Constructing Ring over Monoid: Questions & Answers

  • Thread starter kakaz
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In summary: I am not sure if they are canonical. In summary, in my situation I have two generators for a ring, but I need an additional generator to construct its ring over rationals.
  • #1
I have following question. I will explain it with abstract notation although in fact I am working with some peculiar matrices.

I have finitely presented noncommutative monoid with identity element [itex] I [/itex]. Presentation of this let say would be [itex] M = <S,T;S^2> [/itex] which means that if [itex] S,T [/itex] are generators of free monoid [itex] F=<S,T> [/itex] then [itex] S^2 =I [/itex] where [itex] I [/itex] is identity of monoid [itex] SI=TI=IT=IS[/itex]. Then [itex] M [/itex] is quotient of free monoid [itex] F [/itex] by the given relation [itex] M= F / [S^2-1] [/itex].

Now I have to construct ring [itex] R[M] [/itex] over rationals ( complex, whatever) with structure I will build by canonical method, as a sum of elements of monoid [itex] M [/itex] "multiplied" by weights from field R (or even C, or whatever). Here I found that general element [itex] Z [/itex] of ring [itex] R[M] [/itex] will be defined by expression:

[itex] Z = aI + bS +cT +dL [/itex]

where [itex]a,b,c,d[/itex]* are in the field [itex]R[/itex] where [itex] L [/itex] is certain element which is not an element of monoid [itex]M [/itex] but it is properly constructed element of [itex]R[M][/itex]! Namely [itex]L = [S,T] = ST - TS [/itex]. I point that monoid [itex]M[/itex] is multiplicative and noncommutative so [itex]L[/itex] is not present in monoid.

:eek:This is strange for me, and surprised me. I did not thought that it may happened: additional generator for a ring is required.

So I have situation, that monoid is generated by two generators [itex]<S,T>[/itex], while its ring over rationals [itex]R[M][/itex] by three [itex] <S,T,L>[/itex] ! In fact it is even finitely presented Lie algebra for which I have structure constants computed. Presently I am looking for its matrix representations different from starting one.

o:)This is where my knowledge ends. I am looking for some bibliography in above matter. The only things I have found was about group rings and so, then I cannot qualify if different numbers of generators is something normal or strange? Typical or interesting? Did You ever see some books or papers with other but concrete examples of such objects ( monoid rings,algebras, modules over a field )? Maybe there are even some theorems in the wild and some of You knows where may I found them?:smile:

Best regards
* - in above term [itex]aI[/itex] is not needed in fact, as I have relation [itex]S^2=I[/itex], but it has nice shape as it is, so in this post it does not matter.
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  • #2
Why do you need L? Given Z = aI + bS + cT, if you take a = 0, b = 1 and c = 0, you get S; for a = 0, b = 0, c = 1, you get T, so ST and TS are ring elements; therefore L = ST - TS will also be a ring element. It's not necessary to include it explicitly in Z.

PS: a general element of such a ring will not have your form Z; don't forget that monoid elements of the form, for example, (T^n)(S^k) will be identified with T^n, if k is even, or (T^n)S, if k is odd.
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  • #3
JSuarez said:
Why do you need L? Given Z = aI + bS + cT, if you take a = 0, b = 1 and c = 0, you get S; for a = 0, b = 0, c = 1, you get T, so ST and TS are ring elements; therefore L = ST - TS will also be a ring element. It's not necessary to include it explicitly in Z.
Good observation! Of course in typical situation, You have right: You do not need any additional element other than generators of a group. But in my situation there is a strange and interesting gain when I add L: as I wrote every element of R[M] may be expressed as :

[itex] Z = aI + bS +cT +dL [/itex]*

I mean: every one! Every one element of my general ring R[M] is linear combination of this four ( in fact three) elements. This is very special property, so I assume it is important for structure I am trying to "algebraifying";-) That is why I am looking for help. It is not exactly canonical situation...
This also means that my finitely presented algebra over rationals for monoid R[M] has structure of vector space - this is the meaning of * equation...

JSuarez said:
PS: a general element of such a ring will not have your form Z; don't forget that monoid elements of the form, for example, (T^n)(S^k) will be identified with T^n, if k is even, or (T^n)S, if k is odd.

Exactly - but not in this case. Maybe ( which is the most probable) I do not know all equivalence relations for my monoid M. There are other ones than [itex]S^2=I[/itex], but I do not know them yet. I am trying to look at some similar known structures, but I cannot find. I do not think it means that they do not exists! I think that probably they are known from different descriptions etc. not exactly as abstract algebraic ones.

Thanks for Your reply: even that one was inspiration for me in some way...
  • #4
So maybe I ask once more, with better defined question: Do You know any database of finite presented structures, like algebras, groups, monoids etc. when I may look for my structure in order to check if someone else use it in other than my situation?

There are some databases in the wild: huge Cremona database of elliptic curves, Sloane database of integer sequences etc. Do You know any similar database for finitely presented algebras or groups?

FAQ: Constructing Ring over Monoid: Questions & Answers

1. What is a ring over monoid?

A ring over monoid is a mathematical structure that combines the properties of a ring and a monoid. It is a set with two operations, addition and multiplication, that follow certain rules and properties. These structures are used in abstract algebra to study algebraic structures and their properties.

2. How is a ring over monoid different from a regular ring?

A ring over monoid has an additional structure of a monoid, which is a set with a single operation that is associative and has an identity element. This extra structure allows for the study of algebraic structures that are more complex than regular rings. It also provides a framework for studying properties such as associativity and distributivity in a more general setting.

3. What are the main properties of a ring over monoid?

The main properties of a ring over monoid include: closure under addition and multiplication, associativity of addition and multiplication, commutativity of addition, distributivity of multiplication over addition, existence of an identity element for addition and multiplication, and existence of additive inverses. These properties allow for the manipulation and study of elements within the structure.

4. What are some examples of ring over monoids?

Some examples of ring over monoids include: the set of integers with addition and multiplication as the operations, the set of polynomials with coefficients in a field as the elements and addition and multiplication as the operations, and the set of square matrices with real entries and matrix addition and multiplication as the operations.

5. How are ring over monoids used in science?

Ring over monoids have many applications in science, particularly in abstract algebra and algebraic geometry. They are used to study algebraic structures and their properties, and also have applications in coding theory, cryptography, and other areas of mathematics and computer science. They also have connections to physics, specifically in the study of symmetries and group theory.

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