Constant variables in projectiles

In summary, the velocity components vx and ay are constant throughout the motion of a projectile, while the acceleration components ax and ay are not constant.
  • #1
At each moment during its flight, a projectile has a velocity v and an acceleration a. The components of these variables are:
vx = x component of the velocity
vy = y component of the velocity
ax = x component of the acceleration
ay = y component of the acceleration
Which of these components remain constant throughout the motion? Assume that air resistance is absent.

None of the variables is constant.

Only vx and ay are constant.

vx, ax and ay are constant.

vy, ax and ay are constant.

Only ax and ay are constant.

My answer:
vy, ax and ay are constant.

is this correct? i know for sure ax is constant at 0m/s and ay is constant at +-9.8m/s,... but i think Vy instead of Vx would be constant because of gravity (ay) ... am i right?
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  • #2
Only [tex]v_{x}[/tex] and [tex]a_{y}[/tex] are constant.
  • #3
wouldnt [tex]a_{x}[/tex] also be constant at 0m/s
  • #4
What does at 0 m/s mean? [tex]a_{x}[/tex] equals 0 all the time, so it does not exist. Hence, it's not constant. Speaking strictly math, I guess it could be constant.. But in this context, it's not constant.
  • #5
What? 0 does not exist? Let's not speak non-sense! Even in physics, 0 exists and is a constant.

Joules23, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity. If ax= 0, then vx does has 0 change and so is a constant. On the other hand, precisely because ay= -9.8 m/s2 which is not 0, vy does change and is not a constant.
  • #6
Yeah, what I said was nonsence. But I just wanted to say that ax = 0 is a 'in-this-context-non-relevant' constant, if this makes any sense. :biggrin:

Anyway, ax, ay and vx are constants, Jules is right.

FAQ: Constant variables in projectiles

What are constant variables in projectiles?

Constant variables in projectiles are factors that remain the same throughout an experiment or calculation involving projectiles. These variables are crucial in understanding the motion of a projectile and predicting its trajectory.

What are the main constant variables in projectiles?

The main constant variables in projectiles are the initial velocity, the angle of launch, the gravitational acceleration, and the air resistance. These variables are typically kept constant in projectile experiments to observe the effect of other variables on the trajectory of the projectile.

Why are constant variables important in projectile experiments?

Constant variables are important in projectile experiments because they allow for accurate and repeatable results. By keeping certain variables constant, scientists can isolate the effect of other variables and make more precise conclusions about the behavior of projectiles.

How do constant variables affect the trajectory of a projectile?

Constant variables have a direct impact on the trajectory of a projectile. For example, the initial velocity and angle of launch determine the initial speed and direction of a projectile, while the gravitational acceleration and air resistance affect the acceleration and deceleration of the projectile as it travels through the air.

Can constant variables change in real-life projectile situations?

In real-life situations, constant variables in projectiles may not remain completely constant. Factors such as wind, air density, and temperature can affect the air resistance, and the gravitational acceleration can vary slightly depending on altitude and location. However, these changes are often considered negligible and constant variables are still used in projectile calculations for practical purposes.

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