Contour integral along the imaginary axis

In summary, the conversation revolved around evaluating an integral along the imaginary axis, specifically using the function e^{iz}/(z^2 + a^2). The poles at z = \pm ia were discussed, along with their corresponding residues. The discussion also touched on the use of contours and Jordan's lemma, and how they may not be applicable in this scenario. Ultimately, the conversation concluded with the realization that the integral in question may not converge along the imaginary axis.
  • #1
I'd like to evaluate the integral,
[tex] \int^{i\infty}_{-i\infty} \frac{e^{iz}}{z^2 + a^2}dz [/tex]

along the imaginary axis. This function has poles at [itex] z = \pm ia [/itex], with corresponding residues [itex] \textrm{res}(\frac{e^{iz}}{z^2 + a^2},\pm ia) = \pm\frac{e^{\mp a}}{2ai} [/itex]

My question is - I'm not sure what contour to use. If I go from a segment [itex] (-iR, iR) [/itex], while skirting around the poles, and close it with a semi-circle in the right-half plane the resulting arc in the lower-right half plane will not vanish according to Jordan's lemma... I can't find any examples in my book about how to do contours along the imaginary axis - they all go along the real axis and mostly make use of Jordan's Lemma to simplify things, which doesn't seem applicable here.

Any suggestions?
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  • #2
dipole said:
I'd like to evaluate the integral,
[tex] \int^{i\infty}_{-i\infty} \frac{e^{iz}}{z^2 + a^2}dz [/tex]

along the imaginary axis. This function has poles at [itex] z = \pm ia [/itex], with corresponding residues [itex] \textrm{res}(\frac{e^{iz}}{z^2 + a^2},\pm ia) = \pm\frac{e^{\mp a}}{2ai} [/itex]

My question is - I'm not sure what contour to use. If I go from a segment [itex] (-iR, iR) [/itex], while skirting around the poles, and close it with a semi-circle in the right-half plane the resulting arc in the lower-right half plane will not vanish according to Jordan's lemma... I can't find any examples in my book about how to do contours along the imaginary axis - they all go along the real axis and mostly make use of Jordan's Lemma to simplify things, which doesn't seem applicable here.

Any suggestions?

Why don't you change the variable z to u=iz and write the contour integral in terms of u. That will give you an integral along the real axis, right?
  • #3
Hmm well that seems easy... so making the substitution [itex] u = iz [/itex], I'd have,

[tex] -i\int^{\infty}_{-\infty} \frac{e^{u}}{a^2-u^2}du [/tex]

which clearly won't converge. Seems like a silly integral to ask us to do, but does this look correct?
  • #4
dipole said:
Hmm well that seems easy... so making the substitution [itex] u = iz [/itex], I'd have,

[tex] -i\int^{\infty}_{-\infty} \frac{e^{u}}{a^2-u^2}du [/tex]

which clearly won't converge. Seems like a silly integral to ask us to do, but does this look correct?

Yeah, I didn't check all of the signs, but I think that integral has some problems. The same ones your original integral does.
  • #5
It's definitely the correct integral, we were asked to integrate along the real axis first, which was easy enough, and then along the imaginary axis.

Is it true in general that if an integral converges along the real axis it will diverge along the imaginary axis? I know analytic functions have to be unbounded somewhere - this a manifestation of that?
  • #6
dipole said:
It's definitely the correct integral, we were asked to integrate along the real axis first, which was easy enough, and then along the imaginary axis.

Is it true in general that if an integral converges along the real axis it will diverge along the imaginary axis? I know analytic functions have to be unbounded somewhere - this a manifestation of that?

No, that's not true. It is true analytic functions can't be bounded unless they are constant. But 1/(z^2-i) converges along both the real and imaginary axes.
  • #7
If [itex]a[/itex] is real the integral along the imaginary axis doesn't exist. You can however calculate an integral using a contour that circumvents the poles along the imaginary axis somehow. The result will however depend on the way how you avoid the singularities.

Such integrals appear in physics when looking for Green's functions of oscillators or for relativistic wave equations. Then the physical problem tells you, which Green's function (retarded, advanced, time-ordered, anti-timeordered etc.) you want to calculate and this determines, how to avoid the singularities.

Related to Contour integral along the imaginary axis

1. What is a contour integral along the imaginary axis?

A contour integral along the imaginary axis is a type of integration in complex analysis where the integration path follows the imaginary axis in the complex plane. This means that the integration is done along a straight line in the complex plane with only imaginary numbers, rather than along a curve or real numbers.

2. Why is the imaginary axis used for contour integrals?

The imaginary axis is often used for contour integrals because it simplifies the calculations and allows for easier evaluation of the integral. It also allows for the use of Cauchy's integral formula, which states that the value of a contour integral is determined by the function's values at points inside the contour, which can be easier to evaluate along the imaginary axis.

3. What is the significance of contour integrals along the imaginary axis?

Contour integrals along the imaginary axis are important in complex analysis because they allow for the evaluation of complex functions and can be used to solve problems in physics and engineering. They are also useful in calculating residues, which are important in the study of complex functions and singularities.

4. Can contour integrals along the imaginary axis be used to evaluate real integrals?

Yes, contour integrals along the imaginary axis can be used to evaluate real integrals. This is because real integrals can be expressed as a combination of complex integrals, and the use of the imaginary axis can simplify the calculations. This is known as the method of contour integration.

5. Are there any limitations to using the imaginary axis for contour integrals?

While the imaginary axis is a useful tool for evaluating contour integrals, it is not always applicable. For example, if the function being integrated has singularities or branch cuts along the imaginary axis, the integral may not converge. In these cases, alternative methods such as the method of residues may need to be used.

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