Construction of an equivalent dielectric tensor

In summary, the dielectric tensor is a mathematical representation of the electric and magnetic fields in a medium.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A medium is described by the response functions [tex]\varepsilon (\omega )[/tex] and [tex]{\mu ^{ - 1}}(\omega )[/tex] in

[tex]\textbf{D} = \varepsilon (\omega )\textbf{E}, \textbf{H} = {\mu ^{ - 1}}(\omega )\textbf{B}.[/tex]

Construct the equivalent dielectric tensor [tex]{K_{ij}}(\omega ,\textbf{k})[/tex] in terms of [tex]\varepsilon (\omega )[/tex] and [tex]{\mu ^{ - 1}}(\omega )[/tex]

Homework Equations

[tex]\textbf{D} = \varepsilon (\omega )\textbf{E}[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{H} = {\mu ^{ - 1}}(\omega )\textbf{B}[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{P} = {\varepsilon _0}{\chi ^e}\textbf{E}[/tex]

[tex]\textbf{M} = {\chi ^m}\textbf{B}/{\mu _0}[/tex]

[tex]{P_i} = {\varepsilon _0}\chi _{ij}^e{E_j}[/tex]

[tex]{M_i} = \chi _{ij}^m{B_j}/{\mu _0}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I seriously have no idea. I know what the answer should be but I only need a push in the right direction. Dont know where to start or how to attack the problem. All help is appreciated.
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  • #2
Hi! I actually did this one just a moment ago. I guess you are also solving exercise 6.1 in Melrose, McPhedran's book "Electromagnetic processes in dispersive media". :) You should use the following equations:

K_{i,j}(\omega, \textbf{k}) = \delta_{ij} + \frac{i}{\omega \epsilon_0}\sigma_{ij}(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

\left(\textbf{J}_{ind}\right)_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = \sigma_{ij}(\omega, \textbf{k})E_j(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

\left(\textbf{J}_{ind}\right)_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = -i\omega P_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) + i \epsilon_{ijk}k_j M_k(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

P_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = D_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) - \epsilon_0 E_i(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

D_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = \epsilon(\omega)E_i(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

M_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = \frac{1}{\mu_0}B_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) - H_i(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

H_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = \mu^{-1}(\omega)B_i(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

B_i(\omega, \textbf{k}) = \frac{1}{\omega}\epsilon_{ijk}k_j E_k(\omega, \textbf{k})[/tex]

Then I guess the rest is straightforward. Good luck!
  • #3
Btw, is it possible that you also take T. Hellsten's course at KTH and have this exercise as a deadline until next thursday? Just wondering. :)

FAQ: Construction of an equivalent dielectric tensor

1. What is a dielectric tensor?

A dielectric tensor is a mathematical representation of the anisotropic properties of a material that describes how the material responds to an applied electric field.

2. Why is it important to construct an equivalent dielectric tensor?

Constructing an equivalent dielectric tensor allows for a better understanding and prediction of the behavior of materials in electronic and optical devices, as well as in other applications such as energy storage and transmission.

3. How is an equivalent dielectric tensor different from a regular dielectric tensor?

An equivalent dielectric tensor is calculated using a combination of experimental data and theoretical models, while a regular dielectric tensor is typically measured directly in the laboratory.

4. What factors influence the construction of an equivalent dielectric tensor?

The construction of an equivalent dielectric tensor is influenced by factors such as the crystal structure of the material, its chemical composition, and its orientation with respect to the applied electric field.

5. What are some methods for constructing an equivalent dielectric tensor?

There are several methods for constructing an equivalent dielectric tensor, including the Lorentz-Lorenz equation, the Bruggeman effective medium theory, and the Maxwell-Garnett model. These methods incorporate different assumptions and approximations to calculate the tensor from experimental data.
