Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura

In summary: This is a discussion about the guy who hosts the show where he talks about conspiracy theories. So I don't see how it's banned. In summary, the conversation is discussing Jesse Ventura and his role as a TV host and former governor. There is mention of his controversial views on conspiracy theories and the criticism he receives for speaking out. The topic of HAARP is also brought up and how there is a movement to stop questioning the official version of events. Some participants in the conversation have watched his show and believe there are unanswered questions that deserve to be debated. However, others believe that conspiracy theories are banned from discussion.
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  • #2
DavidSnider said:

How did this guy manage to become a governor? Scary.

All I can think of are bad jokes, and the sections edited out.

Upon being denied entry to HAARP:

Ventura said:
When I get denied something, I get angry. It was a confrontation I didn't expect as a former Governor.

The part that was probably edited out:
Mr. Ventura, the fence is here for your protection. The EM wave levels are safe here, but if you should approach the antenna while it is operating, it could fry your brain.
Too late!

Why doesn't he just go during Open House?
How can I find out about the Open Houses?
Open Houses are generally held at the end of the summer season and the dates and times are announced in advance on the HAARP Home Page.

I like this one:
Is there a HAARP visitor's center?
There is currently no visitor's center.

I think Sarah should have sprung for a visitor's center back when she was governor.

Little OmCheeto said:
Mommy, can we drive 200 miles over unpaved Alaskan backroads to visit the death ray antenna visitors center? They've got interactive displays of wire, and posts.

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  • #3

DavidSnider said:

How did this guy manage to become a governor? Scary.
What does hosting a tv show have to do with being governor? He's earning a paycheck, and good for him. If Tru-TV asked me to host the show, I'd do it to!
Does he actually believe that stuff? I don't know, but you can't tell from the video.
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  • #4

russ_watters said:
What does hosting a tv show have to do with being governor? He's earning a paycheck, and good for him. If Tru-TV asked me to host the show, I'd do it to!

He's not just "hosting" the TV show for a quick buck like William Shatner or something. He actually believes in these conspiracy theories.
  • #5

russ_watters said:
Does he actually believe that stuff? I don't know, but you can't tell from the video.

I've seen him on Larry King repeating the same old 9/11 truther stuff with total conviction. So, I'm pretty sure it's not just for making money.

And even if it was, creating hysteria in people to make a quick buck is a bad thing.
  • #6

How is it that one a physics forum people still believe burning rocket fuel from 2 planes (Which does not even burn as hot as propane from my understanding) turned 3 massive steel structured buildings designed for commercial jet plane impact into absolute dust?

How is that? There is questions that need to be answered, and the fact that the people who bring up the questions get treated like holocaust deniers is very suspicious to me.

DavidSnider said:
I've seen him on Larry King repeating the same old 9/11 truther stuff with total conviction. So, I'm pretty sure it's not just for making money.

And even if it was, creating hysteria in people to make a quick buck is a bad thing.
  • #7

Symbols said:
How is it that one a physics forum people still believe burning rocket fuel from 2 planes (Which does not even burn as hot as propane from my understanding) turned 3 massive steel structured buildings designed for commercial jet plane impact into absolute dust?

How is that? There is questions that need to be answered, and the fact that the people who bring up the questions get treated like holocaust deniers is very suspicious to me.

Let's keep discussion based on the show please.
  • #8
Since all conspiracy theories are banned, this had no place in S&D. I guess JV is topic enough for GD.
  • #9
Cheers Bernhardt.

Well how about Haarp then.
Have you guys watched the full episode?
Its on youtube just search for it.
Lots of questions come up that at least deserve a debate. There seems to be a very strong movement to stop all questions though. Rather then debate facts from both sides, the "official version" side attacks peoples characters with insulting remarks.

I remember when Jesse first 'woke' up to the conspiracy theories. He was doubtful at first like all of us, but with a little research into the issues one finds that there are a lot of unanswered questions that are not even aloud to be asked. If we don't have the freedom to ask questions, no matter how dumb, then what freedom do we have?

Here is Jesse on a radio show talking about his interview on larry king live and his new series.
  • #10
Ivan is right, conspiracy theories are banned.

Related to Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura

What is the premise of "Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura"?

The show follows former wrestler and politician Jesse Ventura as he investigates various conspiracy theories and exposes potential cover-ups by the government and powerful organizations.

Is "Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura" based on real evidence or just speculation?

While some of the theories presented on the show are based on actual events and evidence, others are more speculative and have not been proven.

Who are the main targets of the conspiracy theories in the show?

The show covers a wide range of topics, including government agencies, powerful corporations, and influential individuals. Some examples of targets include the CIA, Big Pharma, and the Illuminati.

What makes "Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura" unique compared to other conspiracy theory shows?

The show takes a more investigative approach, with Ventura and his team conducting their own research and interviews to uncover potential evidence. It also often features interviews with experts and insiders in the particular field being examined.

Has "Conspiracy theory with Jesse Ventura" ever uncovered any significant information or caused any major changes?

While the show has brought attention to certain topics and sparked discussions, it has not led to any major revelations or changes. However, some episodes have prompted further investigations and legal actions by individuals and organizations.
