Continuity Between Statistical Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics

In summary, the discussion revolves around the interaction between a jet of fluid and a flat plate. From a thermodynamic perspective, the gas in the jet has a higher temperature and the heat transferred from the fluid to the plate can be calculated using statistical mechanics. The power dissipated by the jet on the plate is related to the drag force and velocity of the jet. The question of whether statistical mechanics can be used to determine the drag coefficient of a body is raised, but it is acknowledged that it may be a difficult task. Overall, both the classical thermodynamic and statistical mechanics approaches describe the same process, but from different perspectives.
  • #1
Imagine a jet of fluid (perhaps air) impinging on a flat plate. It could be said that the jet has a slightly higher mean velocity in the direction normal to the flat surface (we'll arbitrarily call this X).

From a classical thermodynamic point of view it could be said that the gas has a higher temperature (I guess the normal distribution of gas velocities is now centred around a slightly higher median velocity in the X direction), although the distribution of particle velocities is no longer isotropic as one would expect for a static fluid.

Using the laws of classical thermodynamics, shouldn't heat (molecular kinetic energy) be transferred from the fluid to the plate as the molecules in the fluid are on average traveling faster than the molecules in the plate (in the x direction at least).

I imagine the amount of heat transferred to the plate would be relatively small for a jet of say 20m/s given a plate and fluid initially at room temperature, as the average particle velocities at room temperature are in the order of hundreds of meters per second.

From an fluid dynamics point of view, the power dissipated by the jet on the plate should be some function of the drag force on the plate and the velocity of the jet.

From a thermodynamic point of view, shouldn't this power dissipated by the jet acting on the plate be equal to the heat transferred to the plate by virtue of the disparity between the jet's molecules' kinetic energy and the plate's molecules' kinetic energy (temperature), since all of the work done by the fluid on the plate must result in the heating of the plate.

Shouldn't there be some sort of direct coherence between the shear force applied to the plate (determined using fluid dynamics) and the heat transferred to the plate.

The fluid should heat the plate through frictional effects (shear between the fluid and plate), but what I'm getting at is; (I think) the heating calculated through frictional shearing should be equal to the heat transferred to the plate if analysed using statistical mechanics methods.

If so, could one use statistical mechanics to ascertain the drag coefficient of a body without having to empirically test a model, by solving equations for the heat transferred to the plate (using statistical mechanics) and the power dissipated by drag(0.5*rho*A*V^3Cd)

I guess without knowledge of the collisional efficiency between the fluid's and plate's molecules and the velocity distribution it could be difficult to arrive at figure for the heat transferred to the plate, however I don't see why these properties can't be calculated, at least for simple geometries.

Fundamentally both approaches describe are the same process. The shear forces on a plate incurred by a jet impinging on it are derived from macrostate descriptions of the fluid molecules interacting with the plate, whereas a statistical mechanics analysis is derived from a microstate description of the molecules interacting with the plate (this analysis looks more like classical heat transfer than some hydrodynamic phenomenon like drag)

Fundamentally, the molecular processes are the same (they have to be right!). I'm hypothesising whether the drag coefficient of a body be analytically derived by approaching the analysis of the frictional effects by considering them to be on a molecular scale?

The shearing frictional process between a fluid and immovable body is afterall very similar (on a molecular level) to a conventional heat transfer process. Friction occurs through the collision of molecules in the fluid with molecules in the plate.

The only difference I can see here is that the molecules have some aggregate velocity rather than an isotropic velocity distribution (which would be the case if a static fluid at a higher temperature were transferring heat conventionally to the plate).

It may be that the modelling of these statistical parameters is incredibly difficult (moreso than conventional macrostate fluid modelling techniques, e.g. CFD).
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  • #2
Anyone? I'd like to edit the post to contain more question marks and be a bit more concise, but I can't seem to anymore.
  • #3
However, if it was possible to accurately model the collisional efficiency and velocity distribution of the fluid molecules, it may be possible to use statistical mechanics to derive the drag coefficient of a body. I find this discussion of the continuity between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics to be quite intriguing. It is true that both approaches describe the same physical process, but from different perspectives. The macrostate description in fluid dynamics looks at the overall behavior of the fluid molecules, while the microstate description in statistical mechanics examines the individual interactions between the molecules.

In the scenario described, the jet of fluid impinging on a flat plate has a higher mean velocity in the direction normal to the plate. This means that the fluid molecules are colliding with the plate at a faster rate than the molecules in the plate are colliding with each other. From a classical thermodynamic point of view, this would result in heat transfer from the fluid to the plate, as the fluid molecules have a higher kinetic energy.

However, from a statistical mechanics perspective, this heat transfer can be seen as a result of the frictional effects between the fluid and the plate. The shearing friction between the molecules in the fluid and the molecules in the plate is similar to a conventional heat transfer process, where heat is transferred through collisions between molecules. This is an interesting insight, as it suggests that the drag coefficient of a body could potentially be derived by considering the frictional effects on a molecular scale.

Of course, this approach would require accurate modeling of the collisional efficiency and velocity distribution of the fluid molecules, which may be more challenging than conventional macrostate fluid modeling techniques. However, if it was possible to accurately model these parameters, it could potentially provide a more fundamental understanding of the drag coefficient and potentially eliminate the need for empirical testing.

In conclusion, the continuity between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics is a fascinating concept that highlights the interconnectedness of different scientific disciplines. While there may be challenges in applying statistical mechanics to derive the drag coefficient of a body, it is certainly a thought-provoking idea that warrants further exploration.

Related to Continuity Between Statistical Mechanics and Fluid Dynamics

1. What is the relationship between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics?

The relationship between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics is that they are both subfields of physics that study the behavior of matter and its interactions. Statistical mechanics focuses on the behavior of large systems of particles, while fluid dynamics studies the motion and flow of fluids. Both fields use mathematical models and principles to understand and predict the behavior of these systems.

2. How do statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics work together?

Statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics work together by using principles from both fields to better understand the behavior of fluids. Statistical mechanics helps to explain the macroscopic properties of fluids, such as pressure and temperature, by studying the microscopic behavior of individual particles. Fluid dynamics, on the other hand, uses statistical mechanics to understand and predict the behavior of large-scale fluid systems.

3. What are some applications of the relationship between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics?

There are many applications of the relationship between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics. Some examples include weather forecasting, aerodynamics, and the design of engines and turbines. Understanding the behavior of fluids is crucial in these fields, and the principles of statistical mechanics can greatly enhance our understanding and prediction abilities.

4. What are some challenges in studying the continuity between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics?

One of the main challenges in studying the continuity between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics is the complexity of the systems being studied. Fluids are made up of a large number of particles, making it difficult to accurately model their behavior. Additionally, the interactions between these particles can be highly non-linear, making it challenging to apply statistical mechanics principles. Another challenge is the use of different mathematical techniques and models in each field, requiring a deep understanding of both to bridge the gap between them.

5. How does the concept of entropy play a role in the continuity between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics?

Entropy, which is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system, plays a crucial role in the continuity between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics. In statistical mechanics, entropy is used to describe the probabilistic behavior of particles in a system. In fluid dynamics, entropy is used to describe the unpredictability and chaos in the motion of fluids. By understanding and quantifying entropy, we can better understand the behavior of both small and large-scale systems, bridging the gap between statistical mechanics and fluid dynamics.

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