Constructive or destructive interference- Car radio

In summary, a car's radio antenna is located 56.983 m away from a brick wall acting as a dense barrier. The car is trying to listen to an FM radio station with a frequency of 89.5 MHz and a speed of light of 3.00 x 10^8 m/s. The waves are received both directly from the distant broadcasting tower and reflected from the brick wall. The interference at the antenna is constructive, resulting in clear radio reception in the car. This is determined by finding the wavelength using the formula λ = c/ν and then using the ratio of distance to wavelength to determine whether the interference is constructive or destructive. In this case, the distance to wavelength ratio is an integer, resulting in
  • #1

Homework Statement

A car’s radio antenna is located at a distance of 56.983 m from a brick wall, which is
assumed to act like a dense barrier. The car is attempting to listen to an FM radio
station with a frequency of 89.5 MHz. These waves travel at the speed of light, 3.00
× 108 m/s. The waves are simultaneously received by the car’s antenna directly from
the distant broadcasting tower, as well as reflected from the brick wall. Describe the
type of interference at the antenna (constructive or destructive) and as such, the
radio reception in the car (fuzzy or clear), and prove your answer.

Homework Equations

I don't know the equations for interference... I know that the condition for constructive is m[tex]\lambda[/tex] and for destructive is (m+0.5)[tex]\lambda[/tex].
v=f[tex]\lambda[/tex] ?

The Attempt at a Solution

I'm totally stuck, as I don't know what equation to use.

Thanks for your help :)
Physics news on
  • #2
Use c=νλ with the values given for the frequency and the speed of light.
(ν here is the greek letter "nu", denoting frequency)

From this, you'll find the wavelength of the wave.
Now, the waves will "hit" the wall and be reflected towards the car again, so the intereference will be costrunctive if distance/wavelength is an integer, whilst we would have destructive interference otherwise. With the maximum destructive interference occurring if the ratio distance/wavelength is half-integer.

A diagram of the wave wavelengths approaching the car from the tower and the wall would really help you "see" why this is the case.

  • #3
Do a search on "clapotis wave".
  • #4
The wall will reflect the radio waves, setting up standing waves caused by interference between the incident waves and the reflected waves.

One important fact is that the wall is a dense barrier. That should tell you whether the the wall position is a node or an anti-node for he standing waves. Use the wavelength to decide if the car antenna is near a node or an anti-node.
  • #5
Thanks everyone :)

Rick88 said:
Use c=νλ with the values given for the frequency and the speed of light.
(ν here is the greek letter "nu", denoting frequency)

From this, you'll find the wavelength of the wave.
Now, the waves will "hit" the wall and be reflected towards the car again, so the intereference will be costrunctive if distance/wavelength is an integer, whilst we would have destructive interference otherwise. With the maximum destructive interference occurring if the ratio distance/wavelength is half-integer.

A diagram of the wave wavelengths approaching the car from the tower and the wall would really help you "see" why this is the case.


I got 3351955.307 for the wavelength, so I know it is not an integer, and the interference is thus destructive. I still don't understand how that explains why it is destructive.. :confused:
  • #6
sbayla31 said:
I got 3351955.307 for the wavelength, so I know it is not an integer, and the interference is thus destructive. I still don't understand how that explains why it is destructive.. :confused:

3351955.307 what? Check your units. Show your work.
  • #7
Sorry! I think I've figured it out.

Finding wavelength:

=(3)(10^8) / (8.95)(10^7)
=3.352 m

And then, to find out if the wave hits the wall at a node or an antinode:

56.983m / 3.352m = 16.9997
Which can be rounded to 17 full wavelengths from the antenna to the wall.
And because it is an integer, the interference is constructive.

Is that right? Or am I missing a step?
  • #8
lol I am in the same physics class as you
your in mr jackson class right

Related to Constructive or destructive interference- Car radio

What is constructive interference?

Constructive interference occurs when two or more waves combine to create a larger amplitude. This happens when the peaks and troughs of the waves align with each other, resulting in a stronger wave.

What is destructive interference?

Destructive interference occurs when two or more waves combine to cancel each other out. This happens when the peaks of one wave align with the troughs of another, resulting in a weaker or zero amplitude wave.

How does constructive interference affect a car radio?

Constructive interference in a car radio can strengthen the received radio signal, resulting in clearer and stronger sound quality. This is because the radio waves from the broadcast station are combining with minimal interference from other sources.

How does destructive interference affect a car radio?

Destructive interference in a car radio can weaken or disrupt the received radio signal, resulting in poor sound quality or complete loss of signal. This can happen if there are multiple sources of radio waves interfering with the signal from the broadcast station.

Can you control interference in a car radio?

Yes, there are ways to control interference in a car radio. One way is to use an antenna with a directional pattern, which can help filter out unwanted signals. Another way is to adjust the position of the antenna to minimize interference. Additionally, using advanced radio technology can also help reduce interference and improve overall radio reception.

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