Constructible universe and large cardinals a la Hugh Woodin

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In summary: U5KxXfldXpUIn summary, Woodin's statement "V = L is denied by infinity" means that the acceptance of large cardinals is the natural extension of ZFC and is considered the standard mindset in set theory. L may not be able to "see" certain large cardinal properties, but this does not mean they do not exist. The majority of set theorists believe in the importance and usefulness of large cardinals, while there may be dissenters. There is no clear case to reject large cardinals, and there are many resources available for further reading on the topic.
  • #1
Can any math geeks help?

Refering to the talk,
(Woodin: plenary talk at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians)
In Hugh Woodin's 2010 ICM talk on Ultimate L he introduces Godel's constructible universe of sets L then discusses the possibility that the universe of sets V is exactly L and then brings up Scott's theorem which says that if V=L then there are no measurable cardinals.

Then Woodin says something like, "so V=L is denied by infinity." (About 28 minutes into the video talk linked above.)

Q. What does he mean by this?

My problem understanding this statement is that he seems to be saying that large measurable cardinals must somehow be desirable in set theory. Why? Or if I interpret the remark as meaning that any sort of infinite set is denied by V=L then I'm just not groking this, because I always though Godel's L does admit infinite sets, just not these large cardinals.

So is Woodin really only paraphrasing something like "so V=L is denied by those who would assume large cardinals are useful," or is he stating something stronger or more subtle?

The best i can make of Woodin's remark is that he means Scott's theorem implies that if V=L then "there are no interesting large cardinals." In which case my question would be what the heck does "an interesting large cardinal" mean?

PLEASE: no comments necessary from finitists or physicists or anyone else who does not believe in either the consistency or utility of transfinite numbers. I respect your beliefs without needing to agree.
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  • #2
V = L certainly admits infinite sets. In fact, even if V [itex]\neq[/itex] L, V and L have all the same transfinite ordinals. What can happen is that L may not "see" enough of the rest of the universe to be able to tell that certain cardinals have large cardinal properties. There are some large cardinal properties that can be consistent with L, but the larger large cardinals cannot, as per Scott's theorem. Something called [itex]0^{\sharp}[/itex] (read "zero sharp") delineates the boundary between the large cardinals properties which can exist in L and those which can't.

When Woodin says "V = L is denied by infinity," I think he is passively implying that, yes, the higher infinite (i.e. the large large cardinals) are the natural extension of ZFC; they're not only desirable, their acceptance should be the standard mindset. My impression is that the majority of set theorists would share his view that the large cardinal hierarchy is the way to go, and V=L is not a suitable candidate for a new axiom for set theory.

That said, although this may be the majority opinion, it's certainly not unanimous, and there may be strong dissenters. I'm not sure who has made a compelling case to reject large cardinals, so I can't suggest any reading in that direction. For impartial-to-favourable takes on the large cardinals, I recommend reading the works of Peter Koellner, Penelope Maddy (she has a series of papers entitled "Believing the Axioms"), and the introductory sections in Kanamori's "The Higher Infinite." I also strongly recommend the following article from New Scientist:

Related to Constructible universe and large cardinals a la Hugh Woodin

1. What is the constructible universe in set theory?

The constructible universe is a mathematical concept in set theory that consists of all sets that can be constructed using a specific set of rules. These rules are based on the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the addition of the axiom of constructibility, which states that for any set, there exists a constructible set that contains it. The constructible universe is denoted by L and is also known as Gödel's constructible universe.

2. What are large cardinals?

Large cardinals are infinite cardinal numbers that are larger than all the previously defined infinite cardinal numbers. These cardinals are used in set theory to study the properties of the set-theoretical universe. They are named "large" because they are much larger than the "small" cardinals, such as the countable and power set cardinals.

3. Who is Hugh Woodin and what is his contribution to the study of large cardinals?

Hugh Woodin is an American mathematician who is known for his work in set theory and mathematical logic. He has made significant contributions to the study of large cardinals, including the development of the theory of ultimate L, which is a generalization of Gödel's constructible universe. He has also introduced the concept of generic Vopěnka principle and has made progress in solving the Continuum Hypothesis.

4. How does Hugh Woodin's work relate to the study of the constructible universe and large cardinals?

Hugh Woodin's work has greatly influenced the study of the constructible universe and large cardinals. His ultimate L theory has provided a powerful framework for studying large cardinals, and his contributions to the generic Vopěnka principle have shed light on the relationship between large cardinals and the constructible universe. His work has also contributed to the understanding of the consistency and independence of the Continuum Hypothesis.

5. What is the significance of the constructible universe and large cardinals in mathematics?

The constructible universe and large cardinals play a significant role in mathematics, particularly in the field of set theory. They provide a framework for studying the consistency and independence of various axioms and hypotheses, such as the Continuum Hypothesis. They also have applications in other areas of mathematics, including topology, model theory, and algebra. Additionally, the study of large cardinals has led to important insights and developments in areas such as forcing and inner model theory.

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