Continuing to Euclidean Space Justified in Path Integral?

In summary, the question is how one can justify going into Euclidean space in the path integral. The answer lies in the fact that poles develop in the propagators and by inserting the ##+i\epsilon## pole prescription, one can always make the Wick rotation without crossing the poles. In addition, the Osterwalder-Schrader conditions, particularly OS0 and OS1, ensure that one can rotate from Euclidean space back to Minkowski space, thus defining a relativistic QFT.
  • #1
It seems to me that in a path integral, since you are integrating over all field configurations, that going into Euclidean space is not valid because some field configurations will give poles in the integrand of your action, and when the integrand has poles you can't make the rotations required to make the integration limits take on real values. In other words, while you can always make the substitution [itex]t=-i\tau [/itex], in order to pretend [itex]\tau [/itex] is a real number and have the limits of integration over [itex]d\tau [/itex] be over real numbers, you need to be able to Wick rotate and that requires the field configurations in your action be well-behaved, but in the path integral the field configurations go over all values so aren't always well behaved.

So how is that you can justify going into Euclidean space in the path integral?
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  • #2
Poles develop in the propagators and if you insert the ##+i\epsilon## pole prescription, you will always be able to make the Wick rotation without crossing the poles.
  • #3
There is also the question of whether one can continue from Euclidean space back to Minkowski space. In general, one way of ensuring one gets a relativistic QFT from the Euclidean path integral is to make sure the Osterwalder-Schrader conditions are satisfied. I think it is OS0 and OS1 that ensure that one can rotate from Euclidean space back to Minkowski space.

(If I understand correctly, from point of view from the OS axioms, the question is not so much whether one can go from Minkowski to Euclidean, but whether one can go from Euclidean to Minkowski, since if one postulates a Euclidean path integral that satisfies the OS axioms, that directly defines a relativistic QFT.)
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FAQ: Continuing to Euclidean Space Justified in Path Integral?

1. How is the concept of Euclidean space justified in path integral?

The concept of Euclidean space is justified in path integral by utilizing the Wick rotation. This involves rotating the time coordinate in the path integral from real time to imaginary time, which transforms the Minkowski space-time into a Euclidean space. This simplifies the calculations and makes the integrals well-behaved, allowing for a more rigorous mathematical treatment.

2. What is the significance of continuing to Euclidean space in path integral?

Continuing to Euclidean space in path integral allows for the use of powerful mathematical techniques such as complex analysis and the saddle point approximation. These techniques can provide more accurate and precise results in certain physical systems, such as those involving quantum field theory.

3. Are there any limitations to continuing to Euclidean space in path integral?

One limitation is that not all physical systems can be described using Euclidean space. For example, systems with time-dependent potentials or non-static backgrounds cannot be easily studied in Euclidean space. Additionally, the Wick rotation can introduce subtle changes in the physical interpretation of some quantities, so caution must be taken when applying this technique.

4. How does continuing to Euclidean space affect the Feynman path integral formulation?

Continuing to Euclidean space does not fundamentally change the Feynman path integral formulation. It simply provides a different mathematical framework for performing calculations and obtaining results. However, some quantities may have different physical interpretations in Euclidean space compared to Minkowski space, so the results must be carefully interpreted.

5. Can the concept of Euclidean space be extended to higher dimensions in path integral?

Yes, the concept of Euclidean space can be extended to higher dimensions in path integral. In fact, many theoretical models in string theory and quantum gravity rely on the use of higher-dimensional Euclidean spaces. However, the mathematical calculations become significantly more complex and may require the use of advanced techniques such as supersymmetry.
