an object is also related to conservative forces. In a conservative force field, the force acting on an object is always perpendicular to the velocity of the object. This means that the force does not change the magnitude of the velocity, but only its direction.

How is calculus used in studying conservative forces?

Calculus is a mathematical tool that is used to study conservative forces. In particular, the concept of integrals is used to calculate the work done by a conservative force and to determine the potential energy of an object in a conservative force field. The derivative of potential energy with respect to position also gives the force acting on the object.

Can conservative forces be converted into non-conservative forces?

No, conservative forces cannot be converted into non-conservative forces. This is because conservative forces do not dissipate energy, whereas non-conservative forces do. The conversion of conservative forces into non-conservative forces would result in a loss of energy, violating the principle of conservation of energy.

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