Consolidating maxwells equation with relativity

In summary: If Maxwell's equations are consistent with relativity, then the instantaneous change in the magnetic field should cause an electric field to appear outside the closed loop. However, in your example, this does not appear to be the case.In summary, Maxwell's equations do not predict an electric field appearing outside a closed loop when the current is suddenly turned off.
  • #1
I know that maxwells equations are consistent with relativity. The following thought experiment seems to imply otherwise so I am wondering where my mistake lies.

Lets say we have some very large conductor loop(with a radius of many lightyears). At the center of the loop is some magnet which has a magnetic flux through the loop. Now to me it seems that maxwells equations imply that if I start to "turn off" this magnet, then while I am turning it off there will be an induced EMF along the loop. But how can be? Relativity would imply that the outside of the loop is not effected by what I do in the center for years.
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  • #2
Fibo112 said:
Now to me it seems that maxwells equations imply that if I start to "turn off" this magnet, then while I am turning it off there will be an induced EMF along the loop.
Here is where the mistake lies. Maxwell’s equations do not predict this.
  • #3
Dale said:
Here is where the mistake lies. Maxwell’s equations do not predict this.
Ok. Doesnt Faradays Law say that the EMF around a closed loop is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through that loop?
  • #4
Fibo112 said:
Ok. Doesnt Faradays Law say that the EMF around a closed loop is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through that loop?
Yes. But what is the rate of change of the flux in your example?
  • #5
I guess it must be zero, but I can't really see why. How does turning off the magnet not reduce its flux through the loop?
  • #6
Fibo112 said:
I guess it must be zero, but I can't really see why. How does turning off the magnet not reduce its flux through the loop?
Consider a magnetic field which is constrained to some finite region and an arbitrary plane crossing that region. Since the field lines form closed loops, any line which crosses the plane in one direction must cross it in the other direction also. The net flux is therefore 0, regardless of the strength of the field.

The only way for the flux to change is for the field lines to cross the boundary loop. This happens at c, not instantaneously.
  • #7
Ok, I think I understand what's going on. How about the case where there is a current carrying wire going through the center of the loop and the current is suddenly turned off. Wont this instantaneously change the amount of current going through the loop?( and thereby change the magnetic field integral along the loop)
  • #8
Fibo112 said:
Wont this instantaneously change the amount of current going through the loop?( and thereby change the magnetic field integral along the loop)
Let’s suppose that were correct. What would the instantaneous change in the magnetic field cause?
  • #9
Fibo112, you've written the words "Maxwell's equations", but I notice you haven't written any equations. Have you tried to calculate the result of your thought experiment?
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FAQ: Consolidating maxwells equation with relativity

What is the purpose of consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity?

The purpose of consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity is to create a unified mathematical framework that describes the fundamental laws of electromagnetism and the behavior of objects in motion. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between electric and magnetic fields and their interactions with matter.

What are the main differences between Maxwell's equations and the equations of relativity?

The main differences between Maxwell's equations and the equations of relativity lie in their scope and application. Maxwell's equations describe the behavior of electric and magnetic fields in a stationary reference frame, while the equations of relativity account for the effects of motion and gravity on objects. Additionally, Maxwell's equations are based on classical mechanics, while relativity is a more advanced theory that includes concepts such as spacetime and the speed of light.

How does consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity affect our understanding of electromagnetism?

Consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity allows us to better understand the fundamental principles of electromagnetism and how they are affected by the laws of relativity. This has led to advancements in technologies such as telecommunications, electronics, and particle accelerators, and has also provided a deeper understanding of the nature of light and electromagnetic radiation.

What are some practical applications of consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity?

Some practical applications of consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity include the development of GPS systems, particle accelerators, and medical imaging technologies. It has also played a crucial role in the development of theories such as quantum electrodynamics, which describe the interactions between particles and electromagnetic fields at the quantum level.

What challenges are involved in consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity?

One of the main challenges in consolidating Maxwell's equations with relativity is the mathematical complexity involved in merging two different theories. This requires a deep understanding of both theories and the ability to reconcile any discrepancies or contradictions. Additionally, the incorporation of quantum mechanics and other advanced theories can further complicate the consolidation process.
