Continuous Functions in Real Analysis

In summary: That's a little confusing. The point is that if you can find rationals r_n->q (the irrational), then limit f(r_n)=f(q) and limit g(r_n)=g(q), since f and g are continuous.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f, g be continuous from R to R (the reals), and suppose that f(r) = g(r) for all rational numbers r. Is it true that f(x) = g(x) for all x [tex]\in[/tex] R?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Basically, this seems trivial, but is probably tricky after all. I know that for f(x) to equal g(x) would mean that f(q) = g(q) where q is irrational as well as f(r) = g(r) as stated. I cannot think of example functions that are uniformly continuous on the Real line where this would fail, but yet, I also cannot think of a way to empirically prove that this is always true. Any help or a good starting point beyond this would be greatly appreciated. Note - this question follows the section of my text on "Combinations of Continuous Functions" but since this doesn't actually seem to combine f and g, beyond possibly the fact that f(x) = g(x) [tex]\Rightarrow[/tex] f(x) - g(x) = a continuous function h(x) as f, g continuous, I don't know of any other useful info in the text through this section.
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  • #2
It's not that tricky. Use that if x is irrational then there is a sequence of rationals r_n such that limit r_n=x as n->infinity. Have you proved that?
  • #3
I could see how it might be useful, but no we haven't proved it yet, so I don't know if I could validly use it.
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  • #4
magnoliamkt said:
I could see how it might be useful, but no we haven't proved it yet, so I don't know if I could validly use it.

It's easy enough to prove. For any integer n consider all of the rationals k/n where k is any integer. Pick r_n to be a rational k/n which is closest to x. How big can |x-r_n| be? The name for this sort of property is saying that the rationals are dense in the reals.
  • #5
Dick said:
It's not that tricky. Use that if x is irrational then there is a sequence of rationals r_n such that limit r_n=x as n->infinity. Have you proved that?

I'm a little confused. What d'ya mean?
  • #6
Dick said:
It's easy enough to prove. For any integer n consider all of the rationals k/n where k is any integer. Pick r_n to be a rational k/n which is closest to x. How big can |x-r_n| be? The name for this sort of property is saying that the rationals are dense in the reals.

Let me make sure I'm following you: Choosing a sequence r_n of rational numbers k/n close to an irrational number x [tex]\Rightarrow[/tex] [tex]\left|x-r_n \right|[/tex]< [tex]\epsilon[/tex] (epsilon) maybe? And then... lim [tex]\ r_n[/tex] = x. So we have that because lim of both f(r) and g(r) equal to an irrational number x (or q in my original post), implying that f(q)=g(q)?
  • #7
magnoliamkt said:
Let me make sure I'm following you: Choosing a sequence r_n of rational numbers k/n close to an irrational number x [tex]\Rightarrow[/tex] [tex]\left|x-r_n \right|[/tex]< [tex]\epsilon[/tex] (epsilon) maybe? And then... lim [tex]\ r_n[/tex] = x. So we have that because lim of both f(r) and g(r) equal to an irrational number x (or q in my original post), implying that f(q)=g(q)?

That's a little confusing. The point is that if you can find rationals r_n->q (the irrational), then limit f(r_n)=f(q) and limit g(r_n)=g(q), since f and g are continuous. What's r in your post?
  • #8
r was a rational number (as per the original question statement). I think I do understand this now though - sorry for the confusing post (I'm new to using this forum and the math language). Thanks for your help! :)

Related to Continuous Functions in Real Analysis

1. What is a continuous function?

A continuous function is a type of mathematical function that has the property of being unbroken, or without any abrupt changes or jumps, over a certain interval or domain. In simpler terms, this means that the graph of a continuous function can be drawn without lifting the pen from the paper.

2. How do you determine if a function is continuous?

A function is considered continuous if it satisfies the three main conditions of continuity: the function is defined at the point in question, the limit of the function exists at that point, and the limit is equal to the function's value at that point.

3. What is the importance of continuous functions in real analysis?

Continuous functions play a crucial role in real analysis as they help to study and analyze the properties of real numbers, such as convergence, limits, and continuity. They also provide a way to model and understand real-world phenomena, making them essential in various fields of science and engineering.

4. Can a function be continuous at one point but not at others?

Yes, a function can be continuous at one point and not at others. This is because continuity is a local property, meaning that it only applies to a specific point or a small neighborhood around it. A function can be continuous at one point but have discontinuities at other points in its domain.

5. How are continuous functions different from differentiable functions?

A continuous function is one that is unbroken and has no abrupt changes, while a differentiable function is one that has a well-defined derivative at every point in its domain. This means that all differentiable functions are continuous, but not all continuous functions are differentiable. A function can be continuous without being differentiable at certain points, such as sharp corners or cusps.

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