Continued Fractions: Motivation and Applications

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  • Thread starter matqkks
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In summary: Thus, one can calculate continued fractions for square roots of non-squares to any degree of accuracy desired, in a manner analogous to long division. It is this fact which allows continued fractions to be used in Pell's equation. In summary, continued fractions have a variety of applications, including approximating irrational numbers and solving Diophantine equations. They can also be used in the design of hardware for telecom equipment.
  • #1
What is the most motivating way to introduce continued fractions? Are there any real life applications of continued fractions?
Mathematics news on
  • #2
matqkks said:
What is the most motivating way to introduce continued fractions? Are there any real life applications of continued fractions?

The thing that made me interested in continued fractions, is how rapidly $\pi$ is approximated by it with simple fractions - made it seem magical!

[3] &=& 3 &=& 3.00000000000000 \\
[3;7] &=& \frac{22}{7} &=& 3.14285714285714 \\
[3;7;15] &=& \frac{333}{106} &=& 3.14150943396226 \\
[3;7;15;1] &=& \frac{355}{113} &=& 3.14159292035398 \\
[3;7;15;1;292] &=& \frac{103993}{33102} &=& 3.14159265301190 \\
\pi &=& && 3.14159265358979
  • #3
I like Serena said:
The thing that made me interested in continued fractions, is how rapidly $\pi$ is approximated by it with simple fractions - made it seem magical!

I'd think it is not at all very rapid. Each to his own, perhaps?
  • #4
mathbalarka said:
I'd think it is not at all very rapid. Each to his own, perhaps?

The main drawback of the continued fraction [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, ...] is that the sequence doesn't follow a precise scheme, so that computation cannot proceed autonomously. The following continued fraction follow precise schemes...

$\displaystyle \pi = 3 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{3^{2}}{6 + \frac{5^{2}}{6 + ...}}}\ (1)$

$\displaystyle \pi = \frac{4}{1 + \frac{1}{3 + \frac{2^{2}}{5 + \frac{3^{2}}{7+...}}}}\ (2)$

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #5
chisigma said:
The main drawback of the continued fraction [3; 7, 15, 1, 292, 1, 1, ...] is that the sequence doesn't follow a precise scheme.


PS : I'd like to add another CF to your list :

$$1 + \frac{1^{2}}{2 + \frac{3^{2}}{2 + \frac{5^{2}}{2 + \frac{7^{2}}{2 + \cdots}}}}$$
  • #6
Not to mention:
$$\varphi =1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+\frac{1}{1+...}}}$$


  • #7
Uh, but they are not for calculating $\pi$ are they?
  • #8
The OP never asked for specific numbers.
  • #9
In the OP the following question has been proposed...

What is the most motivating way to introduce continued fractions?... Are there any real life applications of continued fractions?...

... and till now no satisfactory answer has been given. Regarding the possible use of CF for the computation of a constant like $\pi$ we can compare a series solution and a Cf solution. The series solution can be based on the following McLaurin expansion...

$\displaystyle \sin^{-1} x = x + \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(2 n -1)!}{(2 n + 1)\ (2 n)!}\ x^{2 n + 1} (1)$

... and from (1) we derive...

$\displaystyle \pi = 3 + 6\ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(2 n -1)!}{2^{2 n + 1}\ (2 n + 1)\ (2 n)!}\ (2)$

One possible CF solution is...

$\displaystyle \pi = 3 + \frac{1}{6 + \frac{3^{2}}{6 + \frac{5^{2}}{6 + ...}}}\ (3)$

Which allows a more comfortable computation of $\pi$?... the (2) allows at each step to verify in some way the accuracy of computation and if necessary a further step can be done without problems. In the (3) the computation proceeds 'backward' in the sense that the last term is the first to be computed and to perform a further step the entire procedure must be repeated from the beginning... this way isn't comfortable!...

An example of application to CF to the 'real life' derives from my past professional experience. When I was involved in telecom equipment design it was not unusually to generate a 'funny frequency' like 84080 Hz frequency locked to a 'more conventional' frequency like 16000 Hz. In order to realize that it was necessary to implement a non integer frequency divider by something like $\frac{1051}{100}$ and the hardware scheme was directly derived by the CF expansion...

$\displaystyle \frac{1051}{100} = 11 - \frac{1}{2 + \frac{1}{25 - \frac{1}{2}}}\ (4)$

Kind regards

$\chi$ $\sigma$
  • #10
matqkks said:
What is the most motivating way to introduce continued fractions? Are there any real life applications of continued fractions?
It's not exactly a "real life" application, but continued fractions are a key tool in attacking Diophantine equations such as Pell's equation. See on that topic.
  • #11
Consider the quadratic equation:

$x^2 - bx - c = 0$, where $b,c$ are integers.

Elementary algebra shows that:

$x = b + \dfrac{c}{x} = b + \dfrac{c}{b + \frac{c}{x}} = b + \dfrac{c}{b + \frac{c}{b+\frac{c}{x}}} = \dots$

allowing any such equation to be "solved" by use of continued fractions.

One can use an adaptation of this to calculate $\sqrt{n}$:

First one determines $a_0 = \lfloor{\sqrt{n}}\rfloor$, and writes:

$\sqrt{n} = a_0 + \dfrac{1}{x_1}$.

Thus leads to:

$x_1 = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{n} - m} = \dfrac{\sqrt{n} + a_0}{n - a_0^2}$

One then repeats this process using:

$a_1 = \lfloor{\dfrac{\sqrt{n} + a_0}{n - a_0^2}}\rfloor$ so that:

$x_1 = a_1 + \dfrac{1}{x_2}$, leading to the continued fraction:

$\sqrt{n} = a_0 + \dfrac{1}{a_1 + \frac{1}{a_2 + \frac{1}{a_3 + \frac{1}{a_4 + \dots}}}}$

It can be shown that the sequence $a_0,a_1,a_2,\dots$ is "eventually periodic" which means that square roots stand in the same relationship to continued fractions as rational numbers do to decimal expansions.

FAQ: Continued Fractions: Motivation and Applications

1. What are continued fractions?

Continued fractions are a way of representing numbers as a sequence of nested fractions. They are written as a whole number followed by a fraction, whose numerator is 1 and denominator is another whole number, and this process can continue infinitely.

2. What is the motivation behind using continued fractions?

The main motivation for using continued fractions is their ability to provide accurate approximations for real numbers. They can also be used to solve problems in number theory, such as finding rational solutions to certain equations.

3. How are continued fractions different from regular fractions?

Continued fractions differ from regular fractions in that the numerators are always 1 and the denominators can be any whole number, rather than just integers. They also have the ability to continue infinitely, while regular fractions have a finite number of terms.

4. What are some real-life applications of continued fractions?

Continued fractions have various applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. They can be used to approximate the golden ratio, which is found in nature and art. They are also used in coding theory and signal processing.

5. Are there any limitations to using continued fractions?

One limitation of continued fractions is that they can only approximate real numbers, not represent them exactly. They can also become complicated and difficult to calculate when the numbers involved are large or have repeating patterns.

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