Constructive/Destructive Interference

  • Thread starter yayirunin2car
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In summary, the problem involves a person driving at a constant speed of 15 m/s and crossing the line connecting two radio transmitters at right angles. The transmitters emit identical signals in phase with each other, which the driver receives on the car radio. When the car reaches point A, the radio picks up a maximum net signal. Part (a) of the problem asks for the longest possible wavelength of the radio waves, which is found to be 200 m. In part (b), the problem asks for the time it takes for the radio to experience a minimum in the net signal after the car passes point A. This can be found by considering the distance the car could have traveled in the time it takes for the next minimum to arrive
  • #1

Homework Statement

A person driving at v = 15 m/s crosses the line connecting two radio transmitters at right angles, as shown in the figure (d1 = 300 m and d2 = 100 m). The transmitters emit identical signals in phase with each other, which the driver receives on the car radio. When the car is at point A the radio picks up a maximum net signal.

The image:
(a) What is the longest possible wavelength of the radio waves?
(b) How long after the car passes point A does the radio experience a minimum in the net signal? Assume that the wavelength has the value found in part (a).

Homework Equations

l2 - l1 = (m-1/2)(lambda)

The Attempt at a Solution

For part a I got 200 m.

Part B is where I have a problem. I know I need to get the vertical distance and use v = 15 m/s to find the time. Using triangles formed by connecting the vertical distance x to each radio transmitter I have made l2 = (x^2+100^2)^(1/2) and l1 = (x^2 + 300^2)^(1/2). When I subtract both of them and make them equal to 1/2lambda my x's cancel out, :-(.
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  • #2
yayirunin2car said:

Homework Statement

A person driving at v = 15 m/s crosses the line connecting two radio transmitters at right angles, as shown in the figure (d1 = 300 m and d2 = 100 m). The transmitters emit identical signals in phase with each other, which the driver receives on the car radio. When the car is at point A the radio picks up a maximum net signal.

The image:
(a) What is the longest possible wavelength of the radio waves?
(b) How long after the car passes point A does the radio experience a minimum in the net signal? Assume that the wavelength has the value found in part (a).

Homework Equations

l2 - l1 = (m-1/2)(lambda)

The Attempt at a Solution

For part a I got 200 m.

Part B is where I have a problem. I know I need to get the vertical distance and use v = 15 m/s to find the time. Using triangles formed by connecting the vertical distance x to each radio transmitter I have made l2 = (x^2+100^2)^(1/2) and l1 = (x^2 + 300^2)^(1/2). When I subtract both of them and make them equal to 1/2lambda my x's cancel out, :-(.

First I would note the X2's are part of RSS's and I don't think they exactly cancel out.
But that said ... if the car wasn't moving how long before the next minimum would arrive?
How far could the car have moved in that time at 15 m/s?
How accurate does your answer need to be?
How many digits of precision does your calculator have?
  • #3
I only need up to 4 significant digits. We're only allowed to use a one-line calculator on exams so I have my Ti-89 at home and using the Ti-30Xa for my homework. I guess my problem is somewhere in my algebra?
  • #4
yayirunin2car said:
I only need up to 4 significant digits. We're only allowed to use a one-line calculator on exams so I have my Ti-89 at home and using the Ti-30Xa for my homework. I guess my problem is somewhere in my algebra?

Have you figured yet how far the car could have traveled when the minimum reaches where the car was?
  • #5
No, I have not.

I still haven't found how many meters away from point A the minimum is. So far I have set up:
(100^2 + x^2)^(1/2) - (300^2 + x^2)^(1/2) = (1/2)(200)

When I solve it by hand I can't get x.
  • #6
yayirunin2car said:
No, I have not.

I still haven't found how many meters away from point A the minimum is. So far I have set up:
(100^2 + x^2)^(1/2) - (300^2 + x^2)^(1/2) = (1/2)(200)

When I solve it by hand I can't get x.

Well the destructive points of interference are given by what?

EDIT: Won't you need to be at a point where the increases in the hypotenuses will create a 180 out of phase with the arriving waves?
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Related to Constructive/Destructive Interference

1. What is constructive interference?

Constructive interference is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more waves combine to create a resulting wave with a larger amplitude. This happens when the crests of the waves align with each other, adding up and creating a stronger wave.

2. How does destructive interference differ from constructive interference?

Destructive interference is the opposite of constructive interference, where two or more waves combine to create a resulting wave with a smaller amplitude. This happens when the crests of one wave align with the troughs of another wave, canceling out and creating a weaker wave.

3. What causes constructive and destructive interference?

Constructive and destructive interference occur when two or more waves interact with each other. This can happen when waves pass through the same medium, such as air or water, or when they reflect off of surfaces.

4. What are some real-life examples of constructive and destructive interference?

Constructive interference can be seen in the formation of standing waves, where waves of the same frequency and amplitude interfere with each other to create a larger amplitude wave. Destructive interference can be observed in noise-canceling headphones, where sound waves are intentionally canceled out by another wave to reduce background noise.

5. How is the principle of superposition related to constructive and destructive interference?

The principle of superposition states that when two or more waves are present in the same medium, the resulting wave is the sum of the individual waves. This principle explains how constructive and destructive interference occur, as the resulting wave is determined by the interaction of the individual waves.
