Constant Acceleration-Find Initial Velocity

In summary, a juggler needs to throw a second ball half a second later in order to hit the first ball at the top of the projectory. The first ball travels at a speed of 10 m/s and the second ball travels at a speed of 12.64 m/s.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A juggler throws a ball straight up into the air with a speed of 10 m/s. With what speed would she need to throw a second ball half a second later, starting from the same position as the first, in order to hit the first ball at the top of the projectory?

My problem is I am getting different answers when I use different equations all involving time.

First Ball:

(Vy)i=10 m/s
(Vy)f= 0 m/s
ay=-9.8 m/s2

Second Ball
(Vy)f=0 m/s
ay=-9.8 m/s2

Homework Equations

V = Vo + at
Y - Yo = Vot + .5at2
v2 = vo2 + 2a(Y - Yo)
Y - Yo = .5(Vo + V)t

The Attempt at a Solution

I found the time it takes for the first ball to reach the top of the projectory using equation (V=Vo + at) where V= 0, Vo=10, and a=-9.8. The value I got was 1.02 seconds. I then thought that since the second ball is thrown half a second later, the time for it to reach and hit the top of the projectory should be around .5 seconds. So then I used the same equation: V=Vo + at where V=0, Vo=unknown, a=-9.8, and t=.5 seconds. The value I got was 4.9 m/s. This is wrong. But when I solved for the displacement for the first ball (from initial point to top of projectory) using equation v2 = vo2 + 2a(Y - Yo) where V= 0, Vo=unknown, a=-9.8 the value I got for the displacement was 5.1 m. Now when I plug this value to find the initial velocity of the second ball using equation Y - Yo = Vot + .5at2 where Y-Yo=5.1 m, Vo=unknown, t=.5 seconds (because the second ball is thrown half a second later than the first so since the first one takes around one second the second ball should take around .5 seconds thrown from the same position to hit the first ball), and a=
-9.8 the value for initial velocity becomes 12.64 m/s. Why am I getting two different answers using two different equations? Shouldn't both give me the same value of time? This is very frustrating.
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  • #2
When you use V = Vo + at, final velocity becomes zero a different height than the first one. so they won't meet. They will meet only when their displacement is the same in the given time interval.
  • #3
I feel so dumb right now! :(
Thank you so much! I should have asked you 2 hours ago when I first started struggling. And yes, I checked, the answer is around 12 m/s, so this can only be true when you take into account displacement (the second equation I used). Thank you for reminding me that If you use just velocities this is wrong because the heights are different. You are a savior.

FAQ: Constant Acceleration-Find Initial Velocity

1. What is constant acceleration?

Constant acceleration is the rate at which an object changes its velocity at a constant rate over a period of time. This means that the object's speed increases or decreases by the same amount every second.

2. How do you calculate constant acceleration?

To calculate constant acceleration, you can use the formula a = (v - u)/t, where a is the acceleration, v is the final velocity, u is the initial velocity, and t is the time taken.

3. What is the importance of finding initial velocity in constant acceleration?

The initial velocity is important in constant acceleration because it helps determine the object's motion and how it will change over time. Knowing the initial velocity allows us to calculate the final velocity and the acceleration of the object.

4. What units are used to measure constant acceleration?

The SI unit for constant acceleration is meters per second squared (m/s²), which represents how many meters per second the object's speed changes each second.

5. Can you have a negative constant acceleration?

Yes, a negative constant acceleration means that the object is slowing down. It is important to note that the negative sign only indicates the direction of the acceleration, not the speed of the object.
