Is F continuous if it is both upper and lower semicontinuous?

In summary: In this article, the author states that "F is continuous if and only if it is both u.s.c. and l.s.c.", which coincides with the definition given by you.
  • #1
moh salem
1/ Prove that the set-valued map F defined by
F : [0, 2π] ⇒ R2 as
F(α) := {λ(cos α, sin α) : λ ≥ 0}.
is continuous,
but not upper semicontinuous at any α ∈ [0, 2π].
2/ What is the fact that " F is continuous if it is both u.s.c. and l.s.c".
I would like illustrate that and thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you know the definitions of u.s.c and l.s.c?
  • #3
Let X and Y be two topological spaces and F:X→P(Y)\{φ} be a set-valued map, we say that F is upper semicontinuous at x₀∈X, u.s.c. for short, if for any open V containing F(x₀) there exists a neighborhood N(x₀) of x₀ such that F(x)⊆V for all x∈N(x₀). We say that F is upper semicontinuous if it is so at every x∈X.
Let X and Y be two topological spaces and F:X→P(Y)\{φ}. We say that F is lower semicontinuous at x₀, l.s.c. for short, if for every open set V in Y with V∩F(x₀)≠φ, there exists a neighborhood N(x₀) for x₀ such that V∩F(x)≠φ for all x∈N(x₀). F is called lower semicontinuous if it is lower semicontinuous at each x∈X.
  • #4
It appears to be lower semicontinuous but not upper semicontinuous.

To see it's lower semicontinuous, fix an open set ##V\subseteq \mathbb R^2## which intersects ##F(\alpha)## for some given ##\alpha\in[0,2\pi]##. That is, ##\lambda(\cos\alpha,\sin\alpha) \in V## for some ##\lambda\geq0##. You can check that for ##\beta## sufficiently close to ##\alpha##, the openness of ##V## implies ##\lambda(\cos\beta,\sin\beta) \in V##, and in particular, ##V## intersects ##F(\beta)##.

To see it's not upper semicontinuous at any ##\alpha\in [0,2\pi]##, consider the set ##V = \{\lambda(\cos\beta, \sin\beta): \enspace \beta\in \mathbb R, \enspace \lambda \in (-1, \infty), \enspace \lambda|\alpha-\beta|<1\}##. You can verify that ##V## is an open superset of ##F(\alpha)##, and that ##F(\beta) \nsubseteq V## for any ##\beta\neq\alpha##.
  • #5
I see this as just the equivalent of the definition of continuity at a point; from Wiki:

, but I am confused at your statement that it is continuous but not u.s.c for ## \alpha \in [0, 2\pi ] ## , since continuity implies u.s.c. Maybe you want continuity for ## \alpha ## outside of ## [0, 2\pi] ## ?

Sorry to nitpick so much, but in my understanding, your definition of lower semicontinuity implies continuity. What def. of continuity are you using, the inverse image of open/closed is open/closed?
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  • #6
thank you very much, , economicsnerd.
Also like to thank WWGD.
  • #7
The file attachment in down, please help me.


  • تعريف +امثله111.pdf
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  • #8
The usual definition of a set-valued map being continuous is that it's both upper and lower semicontinuous. So of course, it can't be continuous without being lower semicontinuous.
  • #9
Browsing the web, it appears that the study of set valued functions is on the frontier of mathematical research. The PDF gives various definitions related to the continuity of set valued functions and distinguishes between continuity and "strict continuity".

FAQ: Is F continuous if it is both upper and lower semicontinuous?

1. What is continuity of a set-valued map?

Continuity of a set-valued map refers to the property of a map that preserves the relationship between the input and output sets. It means that small changes in the input set result in small changes in the output set. In other words, the map is continuous if the output set changes continuously with the input set.

2. How is continuity of a set-valued map different from continuity of a single-valued map?

The main difference between continuity of a set-valued map and continuity of a single-valued map is that set-valued maps can have multiple outputs for a single input, while single-valued maps have only one output for a single input. This means that continuity for set-valued maps is defined in terms of set neighborhoods, while continuity for single-valued maps is defined in terms of real numbers.

3. What is the importance of continuity in set-valued maps?

Continuity is an important property for set-valued maps because it ensures that the map behaves in a predictable manner. It allows us to make small changes in the input set and expect small changes in the output set. This is crucial in many applications, such as optimization and control theory.

4. How is continuity of a set-valued map related to convexity?

Continuous set-valued maps are closely related to convexity. If a set-valued map is continuous, then its graph is a convex set. This means that any line segment connecting two points on the graph of a continuous set-valued map lies entirely within the graph. Conversely, if a set-valued map has a convex graph, it is continuous.

5. Can a set-valued map be continuous at some points and discontinuous at others?

Yes, a set-valued map can be continuous at some points and discontinuous at others. This is known as pointwise continuity. It means that the map is continuous at each point in the input set, but may not be continuous globally. In other words, small changes in the input set around a particular point will result in small changes in the output set, but this may not hold true for the entire input set.
