Consider the motion of a point mass m in the potential V(r)

In summary, the conversation discusses the motion of a point mass in a potential and aims to show that there is a solution for circular motion with a constant circular frequency and a relation between the frequency and the radius. The conservation of energy and angular momentum are also shown, along with the fact that the radius of the circular motion is where the effective potential is at its minimum. The approach for solving the problem may involve finding the arc length of a piece of the curve, but more information is needed about the concepts being studied.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider the motion of a point mass m in the potential
V(r)=-k/r , k>0

Show that there is a solution x(t) of the equations of motion which is a circular motion
with constant circular frequency ω. Determine the relation between ω and the radius of the
circular motion. Show explicitely that energy and angular momentum are conserved along
the motion curve, by computing their values. Show also that the radius of the circular
motion coincides with the radius where the corresponding eective potential takes its

Homework Equations

γ(t)=(rcos(ωt); r sin(wt)); r > 0; ω> 0;

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not really sure where to start. Maybe one can find the arc length for a piece of the curve γ, using this
s(t0,t1)=∫ from t0 to t1√(∑γ'k^2dx) and then go into the details, but for the moment I can't conjure up anything.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Physics news on
  • #2
It's hard to know what approach you are expected to use. Can you give us a little information about the concepts that you are currently studying that you feel are relevant to the question?

I don't understand your integral for the arc length. Can you explain how you arrived at the expression for the integrand and why you feel that an expression for arc length will help to solve the problem? Is the k in the integrand the same k that appears in the potential? Does your integrand have the right dimensions to represent length?

FAQ: Consider the motion of a point mass m in the potential V(r)

What is a point mass?

A point mass is a theoretical object that has mass but occupies no physical space. It is often used in physics and mechanics to simplify calculations and describe the motion of objects.

What is potential energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object has due to its position or state. In the case of a point mass in a potential, it refers to the energy associated with its position in the potential field.

How is potential energy related to the motion of a point mass?

As the point mass moves through the potential, its potential energy changes depending on its position. This potential energy can then be converted to kinetic energy, resulting in the motion of the point mass.

What is the equation for potential energy in a potential field?

The equation for potential energy in a potential field is U(r) = V(r) * m, where U(r) is the potential energy, V(r) is the potential, and m is the mass of the point mass.

How do you calculate the motion of a point mass in a potential?

To calculate the motion of a point mass in a potential, you can use the conservation of energy principle. This involves equating the initial potential energy of the point mass to its final kinetic energy, and solving for its velocity and position at different points in time.

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